I am unsure as to whether my already extracted DNA is of a high enough quality for Flex-Seq. If I submit my samples, and they are of suboptimal quality, will I be notified? learn more
How much DNA do I need to run on an agarose gel to initially assess whether my DNA is suitable for Flex-Seq? learn more
I wish to screen F2 segregating populations in which each SNP can be both homozygous and heterozygous. Will Flex-Seq provide enough depth of coverage to allow for this level of discrimination? learn more
When sending plant samples for extraction and sequencing, can I send the samples in a deep well plate? learn more
I have some historic leaf punch samples which I stored at -20 °C without any buffer (due to buffer salt crystallisation on thawing). Would it be possible to send these leaf punches to LGC Biosearch Technologies for extraction and sequencing? learn more
I have a lower-than-recommended concentration of DNA. Can I perform whole genome amplification (WGA) on my DNA prior to submitting it for Flex-Seq? learn more
For my Flex-Seq project, can I submit my DNA in both 96-well plate and 384-well plate format? learn more
I have already sent primary samples/DNA to LGC, Biosearch Technologies for an all-inclusive project/sequencing project in the past. Can these samples be used for Flex-Seq? learn more
I have limited amounts of DNA remaining for my project. What is the minimum DNA concentration I can submit without impacting library preparation too much? learn more
I wish to submit regular samples for the same markers over an extended period of time. How will this affect the expected turnaround times? learn more