Stellaris RNA FISH citation center
Find peer reviewed publications citing Stellaris™ RNA FISH probe sets sorted by product, application, model organism and more.
The following peer-reviewed customer publications cite Stellaris RNA FISH products and/or services. Over 33% of publications citing Stellaris RNA FISH publish in Cell, Nature, or Science speaking volumes about the quality of our product and the thought leadership of our customers.
Nature, Cell or Science
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Papers labeled as Nature, Science, or Cell include sub-groups of these publishing groups such as communications, letters, methods etc.
*Updated for 2016
Stellaris scoop research highlights
Stellaris for study in human pathologies

Primary Human Placental Trophoblasts are Permissive for Zika Virus (ZIKV) Replication.
Kjersti Aagaard et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.

Gene activation of SMN by selective disruption of lncRNA-mediated recruitment of PRC2 for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy.
Caroline Woo et al. PNAS PLUS. 2017.

LncBRM initiates YAP1 signalling activation to drive self-renewal of liver cancer stem cells.
Pingping Zhu et al. Nature Communications. 2016.

ANRIL: A Regulator of VEGF in Diabetic Retinopathy.
Anu Thomas et al. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2017.

See our professionally designed Stellaris RNA FISH probe sets by searching our DesignReady RNA FISH probe sets, including our Zika probe sets.
Comprehensive Publication List
Research focus
piRNA-mediated regulation of transposon alternative splicing in the soma and germ line
Teixeiraet al. Nature Letter. 2017
The Germline-Specific Factor OEF-1 Facilitates Coordinated Progression Through Germ Cell Development in Caenorhabditis elegans
High ImpactDynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
van-Oudenaardenet al. Nature Communications. 2017
High Impact, PlantCell-Size-Dependent Transcription of FLC and Its Antisense Long Non-coding RNA COOLAIR Explain Cell-to-Cell Expression Variation
Ietswaartet al. Cell Systems. 2017
miRNAs cooperate in apoptosis regulation during C. elegans development
Sherrardet al. Genes and Development. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s)
Sexually dimorphic control of gene expression in sensory neurons regulates decision-making behavior in C. elegans
Hilbertet al. eLIFE. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long non-coding RNA Linc-RAM enhances myogenic differentiation by interacting with MyoD
Yuet al. Nature Communications. 2017
Homeodomain protein Otp affects developmental neuropeptide switching in oxytocin neurons associated with a long-term effect on social behavior
sm“FISH”ing for Hedgehog
Drummondet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2017
High ImpactDynamic mRNA Transport and Local Translation in Radial Glial Progenitors of the Developing Brain
Pilazet al. Cell Current Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), SMF-3002-1
A novel isoform of Drosophila non-muscle Tropomyosin interacts with Kinesin-1 and functions in mRNA localization
Veeranan-Karmegamet al. Journal of Cell Science. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-5010-1
Transient transcription in the early embryo sets an epigenetic state that programs postnatal growth
Greenberget al. Nature Genetics. 2016
The UT family of MHC class I loci unique to non-eutherian mammals has limited polymorphism and tissue specific patterns of expression in the opossum
Krasnecet al. BMC Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
bicoid mRNA localises to the Drosophila oocyte anterior by random Dyneinmediated transport and anchoring
C. elegans GLP-1/Notch activates transcription in a probability gradient across the germline stem cell pool
Leeet al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DIGIT Is a Conserved Long Noncoding RNA that Regulates GSC Expression to Control Definitive Endoderm Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Daneshvaret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Lineage and X Chromosome Dynamics in Human Preimplantation Embryos
Temporal regulation of epithelium formation
Von-Stetinaet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Patched Receptors Sense, Interpret, and Establish an Epidermal Hedgehog Signaling Gradient
Adolpheet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2016
Meis/UNC-62 isoform dependent regulation of CoupTF-II/UNC-55 and GABAergic motor neuron subtype differentiation
Campbellet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Evolution of New cis-Regulatory Motifs Required for Cell-Specific Gene Expression in Caenorhabditis
Barkoulaset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Drosophila Wnt and STAT Define Apoptosis- Resistant Epithelial Cells for Tissue Regeneration after Irradiation
Vergheseet al. PLOS Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell analyses of X Chromosome inactivation dynamics and pluripotency during differentiation
Chenet al. Genome Research. 2016.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Dynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-¬cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
High ImpactAn Abundant Class of Non-coding DNA Can Prevent Stochastic Gene Silencing in the C. elegans Germline
Frokjaer-Jensenet al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Memory of cell shape biases stochastic fate decision-making despite mitotic rounding
Akanumaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Wnt pathway limits BMP signaling outside of the germline stem cell niche in Drosophila ovaries
Mottier-Pavieet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Emerging roles for long noncoding RNAs in skeletal biology and disease
Huynhet al. Connective Tissue Research. 2016
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Clustered nuclei maintain autonomy and nucleocytoplasmic ratio control in a syncytium
Dundonet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Divergent lncRNAs Regulate Gene Expression and Lineage Differentiation in Pluripotent Cells
Luoet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A simple and rapid method for combining fluorescent in situ RNA hybridization (FISH) and immunofluorescence in the C. elegans germline
Topologically associated domains enriched for lineage specific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis
Neemset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell differences in matrix gene expression do not predict matrix deposition
Coteet al. Nature Communications. 2016
Visualizing allele-specific expression in single cells reveals epigenetic mosaicism in an H19 loss-of-imprinting mutant
Ginartet al. Genes and Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-2161-5
Overlapping cell population expression profiling and regulatory inference in C. elegans
Burdiket al. BMC Genomics. 2016
Structure–function analysis of myomaker domains\ required for myoblast fusion
Millayet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1014-5
Mutagenesis of GATA motifs controlling the endoderm regulator elt-2 reveals distinct dominant and secondary cis-regulatory elements
Duet al. Developmental Biology. 2016
Germ Plasm Biogenesis—An Oskar-Centric Perspective
Lehmannet al. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 2016
High ImpactRNase P protein subunit Rpp29 represses histone H3.3 nucleosome deposition
Newhartet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016
Unequal distribution of 16S mtrRNA at the 2-cell stage regulates cell lineage allocations in mouse embryos
Zheng et al. Reproduction. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Brain regions and molecular pathways responding to food reward type and value in honey bees
Matthew S McNeill et al. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
Stapel et al. Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
LncRNA-HIT Functions as an Epigenetic Regulator of Chondrogenesis through Its Recruitment of p100/CBP Complexes
Carlson et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The primate-specific noncoding RNA HPAT5 regulates pluripotency during human preimplantation development and nuclear reprogramming
Durruthy-Durruthy et al. Nature Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell messenger RNA sequencing reveals rare intestinal cell types
Antagonist Xist and Tsix co-transcription during mouse oogenesis and maternal Xist expression during pre-implantation development calls into question the nature of the maternal imprint on the X chromosome
Deuve et al. Epigenetics. 2015
Analysis of dynamic changes in retinoid-induced transcription and epigenetic profiles of murine Hox clusters in ES cells
Kumar et al. Genome Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
piRNA-guided slicing of transposon transcripts enforces their transcriptional silencing via specifying the nuclear piRNA repertoire
Senti et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MED GATA factors promote robust development of the C. elegans endoderm
Maduroet al. Developmental Biology. 2015
Single Cell Analysis Reveals Concomitant Transcription of Pluripotent and Lineage Markers During the Early Steps of Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Lanctôt et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
G1/S Inhibitors and the SWI/SNF Complex Control Cell-Cycle Exit during Muscle Differentiation
Ruijtenberg et al. Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Robust hematopoietic progenitor cell commitment in the presence of a conflicting cue
Shah et al. Journal of Cell Science. 2015
DAZL regulates Tet1 translation in murine embryonic stem cells
Wellinget al. EMBO reports. 2015
High ImpactAn alternative pluripotent state confers interspecies chimaeric competency
Wu et al. Nature. 2015.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Single-molecule analysis of myocyte differentiation reveals bimodal lineage commitment†
Gibson et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
Asymmetric Transcript Discovery by RNA-seq in C. elegans Blastomeres Identifies neg-1, a Gene Important for Anterior Morphogenesis
Osborne Nishimura et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CSR-1 and P granules suppress sperm-specific transcription in the C. elegans germline
Campbell et al. The Company of Biologists. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Voxel-based analysis of the immediate early gene, c-jun, in the honey bee brain after a sucrose stimulus
McNeill et al. Insect Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell XIST Expression in Human Preimplantation Embryos and Newly Reprogrammed Female Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Briggs et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Licensing of Primordial Germ Cells for Gametogenesis Depends on Genital Ridge Signaling
The Bicoid Class Homeodomain Factors ceh-36/OTX and unc-30/PITX Cooperate in C. elegans Embryonic Progenitor Cells to Regulate Robust Development
Walton et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015
Multi-Scale Imaging and Informatics Pipeline for In Situ Pluripotent Stem Cell Analysis
Regulation of RNA granule dynamics by phosphorylation of serine-rich, intrinsically-disordered proteins in C. elegans
Wang et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Novel Small Leucine-Rich Protein Chondroadherin-like (CHADL) is Expressed in Cartilage and Modulates Chondrocyte Differentiation*
High ImpactA Predictive Model of Bifunctional Transcription Factor Signaling during Embryonic Tissue Patterning
Junker et al. Cell, Developmental Cell. 2014
High ImpactStochastic promoter activation affects Nanog expression variability in mouse embryonic stem cells
Ochiai et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chd1 is essential for the high transcriptional output and rapid growth of the mouse epiblast
Guzman-ayala et al. The Company of Biologists. 2014
Quantification of pre-mRNA escape rate and synergy in splicing
Bonde et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell Intrinsic Modulation of Wnt Signaling Controls Neuroblast Migration in C. elegans
Mentink et al. Developmental Cell. 2014
The long noncoding RNA Neat1 is required for mammary gland development and lactation
Standaert et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: SMF-3010-1
Rejuvenation of Meiotic Cohesion in Oocytes during Prophase I Is Required for Chiasma Maintenance and Accurate Chromosome Segregation
Weng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Gene Regulatory Network Controls the Binary Fate Decision of Rod and Bipolar Cells in the Vertebrate Retina
Wang et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
SUMV-1 antagonizes the activity of synthetic multivulva genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Yucel et al. Developmental Biology. 2014
The exon junction complex controls transposable element activity by ensuring faithful splicing of the piwi transcript
Malone et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lgr5 marks stem/progenitor cells in ovary and tubal epithelia
Ng et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The embryo as a laboratory: Quantifying transcription in Drosophila
Gregor et al. Cell Trends in Genetics. 2014
High ImpactDefining Estrogenic Mechanisms of Bisphenol A Analogs through High Throughput Microscopy-Based Contextual Assays
Stossi et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Rhino-Deadlock-Cutoff Complex Licenses Noncanonical Transcription of Dual-Strand piRNA Clusters in Drosophila
SUMV-1 antagonizes the activity of synthetic multivulva genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Yücel et al. Developmental Biology, Elsevier. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Maternal bias and escape from X chromosome imprinting in the midgestation mouse placenta
Finn et al. Developmental Biology. 2014
Spermatid Cyst Polarization in Drosophila Depends upon apkc and the CPEB Family Translational Regulator orb2
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic NANOG fluctuations allow mouse embryonic stem cells to explore pluripotency
Abranches et al. Development, The Company of Biologists. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lineage and species-specific long noncoding RNAs during erythro-megakaryocytic development
Aberrant Patterns of X Chromosome Inactivation in a New Line of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Established in Physiological Oxygen Concentrations
Oliveira Georges et al. Stem Cell Rev and Rep. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Maternal bias and escape from X chromosome imprinting in the midgestation mouse placenta
Finn et al. Developmental Biology, Elsevier. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lineage and species-specific long noncoding RNAs during erythro-megakaryocytic development
Paralkar et al. Red Cells, Iron, and Erythropoiesis. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topological organization of multichromosomal regions by the long intergenic noncoding RNA Firre
Hacisuleyman et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global discovery of erythroid long noncoding RNAs reveals novel regulators of red cell maturation
Alvarez-Dominguezet al. Blood Journal. 2014
High ImpactLuminal signalling links cell communication to tissue architecture during organogenesis
Durdu et al. Nature Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mitochondria Coordinate Sites of Axon Branching through Localized Intra-axonal Protein Synthesis
Spillane et al. Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Defined Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture Enables Highly Efficient Neuroepithelium Derivation Without Small Molecule Inhibitors
Lippmann et al. Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Histone Methylation Restrains the Expression of Subtype-Specific Genes during Terminal Neuronal Differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Zheng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Feedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
High ImpactFeedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
Regulation of maternal Wnt mRNA translation in C. elegans embryos
High ImpactDampening of expression oscillations by synchronous regulation of a microRNA and its target
Kimet al. Nature Genetics. 2013
High ImpactNonautonomous Regulation of Neuronal Migration by Insulin Signaling, DAF-16/FOXO, and PAK-1
Kennedy et al. Cell Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic Cytokine Expression Induces Mixed T Helper Cell States
Fang et al. PLOS Biology. 2013
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
Lee et al. Developmental Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Injury-induced BMP signaling negatively regulates Drosophila midgut homeostasis
Guo et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2013
Single-cell gene expression profiling reveals functional heterogeneity of undifferentiated human epidermal cells
Tan et al. Development and Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Deconvolving the roles of Wnt ligands and receptors in sensing and amplification
Tan et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
High ImpactEmbryonic Priming of a miRNA Locus Predetermines Postmitotic Neuronal Left/Right Asymmetry in C. elegans
Cochellaet al. Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The CPEB Protein Orb2 Has Multiple Functions during Spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Removal of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Makes C. elegans Germ Cells Susceptible to Direct Conversion into Specific Somatic Cell Types
Patelet al. Cell Reports. 2012
Quadraplex MultiplexA continuum of transcriptional identities visualized by combinatorial fluorescent in situ hybridization
High ImpactLgr5+ve Stem/Progenitor Cells Contribute to Nephron Formation during Kidney Development
Barkeret al. Cell Reports. 2012
High ImpactExtradenticle and Homothorax Control Adult Muscle Fiber Identity in Drosophila
Bryantsevet al. Developmental Cell. 2012
High ImpactGlobal Analysis of RNA Secondary Structure in Two Metazoans
The P granule component PGL-1 promotes the localization and silencing activity of the PUF protein FBF-2 in germline stem cells
Voronina et al. Development and Stem Cells. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of molecular compartments and genetic circuitry in the developing mammalian kidney
High ImpactPredicting mutation outcome from early stochastic variation in genetic interaction partners
Burgaet al. Nature Letter. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Shared gene expression in distinct neurons expressing common selector genes
Topalidou et al. PNAS. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MAB-10/NAB acts with LIN-29/EGR to regulate terminal differentiation and the transition from larva to adult in C. elegans
Harriset al. Development. 2011
Neuroblast migration along the anteroposterior axis of C. elegans is controlled by opposing gradients of Wnts and a secreted Frizzled-related protein
Harterinket al. Development. 2011
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Rajet al. Nature Article. 2010
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Up-regulation of ceRNA TINCR by SP1 contributes to tumorigenesis in breast cancer
The lncRNA H19 positively affects the tumorigenic properties of glioblastoma cells and contributes to NKD1 repression through the recruitment of EZH2 on its promoter
Long Non-coding MIR205HG Depletes Hsa-miR-590-3p Leading to Unrestrained Proliferation in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
DiAgostinoet al. Theranostics. 2018
High ImpactCRTC1-MAML2 fusion-induced lncRNA LINC00473 expression maintains the growth and survival of human mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells
Wuet al. Nature Oncogene. 2018
High ImpactPixelated spatial gene expression analysis from tissue
Bashiret al. Nature Communications. 2018
High ImpactOncogenic Role of THOR, a Conserved Cancer/Testis Long Non-coding RNA
High ImpactRare cell variability and drug-induced reprogramming as a mode of cancer drug resistance
High ImpactA slow-cycling subpopulation of melanoma cells with highly invasive properties
The circRNA interactome–innovative hallmarks of the intra- and extracellular radiation response
Atkinsonet al. Oncotarget. 2017
High ImpactRare cell variability and drug-induced reprogramming as a mode of cancer drug resistance
Shafferet al. Nature Letter. 2017
High ImpactThe long noncoding RNA SPRIGHTLY acts as an intranuclear organizing hub for pre-mRNA molecules
Pereraet al. Science Advances. 2017
PRAME as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
Gezginet al. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017
Quantification of HER2 and estrogen receptor heterogeneity in breast cancer by single-molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization
Annaratoneet al. Oncotarget. 2017
A single cell level measurement of StAR expression and activity in adrenal cells
Leeet al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Acquired CYP19A1 amplification is an early specific mechanism of aromatase inhibitor resistance in ERα metastatic breast cancer
Magnaniet al. Nature Genetics. 2017
sm“FISH”ing for Hedgehog
Drummondet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2017
Potential of long non-coding RNAs in cancer patients: From biomarkers to therapeutic targets
Guptaet al. IJC International Journal of Cancer. 2016
High ImpactLncBRM initiates YAP1 signalling activation to drive self-renewal of liver cancer stem cells
Zhuet al. Nature Communications. 2016
High ImpactMacrophage-dependent tumor cell transendothelial migration is mediated by Notch1/MenaINVinitiated invadopodium formation
Pignatelliet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Primate-specific oestrogen-responsive long non-coding RNAs regulate proliferation and viability of human breast cancer cells
Linet al. Open Biology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Epigenetic inactivation of the p53-induced long noncoding RNA TP53 target 1 in human cancer
Diaz-Lagareset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA ZEB1-AS1 acts as an oncogene in osteosarcoma by epigenetically activating ZEB1
Liuet al. American Journal of Translational Research. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
The lncRNA landscape of breast cancer reveals a role for DSCAM-AS1 in breast cancer progression
Niknafset al. Nature Communications. 2016
Long Noncoding RNA lncCAMTA1 Promotes Proliferation and Cancer Stem Cell-Like Properties of Liver Cancer by Inhibiting CAMTA1
Dinget al. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Temporal regulation of epithelium formation
Von-Stetinaet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Patched Receptors Sense, Interpret, and Establish an Epidermal Hedgehog Signaling Gradient
Adolpheet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2016
The emerging role of long non-coding RNAs in cutaneous melanoma
Leucciet al. Pigment Cell Melanoma. 2016
High ImpactModulation of long noncoding RNAs by risk SNPs underlying genetic predispositions to prostate cancer
Haiyang Guo et al. Nature Genetcs. 2016
Role of mir-15a/16-1 in early B cell development in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Excitability in the p53 network mediates robust signaling with tunable activation thresholds in single cells
Moenkeet al. bioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of star by the n-terminal Domain and coinduction of siK1 and Tis11b/Znf36l1 in single cells
Leeet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
LncSox4 promotes the self-renewal of liver tumour-initiating cells through Stat3-mediated Sox4 expression
Chenet al. Nature Communications. 2016
Global transcript structure resolution of high gene density genomes through multi-platform data integration
O’Gradyet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA GIHCG promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression through epigenetically regulating miR-200b/a/429
Suiet al. Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
p53 induces formation of NEAT1 lncRNA-containing paraspeckles that modulate replication stress response and chemosensitivity
Adriaenset al. Nature Medicine. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1, SMF-3010-1
Prognostic value of a newly identified MALAT1 alternatively spliced transcript in breast cancer
Meseureet al. British Journal of Cancer. 2016.
Products: SMF-2035-1
cAMP/CREB-regulated LINC00473 marks LKB1- inactivated lung cancer and mediates tumor growth
Chenet al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNase P protein subunit Rpp29 represses histone H3.3 nucleosome deposition
Newhartet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016
High ImpactStellaris® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for the Simultaneous Detection of Immature and Mature Long Noncoding RNAs in Adherent Cells
Post-transcriptional Modifications Contribute to the Upregulation of Cyclin D2 in Multiple Myeloma
Misiewicz-Krzeminska et al. Clinical Cancer Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Polyadenylation-Dependent 3' End Maturation Pathway Is Required for the Synthesis of the Human Telomerase RNA
Nguyen et al. Cell . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
p53 genes function to restrain mobile elements
Wylieet al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Telomerase RNA stem terminus element affects template boundary element function, telomere sequence, and shelterin binding
Webb et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesan et al. Oncotarget. 2015
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesanet al. Oncotarget. 2015
High ImpactNiche appropriation by Drosophila intestinal stem cell tumours
Patel et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hypoxia Up-Regulates Galectin-3 in Mammary Tumor Progression and Metastasis
Oliveira et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mutant p53 accumulates in cycling and proliferating cells in the normal tissues of p53 R172H mutant mice
High ImpactG1/S Inhibitors and the SWI/SNF Complex Control Cell-Cycle Exit during Muscle Differentiation
Ruijtenberg et al. Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Pervasive transcription read-through promotes aberrant expression of oncogenes and RNA chimeras in renal carcinoma
Grosso et al. eLife. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CArG-driven GADD45α activated by resveratrol inhibits lung cancer cells
Shi et al. Genes & Cancer. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Functional Characterization of Long Noncoding RNA Lnc_bc060912 in Human Lung Carcinoma Cells
Luo et al. Biochemistry . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Noncoding RNA lncTCF7 Promotes Self-Renewal of Human Liver Cancer Stem Cells through Activation of Wnt Signaling
Wang et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
High ImpactGenome-wide profiling of p53-regulated enhancer RNAs uncovers a subset of enhancers controlled by a lncRNA
The structure of human SFPQ reveals a coiled-coil mediated polymer essential for functional aggregation in gene regulation
Lee et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Molekulárna cytogenetika v problematike familiárnych malignít
Konečný et al. Hlavná téma. 2015
High ImpactGenome-wide analysis of the human p53 transcriptional network unveils a lncRNA tumour suppressor signature
S'anchez et al. Nature Communications. 2014
High ImpactProteostatic Control of Telomerase Function through TRiC-Mediated Folding of TCAB1
Freund et al. Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inter- and intratumoral heterogeneity of BCL2 correlates with IgH expression and prognosis in follicular lymphoma
Barreca et al. Nature Blood Cancer Journal. 2014
Removal of 8-oxo-GTP by MutT hydrolase is not a major contributor to transcriptional fidelity
Gordon et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014
Kinetic competition during the transcription cycle results in stochastic RNA processing
Coulon et al. eLIFE, Biophysics and structural biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Benzyl butyl phthalate induces migration, invasion, and angiogenesis of Huh7 hepatocellular carcinoma cells through nongenomic AhR/G-protein signaling
Tsai et al. BMC Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Defining Estrogenic Mechanisms of Bisphenol A Analogs through High Throughput Microscopy-Based Contextual Assays
Stossi et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Therapeutic implications of activation of the host gene (Dleu2) promoter for miR-15a/16-1 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
High ImpactLincRNA-p21 Activates p21 In cis to Promote Polycomb Target Gene Expression and to Enforce the G1/S Checkpoint
Dimitrova et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The role of high cell density in the promotion of neuroendocrine transdifferentiation of prostate cancer cells
Pernicova et al. Molecular Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of intestinal tumor formation by deletion of the DNA methyltransferase 3a
Weis et al. Nature Oncogene. 2014
Tumor endothelial marker 1–specific DNA vaccination targets tumor vasculature
Facciponte et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014
Tumor endothelial marker 1-specific DNA vaccination targets tumor vasculature
Facciponte et al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014
Differential Expression of Galectin-1 and Galectin-3 in Canine Nonmalignant and Malignant Mammary Tissues, and in Progression to Metastases in Mammary Tumours
Oliveira JT et al. Anticancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The functional characterization of long noncoding RNA SPRY4-IT1 in human melanoma cells
Mazar et al. Oncotarget. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Receptor-interacting protein kinase 2 promotes triple-negative breast cancer cell migration and invasion via activation of nuclear factor-kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathways
Singel et al. Breast Cancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
KIF14 Promotes AKT Phosphorylation and Contributes to Chemoresistance in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Singel et al. Neoplasia. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Image-based transcriptomics in thousands of single human cells at single-molecule resolution
Battich et al. Nature Methods. 2013
High ImpactTumour angiogenesis regulation by the miR-200 family
Peot et al. Nature Communications. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Expanding the Diversity of Imaging-Based RNAi Screen Applications Using Cell Spot Microarrays
Rantala et al. Microarrays. 2013
Coactivators enable glucocorticoid receptor recruitment to fine-tune estrogen receptor transcriptional responses
Bolt et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013.
Products: VSMF-1011-5
Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization: Quantitative imaging of single RNA molecules
High ImpactControl of somatic tissue differentiation by the long non-coding RNA TINCR
Kretz et al. Nature Research Letter. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
TPP1 OB-Fold Domain Controls Telomere Maintenance by Recruiting Telomerase to Chromosome Ends
Zhonget al. Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Genes methylated by DNA methyltransferase 3b are similar in mouse intestine and human colon cancer
Nucleolin-Mediated RNA Localization Regulates Neuron Growth and Cycling Cell Size
Perryet al. Cell Reports. 0216
Spatial organization of the somatosensory cortex revealed by cyclic smFISH
Linnarssonet al. bioRxiv. 2018
Changes in behavior and brain immediate early gene expression in male threespined sticklebacks as they become fathers
Bellet al. Hormones and Behavior. 2017
High ImpactMicroRNA filters Hox temporal transcription noise to confer boundary formation in the spinal cord
Liet al. Nature Communications. 2017
Unique spectral signatures of the nucleic acid dye acridine orange can distinguish cell death by apoptosis and necroptosis
Plemelet al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2017
Gene activation of SMN by selective disruption of lncRNA-mediated recruitment of PRC2 for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy
Neural Progenitor Cells Promote Axonal Growth and Alter Axonal mRNA Localization in Adult Neurons
Sexually dimorphic control of gene expression in sensory neurons regulates decision-making behavior in C. elegans
Hilbertet al. eLIFE. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Age-Dependent Neuroendocrine Signaling from Sensory Neurons Modulates the Effect of Dietary Restriction on Longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans
Fletcheret al. PLOS Genetics. 2017
High ImpactThe long non-coding RNA NEAT1 is responsive to neuronal activity and is associated with hyperexcitability states
Barryet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: SMF-2026-1, SMF-2036-1
Homeodomain protein Otp affects developmental neuropeptide switching in oxytocin neurons associated with a long-term effect on social behavior
High ImpactDynamic mRNA Transport and Local Translation in Radial Glial Progenitors of the Developing Brain
Pilazet al. Cell Current Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), SMF-3002-1
Visualizing adenosine to inosine RNA editing in single mammalian cells
Axonal ribosomes and mRNAs associate with fragile X granules in adult rodent and human brains
Akinset al. Human Molecular Genetics. 2016
High ImpactA C. elegans Thermosensory Circuit Regulates Longevity through crh-1/CREB-Dependent flp-6 Neuropeptide Signaling
Chenet al. Developmental Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
In Situ Transcription Profiling of Single Cells Reveals Spatial Organization of Cells in the Mouse Hippocampus
High ImpactMolecular Diversity of Midbrain Development in Mouse, Human, and Stem Cells
High ImpactThe Mitochondria-Regulated Immune Pathway Activated in the C. elegans Intestine Is Neuroprotective
Chikkaet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Conservation of context-dependent splicing activity in distant Muscleblind homologs
Oddoet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of Lithium-Sensitive Phosphatase BPNT-1 Causes Selective Neuronal Dysfunction in C. elegans
Meiselet al. Curent Biology. 7-25
High ImpactTranscriptional enhancement of Smn levels in motoneurons is crucial for proper axon morphology in zebrafish
Spiroet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nuclear speckles are detention centers for transcripts containing expanded CAG repeats
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016
Deficiency of the Survival of Motor Neuron Protein Impairs mRNA Localization and Local Translation in the Growth Cone of Motor Neurons
Falliniet al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Distal Alternative Last Exons Localize mRNAs to Neural Projections
Taliaferroet al. Molecular Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fezf2 Expression in Layer 5 Projection Neurons of Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multiplexed Intact-Tissue Transcriptional Analysis at Cellular Resolution
RNA FISH for detecting expanded repeats in human diseases
Urbanek et al. Methods. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Engineering Duplex RNAs for Challenging Targets: Recognition of GGGGCC/CCCCGG Repeats at the ALS/FTD C9orf72 Locus
Hu et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2015
Netrin-1 Induces Local Translation of Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule in Axonal Growth Cones
Jain et al. Developmental Neurobiology. 2015
High ImpactRegulatory Logic of Pan-Neuronal Gene Expression in C. elegans
Stefanakis et al. Neuron Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Prion-like domains in RNA binding proteins are essential for building subnuclear paraspeckles
Hennig et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: VSMF-2250-5
Paclitaxel inhibits mRNA transport in axons☆
Bobylev et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of PSD-95 mRNA Translation in Dendrites and Its Dysregulation in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome
Ifrim et al. The Journal of Neuorscience. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell types in the mouse cortex and hippocampus revealed by single-cell RNA-seq
Regulation of Mechanosensation in C. elegans through Ubiquitination of the MEC-4 Mechanotransduction Channel
Chen et al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2015
Cadherin-8 Expression, Synaptic Localization, and Molecular Control of Neuronal Form in Prefrontal Corticostriatal Circuits
Friedman et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Defining Estrogenic Mechanisms of Bisphenol A Analogs through High Throughput Microscopy-Based Contextual Assays
Stossi et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multiple knockout mouse models reveal lincRNAs are required for life and brain development
Sauvageau et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mitochondria Coordinate Sites of Axon Branching through Localized Intra-axonal Protein Synthesis
Spillane et al. Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Histone Methylation Restrains the Expression of Subtype-Specific Genes during Terminal Neuronal Differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Zheng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Feedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
High ImpactCircular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency
Memczak et al. Nature Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Removal of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Makes C. elegans Germ Cells Susceptible to Direct Conversion into Specific Somatic Cell Types
Patelet al. Cell Reports. 2012
High ImpactAsymmetric Segregation of the Double-Stranded RNA Binding Protein Staufen2 during Mammalian Neural Stem Cell Divisions Promotes Lineage Progression
Kuseket al. Cell Stem Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Neuronal mRNAs travel singly into dendrites
Concentration-Dependent Requirement for Local Protein Synthesis in Motor Neuron Subtype-Specific Response to Axon Guidance Cues
Nedelecet al. Journal of Neuorscience. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Shared gene expression in distinct neurons expressing common selector genes
Topalidou et al. PNAS. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Caenorhabditis elegans aristaless/Arx gene alr-1 restricts variable gene expression
Neutrophils and Ly6Chi monocytes collaborate in generating an optimal cytokine response that protects against pulmonary Legionella pneumophila infection
Cassonet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2017
High ImpactLong noncoding RNA lncKdm2b is required for ILC3 maintenance by initiation of Zfp292 expression
Liuet al. Nature Immunology. 2017
Flow-FISHCombined Single-Cell Measurement of Cells with Persistent Effector Function Cytokine mRNA and Protein Identifies T
Nicoletet al. The Journal of Immunology. 2016
Intact NYN/PIN-Like Domain is Crucial for the Degradation of Inflammation-Related Transcripts by ZC3H12D
Wawroet al. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The UT family of MHC class I loci unique to non-eutherian mammals has limited polymorphism and tissue specific patterns of expression in the opossum
Krasnecet al. BMC Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The long non-coding RNA Morrbid regulates Bim and short-lived myeloid cell lifespan
Kotzinet al. Nature Letter. 2016
High ImpactThe Mitochondria-Regulated Immune Pathway Activated in the C. elegans Intestine Is Neuroprotective
Chikkaet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell-to-cell spread of microsporidia causes Caenorhabditis elegans organs to form syncytia
Ballaet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Aire knockdown in medullary thymic epithelial cells affects Aire protein, deregulates cell adhesion genes and decreases thymocyte interaction
Pezziet al. Molecular Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An Abundant Class of Non-coding DNA Can Prevent Stochastic Gene Silencing in the C. elegans Germline
Frokjaer-Jensenet al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global transcript structure resolution of high gene density genomes through multi-platform data integration
O’Gradyet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Th17 Cells Are Preferentially Infected Very Early after Vaginal Transmission of SIV in Macaques
Stiehet al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DDX3 Interacts with Influenza A Virus NS1 and NP Proteins and Exerts Antiviral Function through Regulation of Stress Granule Formation
Thulasi-Ramanet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus utilizes nanotubes for intercellular spread
Guoet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DDX3 interacts with influenza A NS1 and NP proteins and exerts antiviral function through regulation of stress granule formation
Thulasi Raman et al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell Cytokine Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells Correlates with Latent Tuberculosis Status
Nonspreading Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection of Human Dendritic Cells Results in Downregulation of CD83 and Full Maturation of Bystander Cells
Oreshkova et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Female bias in systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with the differential expression of X-linked toll-like receptor 8
Propionibacterium acnes Recovered from Atherosclerotic Human Carotid Arteries Undergoes Biofilm Dispersion and Releases Lipolytic and Proteolytic Enzymes in Response to Norepinephrine Challenge In Vitro
Lanter et al. Infection and Immunity. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) DC-SCRIPT, a Specific Molecular Marker for Dendritic Cells in Fish
Zoccola et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Ubiquitin Proteasome System Plays a Role in Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infection
Amaya et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Wild C. Elegans Strain Has Enhanced Epithelial Immunity to a Natural Microsporidian Parasite
Balla et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell analysis shows that paracrine signaling by first responder cells shapes the interferon-b response to viral infection
Patil et al. Science Signaling. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts
De Clerck et al. Microbiome. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Profiling T Cell Activation Using Hybridization and Flow Cytometry Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ
Bushkin et al. The Journal of Immunology. 2014
RNA-directed remodeling of the HIV-1 protein Rev orchestrates assembly of the Rev–Rev response element complex
Activation of the Chicken Type I Interferon Response by Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus
Kint et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chemosensation of Bacterial Secondary Metabolites Modulates Neuroendocrine Signaling and Behavior of C. elegans
Meisel et al. Cell, Elsevier . 2014
High ImpactThe STAT3-Binding Long Noncoding RNA lnc-DC Controls Human Dendritic Cell Differentiation
Tumor endothelial marker 1–specific DNA vaccination targets tumor vasculature
Facciponte et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014
Global Bidirectional Transcription of the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome 1 During Reactivation
O’Grady et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Small alveolar macrophages are infected preferentially by HIV and exhibit impaired phagocytic function
Jambo et al. Nature Mucosal Immunology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nup98 promotes antiviral gene expression to restrict RNA viral infection in Drosophila
Nuclear import of APOBEC3F-labeled HIV-1 preintegration complexes
Burdick et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A deletion polymorphism in the Caenorhabditis elegans RIG-I homolog disables viral RNA dicing and antiviral immunity
Ashe et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orsay, Santeuil and Le Blanc viruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
IFI16 senses DNA forms of the lentiviral replication cycle and controls HIV-1 replication
Jakobsen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013
Discovery of J Chain in African Lungfish (Protopterus dolloi, Sarcopterygii) Using High Throughput Transcriptome Sequencing: Implications in Mucosal Immunity
Colocalization of Different Influenza Viral RNA Segments in the Cytoplasm before Viral Budding as Shown by Single-molecule Sensitivity FISH Analysis
Chou et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Digoxin Suppresses HIV-1 Replication by Altering Viral RNA Processing
Wong et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garcia et al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garciaet al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Influenza A Virus PB2, PA, NP, and M Segments Play a Pivotal Role during Genome Packaging
One influenza virus particle packages eight unique viral RNAs as shown by FISH analysis
Dynamics of protein noise can distinguish between alternate sources of gene-expression variability
An NS-segment exonic splicing enhancer regulates influenza A virus replication in mammalian cells
Huanget al. Nature Communications. 2017
High ImpactPrimary Human Placental Trophoblasts are Permissive for Zika Virus (ZIKV) Replication
Aagaardet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), VSMF-9579-5
Microbiota Diurnal Rhythmicity Programs Host Transcriptome Oscillations
NES masking regulates HIV-1 Rev trafficking and viral RNA nuclear export
Behrenset al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
NEAT1 modulates herpes simplex virus-1 replication by regulating viral gene transcription
Wanget al. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2016.
Products: SMF-2037-1
Experimental Approaches to Study Genome Packaging of Influenza A Viruses
Intercellular Transmission of Viral Populations with Vesicles
Human metapneumovirus Induces Reorganization of the Actin Cytoskeleton for Direct Cell-to-Cell Spread
El-Najjaret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Multicomponent Animal Virus Isolated from Mosquitoes
Ladneret al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule FISH Reveals Non-selective Packaging of Rift Valley Fever Virus Genome Segments
Schreuret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016
High ImpactCell-to-cell spread of microsporidia causes Caenorhabditis elegans organs to form syncytia
Ballaet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A systematic view on influenza induced host shutoff
Bercovich-Kinoriet al. eLIFE. 2016
FLOW-FISHHeterogeneous loss of HIV transcription and proviral DNA from 8E5/LAV lymphoblastic leukemia cells revealed by RNA FISH:FLOW analyses
Wilburnet al. Retrovirology. 2016
New World and Old World Alphaviruses Have Evolved to Exploit Different Components of Stress Granules, FXR and G3BP Proteins, for Assembly of Viral Replication Complexes
YoungKimet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
NXT1, a Novel Influenza A NP Binding Protein, Promotes the Nuclear Export of NP via a CRM1-Dependent Pathway
Chutiwitoonchaiet al. Viruses. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hepatitis B virus polymerase localizes to the mitochondria and its terminal protein domain contains the mitochondrial-targeting signal
Unchwaniwalaet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidia intracellular development relies on Myc interaction network transcription factors in the host
Bottset al. G3. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An Epstein-Barr Virus-Encoded Protein Complex Requires an Origin of Lytic Replication In Cis to Mediate Late Gene Transcription
Djavadianet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Perturbing HIV-1 genomic RNA subcellular location inhibits virus particle production
Beckeret al. bioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ebola virus does not induce stress granule formation during infection and sequesters stress granule proteins within viral inclusions
Nelsonet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Influenza virus mRNA trafficking through host nuclear speckles
Moret al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Viral genome imaging of hepatitis C virus to probe heterogeneous viral infection and responses to antiviral therapies
High ImpactTh17 Cells Are Preferentially Infected Very Early after Vaginal Transmission of SIV in Macaques
Stiehet al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Characterization of a Novel Orthomyxo-like Virus Causing Mass Die-Offs of Tilapia
Bacharachet al. mBio. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DDX3 Interacts with Influenza A Virus NS1 and NP Proteins and Exerts Antiviral Function through Regulation of Stress Granule Formation
Thulasi-Ramanet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DDX3 interacts with influenza A NS1 and NP proteins and exerts antiviral function through regulation of stress granule formation
Thulasi Raman et al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chacko et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chackoet al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nonspreading Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection of Human Dendritic Cells Results in Downregulation of CD83 and Full Maturation of Bystander Cells
Oreshkova et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Nihal Altan-Bonnet: Tracking viruses that hijack membranes
Powellet al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
A Novel Antiviral Target Structure Involved in the RNA Binding, Dimerization, and Nuclear Export Functions of the Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein
Kakisaka et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
New Noncoding Lytic Transcripts Derived from the Epstein-Barr Virus Latency Origin of Replication, oriP, Are Hyperedited, Bind the Paraspeckle Protein, NONO/p54nrb, and Support Viral Lytic Transcription
Cao et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Differential Effects of Tra2ß Isoforms on HIV-1 RNA Processing and Expression
Platt et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Single-molecule analysis of myocyte differentiation reveals bimodal lineage commitment†
Gibson et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
Mining the Human Complexome Database Identifies RBM14 as an XPO1-Associated Protein Involved in HIV-1 Rev Function
Budhiraja et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ploidy variation in multinucleate cells changes under stress
Andersonet al. Molecular Biology Cell. 2015
A Wild C. Elegans Strain Has Enhanced Epithelial Immunity to a Natural Microsporidian Parasite
Balla et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phosphatidylserine Vesicles Enable Efficient En Bloc Transmission of Enteroviruses
Microbe ScreenA metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts
De Clerck et al. Microbiome. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA-directed remodeling of the HIV-1 protein Rev orchestrates assembly of the Rev–Rev response element complex
Activation of the Chicken Type I Interferon Response by Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus
Kint et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MicroRNA binding to the HIV-1 Gag protein inhibits Gag assembly and virus production
Chen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global Bidirectional Transcription of the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome 1 During Reactivation
O’Grady et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Small alveolar macrophages are infected preferentially by HIV and exhibit impaired phagocytic function
Jambo et al. Nature Mucosal Immunology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of a novel multiple kinase inhibitor with potent antiviral activity against influenza virus by reducing viral polymerase activity
Sasaki et al. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2014
Orsay,Santeuil and LeBlancviruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Characterization of novel inhibitors of HIV-1 replication that function via alteration of viral RNA processing and rev function
Wong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nuclear import of APOBEC3F-labeled HIV-1 preintegration complexes
Burdick et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A deletion polymorphism in the Caenorhabditis elegans RIG-I homolog disables viral RNA dicing and antiviral immunity
Ashe et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orsay, Santeuil and Le Blanc viruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
IFI16 senses DNA forms of the lentiviral replication cycle and controls HIV-1 replication
Jakobsen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013
Colocalization of Different Influenza Viral RNA Segments in the Cytoplasm before Viral Budding as Shown by Single-molecule Sensitivity FISH Analysis
Chou et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Digoxin Suppresses HIV-1 Replication by Altering Viral RNA Processing
Wong et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garciaet al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Influenza A Virus PB2, PA, NP, and M Segments Play a Pivotal Role during Genome Packaging
One influenza virus particle packages eight unique viral RNAs as shown by FISH analysis
Dynamics of protein noise can distinguish between alternate sources of gene-expression variability
Transgenerational dynamics of rDNA copy number in Drosophila male germline stem cells
Age-Dependent Neuroendocrine Signaling from Sensory Neurons Modulates the Effect of Dietary Restriction on Longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans
Fletcheret al. PLOS Genetics. 2017
High ImpactLong non-coding RNA Linc-RAM enhances myogenic differentiation by interacting with MyoD
Yuet al. Nature Communications. 2017
Structural and Functional Recovery of Sensory Cilia in C. elegans IFT Mutants upon Aging
Cornilset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A C. elegans Thermosensory Circuit Regulates Longevity through crh-1/CREB-Dependent flp-6 Neuropeptide Signaling
Chenet al. Developmental Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Telomerase RNA stem terminus element affects template boundary element function, telomere sequence, and shelterin binding
Webb et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Long Noncoding RNA on the Ribosome Is Required for Lifespan Extension
Essers et al. Cell Reports. 2015
High ImpactProteostatic Control of Telomerase Function through TRiC-Mediated Folding of TCAB1
Freund et al. Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Removal of 8-oxo-GTP by MutT hydrolase is not a major contributor to transcriptional fidelity
Gordon et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014
High ImpactScaffold function of long non-coding RNA HOTAIR in protein ubiquitination
Estrogen-dependent control and cell-to-cell variability of transcriptional bursting
Fritzschet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2018
PlantGaining insight into plant gene transcription using smFISH
Duncanet al. Transcription. 2017
High Impact, PlantCell-Size-Dependent Transcription of FLC and Its Antisense Long Non-coding RNA COOLAIR Explain Cell-to-Cell Expression Variation
Ietswaartet al. Cell Systems. 2017
High ImpactPrimary Human Placental Trophoblasts are Permissive for Zika Virus (ZIKV) Replication
Aagaardet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), VSMF-9579-5
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Rahmanet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Zenklusenet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
High ImpactThe Chromatin Remodeler ISW1 Is a Quality Control Factor that Surveys Nuclear mRNP Biogenesis
Babouret al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromatin decondensation is accompanied by a transient increase in transcriptional output
Hausnerovaet al. Biology of the Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation
Mikiet al. Genes to Cells. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic Kinetics of Nascent RNA
Xuet al. Physical kinetics of Nascent RNA. 2016
High ImpactTranscription upregulation via force-induced direct stretching of chromatin
Tajiket al. Nature Materials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Subnuclear positioning and interchromosomal clustering of the GAL1-10 locus are controlled by separable, interdependent mechanisms
Garvey-Brickneret al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Circadian RNA expression elicited by 3’- UTR IRAlu-paraspeckle associated elements
Torreset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Altered RNA processing and export lead to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites and nuclear pore complexes or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Absolute quantitative measurement of transcriptional kinetic parameters in vivo
Iyeret al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
High ImpactAltered RNA processing and export leads to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites, nuclear pore complexes, or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Psip1/p52 regulates distal Hoxa genes through activation of lncRNA Hottip
Pradeppaet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2016
ChIRPPsip1/p52 regulates distal Hoxa genes through activation of lncRNA Hottip
High ImpactSallamet al. Nature Letter. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Centromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016
Lights, camera, action! Capturing the spliceosome and pre-mRNA splicing with single-molecule fluorescence microscopy
High ImpactEnhancer Regulation of Transcriptional Bursting Parameters Revealed by Forced Chromatin Looping
Bartmanet al. Molecular Cell. 2016
Transcriptional pulsing of a nucleolar transgene
Hausnerovaet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2016.
Products: SMF-2026-1
A continuum model of transcriptional bursting
Corriganet al. Genes and Chromosomes. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNase P Protein Subunit, Rpp29, Represses Histone H3.3 Nucleosome Deposition
Newhart et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nuclear Retention of mRNA in Mammalian Tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Cell Reports. 2015
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
Stapel et al. Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
In vivo single-particle imaging of nuclear mRNA export in budding yeast demonstrates an essential role for Mex67p
Smith et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
Endoplasmic reticulum stress increases AT1R mRNA expression via TIA-1-dependent mechanism
Backlund et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Quantitative spatial analysis of transcripts in multinucleate cells using single-molecule FISH
Lee et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Differential Regulation of Progesterone Receptor-Mediated Transcription by CDK2 and DNA-PK
Trevino et al. Molecular Endocrinology. 2015
A conserved abundant cytoplasmic long noncoding RNA modulates repression of mRNAs by PUM2 in human cells
Tichon et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chacko et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single molecule approaches for quantifying transcription and degradation rates in intact mammalian tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging Reveals a Switch between Spurious and Functional ncRNA Transcription
Lenstra et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mitotic Transcriptional Activation: Clearance of Actively Engaged Pol II via Transcriptional Elongation Control in Mitosis
Liang et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Sphinx: modeling transcriptional heterogeneity in single-cell RNA-Seq
Gu et al. bioRxIV. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA transcription modulates phase transition-driven nuclear body assembly
Application of an RNA amplification method for reliable single-cell transcriptome analysis
Suslov et al. BioTechniques. 2015
DksA involvement in transcription fidelity buffers stochastic epigenetic change
Satory et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015
Antagonist Xist and Tsix co-transcription during mouse oogenesis and maternal Xist expression during pre-implantation development calls into question the nature of the maternal imprint on the X chromosome
Deuve et al. Epigenetics. 2015
Analysis of dynamic changes in retinoid-induced transcription and epigenetic profiles of murine Hox clusters in ES cells
Kumar et al. Genome Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Widespread Inducible Transcription Downstream of Human Genes
Vilborg et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
piRNA-guided slicing of transposon transcripts enforces their transcriptional silencing via specifying the nuclear piRNA repertoire
Senti et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Novel insights into RNP granules by employing the trypanosome’s microtubule skeleton as a molecular sieve
Fritz et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single Cell Analysis Reveals Concomitant Transcription of Pluripotent and Lineage Markers During the Early Steps of Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Lanctôt et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Robust hematopoietic progenitor cell commitment in the presence of a conflicting cue
Shah et al. Journal of Cell Science. 2015
High ImpactCombining protein and mRNA quantification to decipher transcriptional regulation
Xu et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell polyadenylation site mapping reveals 3' isoform choice variability
Velten et al. Molecular systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Promoter-Autonomous Functioning in a Controlled Environment using Single Molecule FISH
Hocine et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional Coordination of Synaptogenesis and Neurotransmitter Signaling
Kratsios et al. Cell Current Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Head-to-head antisense transcription and R-loop formation promotes transcriptional activation
Boque-Sastre et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orthogonal control of expression mean and variance by epigenetic features at different genomic loci
Dey et al. Molecular Systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Spatially resolved, highly multiplexed RNA profiling in single cells
Chen et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single Mammalian Cells Compensate for Differences in Cellular Volume and DNA Copy Number through Independent Global Transcriptional Mechanisms
Padovan-Merhar et al. Molecular Cell. 2015
High ImpactBursty Gene Expression in the Intact Mammalian Liver
Bahar Halpern et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Determination of in vivo target search kinetics of regulatory noncoding RNA
Myosin VI regulates gene pairing and transcriptional pause release in T cells
Expanded GAA repeats impair FXN gene expression and reposition the FXN locus to the nuclear lamina in single cells
Silva et al. Human Molecular Genetics, Oxford. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Bicoid Class Homeodomain Factors ceh-36/OTX and unc-30/PITX Cooperate in C. elegans Embryonic Progenitor Cells to Regulate Robust Development
Walton et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015
Coordinate post-transcriptional repression of Dpp-dependent transcription factors attenuates signal range during development
Newton et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd.. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The volumes and transcript counts of single cells reveal concentration homeostasis and capture biological noise
Kempe et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stimulation of StAR expression by cAMP is controlled by inhibition of highly inducible SIK1 via CRTC2, a co-activator of CREB
Lee et al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ascl2 Acts as an R-spondin/Wnt-Responsive Switch to Control Stemness in Intestinal Crypts
Schuijers et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
Transcriptional Expression of Myelin Basic Protein in Oligodendrocytes Depends on Functional Syntaxin 4: a Potential Correlation with Autocrine Signaling
Bijlardet al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2015
Heritable capture of heterochromatin dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Dodson et al. eLife. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The DREAM complex promotes gene body H2A.Z for target repression
Latorre et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
High ImpactPromoter architecture dictates cell-to-cell variability in gene expression
Quantification of pre-mRNA escape rate and synergy in splicing
Bonde et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The long noncoding RNA Neat1 is required for mammary gland development and lactation
Standaert et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: SMF-3010-1
Removal of 8-oxo-GTP by MutT hydrolase is not a major contributor to transcriptional fidelity
Gordon et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014
Kinetic competition during the transcription cycle results in stochastic RNA processing
Coulon et al. eLIFE, Biophysics and structural biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response
Vera et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single yeast cells vary in transcription activity not in delay time after a metabolic shift
Schwabe et al. Nature Communications. 2014
High ImpactSingle yeast cells vary in transcription activity not in delay time after a metabolic shift
Schwabe et al. Nature Communications. 2014
High ImpactHira-Mediated H3.3 Incorporation Is Required for DNA Replication and Ribosomal RNA Transcription in the Mouse Zygote
Lin et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Genetic basis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae biofilm in liquid medium
Andersen et al. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of pri-miRNA Processing by a Long Noncoding RNA Transcribed from an Ultraconserved Region
Liz et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The embryo as a laboratory: Quantifying transcription in Drosophila
Gregor et al. Cell Trends in Genetics. 2014
High ImpactDefining Estrogenic Mechanisms of Bisphenol A Analogs through High Throughput Microscopy-Based Contextual Assays
Stossi et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Most Human Proteins Made in Both Nucleus and Cytoplasm Turn Over within Minutes
High ImpactValidation of noise models for single-cell transcriptomics
Grün et al. Nature Methods. 2014
Stochastic NANOG fluctuations allow mouse embryonic stem cells to explore pluripotency
Abranches et al. Development, The Company of Biologists. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional profiling of cells sorted by RNA abundance
Klemm et al. Nature Methods. 2014
High ImpactFold Change of Nuclear NF-kB Determines TNF-Induced Transcription in Single Cells
Lee et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Expression of the Developmental Transcription Factor Fezf2 Identifies a Distinct Subpopulation of Layer 5 Intratelencephalic-Projection Neurons in Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. the Journal of Neuroscience. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topological organization of multichromosomal regions by the long intergenic noncoding RNA Firre
Hacisuleyman et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Systems level-based RNAi screening by high content analysis identifies UBR5 as a regulator of estrogen receptor-a protein levels and activity
Bolt et al. Nature Oncogene. 2014
High ImpactRNAi Factors Are Present and Active in Human Cell Nuclei
Gagnon et al. Cell Reports. 2014.
Products: SMF-2035-1
A microRNA-based single-gene circuit buffers protein synthesis rates against perturbations
Strovas et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA-mediated intrachromosomal interactions promote imprinting at the Kcnq1 locus
Zhang et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2014
Nup98 promotes antiviral gene expression to restrict RNA viral infection in Drosophila
Nuclear import of APOBEC3F-labeled HIV-1 preintegration complexes
Burdick et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromosomal Contact Permits Transcription between Coregulated Genes
High ImpactMeasurement and modeling of transcriptional noise in the cell cycle regulatory network
Barriers to transmission of transcriptional noise in a c-fos c-jun pathway
Shah et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
Transcription termination controls prophage maintenance in Escherichia coli genomes
Menouni et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Gene-Specific Transcriptional Mechanisms at the Histone Gene Cluster Revealed by Single-Cell Imaging
Guglielmi et al. Molecular Cell. 2013
Stochastic Cytokine Expression Induces Mixed T Helper Cell States
Fang et al. PLOS Biology. 2013
High ImpactSingle-Cell Analysis Reveals that Expression of Nanog Is Biallelic and Equally Variable as that of Other Pluripotency Factors in Mouse ESCs
Faddahet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2013
High ImpactBimodal expression of PHO84 is modulated by early termination of antisense transcription
Castelnuovo et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2013
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
Transcription-Factor-Mediated DNA Looping Probed by High-Resolution, Single-Molecule Imaging in Live E. coli Cells
Hensel et al. PLOS Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Sex-lethal promotes nuclear retention of msl2 mRNA via interactions with the STAR protein HOW
Graindorge et al. Genes & Development. 2013
High ImpactSingle-chromosome transcriptional profiling reveals chromosomal gene expression regulation
Levesque et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Coactivators enable glucocorticoid receptor recruitment to fine-tune estrogen receptor transcriptional responses
Bolt et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013.
Products: VSMF-1011-5
Single-Cell Analysis of Ribonucleotide Reductase Transcriptional and Translational Response to DNA Damage
Mazumder et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2013
High ImpactSystematic Identification of Signal-Activated Stochastic Gene Regulation
Pint lincRNA connects the p53 pathway with epigenetic silencing by the Polycomb repressive complex 2
Marín-Béjar et al. Genome Biology. 2013
Quadraplex MultiplexA continuum of transcriptional identities visualized by combinatorial fluorescent in situ hybridization
Identification of molecular compartments and genetic circuitry in the developing mammalian kidney
Gene location and DNA density determine transcription factor distributions in Escherichia coli
Kuhlmanet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Predicting mutation outcome from early stochastic variation in genetic interaction partners
Burgaet al. Nature Letter. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of Transcriptionally Coupled and Uncoupled Splicing
Cell-to-cell variability of alternative RNA splicing
The Stress Granule Transcriptome Reveals Principles of mRNA Accumulation in Stress Granules
Parkeret al. Molecular Cell. 2017
ATPase activity of the DEAD-box protein Dhh1 controls processing body formation
Mugleret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization of single endogenous polysomes reveals the dynamics of translation in live human cells
Pichonet al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2016
The Caenorhabditis elegans Protein FIC-1 Is an AMPylase That Covalently Modifies Heat-Shock 70 Family Proteins, Translation Elongation Factors and Histones
Truttmannet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016
High ImpactProgrammable RNA Tracking in Live Cells with CRISPR/Cas9
Nelleset al. Cell. 2016.
Products: VSMF-2003-5, VSMF-2448-5, VSMF-2415-5
Localized Translation of gurken/TGF-a mRNA during Axis Specification Is Controlled by Access to Orb/ CPEB on Processing Bodies
Davidsonet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cytoplasmic long noncoding RNAs are frequently bound to and degraded at ribosomes in human cells
High ImpactNuclear Retention of mRNA in Mammalian Tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Cell Reports. 2015
In vivo single-particle imaging of nuclear mRNA export in budding yeast demonstrates an essential role for Mex67p
Smith et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
Endoplasmic reticulum stress increases AT1R mRNA expression via TIA-1-dependent mechanism
Backlund et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Rate control in yeast protein synthesis at the population and single-cell levels
Dacheux et al. Biochemical Society Transactions. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of mRNA translation during mitosis
mRNA encoding Sec61β, a tail-anchored protein, is localized on the endoplasmic reticulum
Cui et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Journal of Cell Science. 2015.
Products: SMF-2026-1
Novel insights into RNP granules by employing the trypanosome’s microtubule skeleton as a molecular sieve
Fritz et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Alternative 39UTRs act as scaffolds to regulate membrane protein localization
Berkovits et al. Nature Research Letter. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of PSD-95 mRNA Translation in Dendrites and Its Dysregulation in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome
Ifrim et al. The Journal of Neuorscience. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An RNA biosensor for imaging the first round of translation from single cells to living animals
Halstead et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Temporal and spatial regulation of translation in the mammalian oocyte via the mTOR–eIF4F pathway
Susor et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mechanisms of translational repression of the Smcp mRNA in round spermatids
Cullinane et al. Reproduction Reserach. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response
Vera et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multifunctional Roles for the Protein Translocation Machinery in RNA Anchoring to the Endoplasmic Reticulum*
Jagannathan et al. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Translational Regulators GCN-1 and ABCF-3 Act Together to Promote Apoptosis in C. elegans
Hirose et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014
Genetic basis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae biofilm in liquid medium
Andersen et al. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Most Human Proteins Made in Both Nucleus and Cytoplasm Turn Over within Minutes
High ImpactLincRNA-p21 Activates p21 In cis to Promote Polycomb Target Gene Expression and to Enforce the G1/S Checkpoint
Dimitrova et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNAi Factors Are Present and Active in Human Cell Nuclei
Gagnon et al. Cell Reports. 2014.
Products: SMF-2035-1
N6-methyladenosine-dependent regulation of messenger RNA stability
Wang et al. Nature Research Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Scaffold function of long non-coding RNA HOTAIR in protein ubiquitination
Yoon et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Translation- and SRP-independent mRNA targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kraut-Cohen et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
mRNA encoding WAVE–Arp2/3-associated proteins is co-localized with foci of active protein synthesis at the leading edge of MRC5 fibroblasts during cell migration
Willett et al. Biochem Journal. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Depletion of cellular polyamines, spermidine and spermine, causes a total arrest in translation and growth in mammalian cells
Mandal et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell Analysis of Ribonucleotide Reductase Transcriptional and Translational Response to DNA Damage
Mazumder et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2013
Neuronal mRNAs travel singly into dendrites
Visualization of single mRNAs reveals temporal association of proteins with microRNA-regulated mRNA
Shihet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011
De novo translation initiation on membrane-bound ribosomes as a mechanism for localization of cytosolic protein mRNAs to the endoplasmic reticulum
Decomposing spatially dependent and cell type specific contributions to cellular heterogeneity
High ImpactRare Cell Detection by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing as Guided by Single-Molecule RNA FISH
Torreet al. Cell Systems. 2018
High ImpactPixelated spatial gene expression analysis from tissue
Bashiret al. Nature Communications. 2018
High-throughput identification of RNA nuclear enrichment sequences
Shuklaet al. The EMBO Journal. 2018
Super ResolutionSuper-Resolution Single Molecule FISH at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
Titlowet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2018
PlantGaining insight into plant gene transcription using smFISH
Duncanet al. Transcription. 2017
Monitoring of Dual crisPr/cas9- Mediated steroidogenic acute regulatory Protein gene Deletion and cholesterol accumulation Using high-resolution Fluorescence In Situ hybridization in a single cell
Jefcoateet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2017
Evaluation of fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques to study long non-coding RNA expression in cultured cells
Soareset al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
mRNA detection in budding yeast with single fluorophores
Kimet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
PlantSingle Molecule RNA FISH in Arabidopsis Root Cells
Duncanet al. Bio-Protocol. 2017
Imaging Transcriptional Regulation of Eukaryotic mRNA Genes: Advances and Outlook
Yaoet al. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2017
seqFISH, High ImpactSynthetic recording and in situ readout of lineage information in single cells
Friedaet al. Nature Letter. 2017
High ImpactMolecular memoirs of a cellular family
Becket al. Nature Commentary. 2017
Temporal and spatial regulation of mRNA export: Single particle RNA-imaging provides new tools and insights
Heinrichet al. Bioessays. 2017
Imaging mRNA and protein interactions within neurons
Eliscovichet al. PNAS PLUS. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
sm“FISH”ing for Hedgehog
Drummondet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2017
Quantitative approaches for investigating the spatial context of gene expression
Leeet al. WIREs Syst Biol Med. 2016
High ImpactInferring Cell-State Transition Dynamics from Lineage Trees and Endpoint Single-Cell Measurements
Hormozet al. Cell Systems. 2016
High Impact, Super-ResolutionSuper-resolution imaging of fluorescently labeled, endogenous RNA Polymerase II in living cells with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing
Choet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
ATAC-see reveals the accessible genome by transposase-mediated imaging and sequencing
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Experimental Approaches to Study Genome Packaging of Influenza A Viruses
Visualization of Enhancer-Derived Noncoding RNA
Shibayamaet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Visualization of Enhancer-Derived Noncoding RNA
Shibayamaet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Understanding RNA-Chromatin Interactions Using Ch romatin I solation by R NA P urifi cation (ChIRP)
Chuet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
High-throughput single-cell gene-expression profiling with multiplexed error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization
Moffittet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016
Plant, Super ResolutionA method for detecting single mRNA molecules in Arabidopsis thaliana
Duncanet al. Plant Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Large-Scale Image-Based Screening and Profiling of Cellular Phenotypes
Bougen-Zhukovet al. Cytometry. 2016
High ImpactNanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule RNA detection at depth via hybridization chain reaction and tissue hydrogel embedding and clearing
seqFISH, High ImpactDense transcript profiling in single cells by image correlation decoding
Coskunet al. Nature Methods. 2016
High ImpactVisualization and analysis of gene expression in tissue sections by spatial transcriptomics
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule detection and tracking of RNA transcripts in living cells using phosphorothioate-optimized 2'-O-methyl RNA molecular beacons
Zhaoet al. Biomaterials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Spatial organization shapes the turnover of a bacterial transcriptome
RNA LOCALIZATION Finding FISH in a small pond
Microfluidic Approaches to Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Detecting RNA Targets in Single Cells
Meagheret al. Microfluidic Methods for Molecular Biology. 2016
IF-combined smRNA FISH reveals interaction of MCPIP1 protein with IER3 mRNA
Kochanet al. Biology Open. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A simple and rapid method for combining fluorescent in situ RNA hybridization (FISH) and immunofluorescence in the C. elegans germline
Dissecting Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Pluripotency: Single Cell Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Guedeset al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dissecting Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Pluripotency: Single Cell Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Guedeset al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Single-Gene Dual-Color Reporter Cell Line to Analyze RNA Synthesis in vivo
Analysis of specific RNA in cultured cells through quantitative integration of q-PCR and N-SIM single cell FISH images: Application to hormonal stimulation of StAR transcription
Leeet al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2016
Methods for studying RNA localization in bacteria
Optical Clearing Delivers Ultrasensitive Hyperspectral Dark-Field Imaging for Single- Cell Evaluation
Irudayarajet al. ACS Nano. 2016
CLARITY, High ImpactMultiplexed Intact-Tissue Transcriptional Analysis at Cellular Resolution
Brain regions and molecular pathways responding to food reward type and value in honey bees
Matthew S McNeill et al. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long Non-Coding RNAs
Simultaneous RNA–DNA FISH
Lai et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
High ImpactStellaris® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for the Simultaneous Detection of Immature and Mature Long Noncoding RNAs in Adherent Cells
Identifying Centromeric RNAs Involved in Histone Dynamics In Vivo
Quénetet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Methods for studying RNA localization in bacteria
FLOW-FISHSingle-Cell Cytokine Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells Correlates with Latent Tuberculosis Status
Quantitative spatial analysis of transcripts in multinucleate cells using single-molecule FISH
Lee et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Tandem Spinach Array for mRNA Imaging in Living Bacterial Cells
Zhang et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
Single molecule approaches for quantifying transcription and degradation rates in intact mammalian tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Quantitative gene expression analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans using single molecule RNA FISH
Bolkov'a et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Whole-body tissue stabilization and selective extractions via tissue-hydrogel hybrids for high-resolution intact circuit mapping and phenotyping
Treweeket al. Nature Protocol. 2015
Simultaneous detection of mRNA and protein in single cells using immunofluorescence-combined single-molecule RNA FISH
Kochan et al. BioTechniques. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Combining protein and mRNA quantification to decipher transcriptional regulation
Xu et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multiplexed detection of viral infections using rapid in situ RNA analysis on a chip†
Shaffer et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
Non-coding RNAs: Epigenetic regulators of bone development and homeostasis
Multiplexed single-cell in situ RNA analysis by reiterative hybridization†
Xiao et al. Analytical Methods. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Spatially resolved, highly multiplexed RNA profiling in single cells
Chen et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Synonymous modification results in highfidelity gene expression of repetitive protein and nucleotide sequences
Wu et al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1019-5
Aro: a machine learning approach to identifying single molecules and estimating classification error in fluorescence microscopy images
Wu et al. BMC Bioinformatics. 2015
Voxel-based analysis of the immediate early gene, c-jun, in the honey bee brain after a sucrose stimulus
McNeill et al. Insect Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Whole-mount single molecule FISH method for zebrafish embryo
Knockdown of Nuclear-Retained Long Noncoding RNAs Using Modifi ed DNA Antisense Oligonucleotides
lncRNA probe set validationLocalization and abundance analysis of human lncRNAs at single-cell and single-molecule resolution
Cabili et al. GenomeBiology. 2015
RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Cultured Mammalian Cells
Tripathi et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Visualization of lncRNA by Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization
Dunagin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology Springer Protocols. 2015
Multi-Scale Imaging and Informatics Pipeline for In Situ Pluripotent Stem Cell Analysis
Self-digitization microfluidic chip for absolute quantification of mRNA in single cells
Thompson et al. Analytical Chemistry. 2014
Super-resolutionSecond Harmonic Super-resolution Microscopy for Quantification of mRNA at Single Copy Sensitivity
Liu et al. ACS Nano. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2102-5
Self-Digitization Microfluidic Chip for Absolute Quantification of mRNA in Single Cells
Thompson et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: SMF-2006-1
Single-Cell Phenotyping within Transparent Intact Tissue through Whole-Body Clearing
Yang et al. Cell Resource. 2014
High ImpactThe embryo as a laboratory: Quantifying transcription in Drosophila
Gregor et al. Cell Trends in Genetics. 2014
High ImpactLabeling native bacterial RNA in live cells
Toran et al. Nature Cell Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fusion FISH Imaging: Single-Molecule Detection of Gene Fusion Transcripts In Situ
High ImpactSimultaneous Detection of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic RNA Variants Utilizing Stellaris ® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Adherent Cells
Coassin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2054-5, VSMF-2211-5
Image-based transcriptomics in thousands of single human cells at single-molecule resolution
Battich et al. Nature Methods. 2013
Turbo FISH, SNP FISHTurbo FISH: A Method for Rapid Single Molecule RNA FISH
SNP-FISH, High ImpactAllele-specific detection of single mRNA molecules in situ
Hansen et al. Nature Communications. 2013
High ImpactSingle-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue
Lyubimova et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
Transcription-Factor-Mediated DNA Looping Probed by High-Resolution, Single-Molecule Imaging in Live E. coli Cells
Hensel et al. PLOS Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization and Analysis of mRNA Molecules Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
McIsaac et al. Jove. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
Counting Small RNA in Pathogenic Bacteria
Shepherd et al. Analytical Chemistry. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A versatile genome-scale PCR-based pipeline for high-definition DNA FIISH
Bienko et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Using variability in gene expression as a tool for studying gene regulation
Padovan-Merhar et al. WIREs Syst Biol Med. 2013
Single-Molecule Resolution Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) in the Yeast S. cerevisiae
Rahman et al. Methods of Molecular Biology. 2013
Quadraplex MultiplexA continuum of transcriptional identities visualized by combinatorial fluorescent in situ hybridization
High ImpactRNA imaging in situ
Bakeret al. Nature Methods. 2012
High Impact, super resolutionSingle-cell systems biology by super-resolution imaging and combinatorial labeling
Lubecket al. Nature Methods. 2012
One influenza virus particle packages eight unique viral RNAs as shown by FISH analysis
High ImpactSingle-mRNA counting using fluorescent in situ hybridization in budding yeast
Trceket al. Nature Protocol. 2012
Evaluating Individual mRNA Molecules Detection Techniques in Microscope Images
Khutlandet al. Conference Paper. 2012
Multicolor 3D Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for Imaging Interphase Chromosomes
Cremeret al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2012
High ImpactSingle-Molecule Imaging of Transcriptionally Coupled and Uncoupled Splicing
High ImpactStellaris™ fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes: a powerful tool for mRNA detection
Orjalo et al. Nature Methods. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Validating transcripts with probes and imaging technology
Itzkovitzet al. Nature Methods. 2011
Single Molecule Imaging of RNA In Situ
Batishet al. Methods Molecular Biology. 2011
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
High ImpactMaking the message clear: visualizing mRNA localization
Single-Molecule Approaches to Stochastic Gene Expression
Rajet al. Annual Review of Biophysics. 2009
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
Full-length mRNA sequencing uncovers a widespread coupling between transcription initiation and mRNA processing
Anvaret al. Genome Biology. 2018
High ImpactAn HDAC9-MALAT1-BRG1 complex mediates smooth muscle dysfunction in thoracic aortic aneurysm
Cardenaset al. Nature Communications. 2018
Estrogen-dependent control and cell-to-cell variability of transcriptional bursting
Fritzschet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2018
The lncRNA H19 positively affects the tumorigenic properties of glioblastoma cells and contributes to NKD1 repression through the recruitment of EZH2 on its promoter
Long Non-coding MIR205HG Depletes Hsa-miR-590-3p Leading to Unrestrained Proliferation in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
DiAgostinoet al. Theranostics. 2018
High ImpactUltraconserved element uc.372 drives hepatic lipid accumulation by suppressing miR-195/miR4668 maturation
Guoet al. Nature Communications. 2018
High ImpactCRTC1-MAML2 fusion-induced lncRNA LINC00473 expression maintains the growth and survival of human mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells
Wuet al. Nature Oncogene. 2018
High ImpactPixelated spatial gene expression analysis from tissue
Bashiret al. Nature Communications. 2018
High-throughput identification of RNA nuclear enrichment sequences
Shuklaet al. The EMBO Journal. 2018
LINE-1 protein localization and functional dynamics during the cell cycle
MALAT1: A regulator of inflammatory cytokines in diabetic complications
Gordonet al. Endrocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. 2017
High ImpactThe Stress Granule Transcriptome Reveals Principles of mRNA Accumulation in Stress Granules
Parkeret al. Molecular Cell. 2017
Evaluation of fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques to study long non-coding RNA expression in cultured cells
Soareset al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
The circRNA interactome–innovative hallmarks of the intra- and extracellular radiation response
Atkinsonet al. Oncotarget. 2017
High ImpactRare cell variability and drug-induced reprogramming as a mode of cancer drug resistance
Shafferet al. Nature Letter. 2017
High ImpactThe long noncoding RNA SPRIGHTLY acts as an intranuclear organizing hub for pre-mRNA molecules
Pereraet al. Science Advances. 2017
PRAME as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
Gezginet al. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017
Quantification of HER2 and estrogen receptor heterogeneity in breast cancer by single-molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization
Annaratoneet al. Oncotarget. 2017
Gene activation of SMN by selective disruption of lncRNA-mediated recruitment of PRC2 for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy
ANRIL: A Regulator of VEGF in Diabetic Retinopathy
Thomaset al. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2017
High ImpactThe long non-coding RNA NEAT1 is responsive to neuronal activity and is associated with hyperexcitability states
Barryet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: SMF-2026-1, SMF-2036-1
High-performance multiplexed fluorescence in situ hybridization in culture and tissue with matrix imprinting and clearing
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Zenklusenet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Flow-FISHCombined Single-Cell Measurement of Cells with Persistent Effector Function Cytokine mRNA and Protein Identifies T
Nicoletet al. The Journal of Immunology. 2016
High ImpactLncBRM initiates YAP1 signalling activation to drive self-renewal of liver cancer stem cells
Zhuet al. Nature Communications. 2016
High ImpactMacrophage-dependent tumor cell transendothelial migration is mediated by Notch1/MenaINVinitiated invadopodium formation
Pignatelliet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Primate-specific oestrogen-responsive long non-coding RNAs regulate proliferation and viability of human breast cancer cells
Linet al. Open Biology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualizing adenosine to inosine RNA editing in single mammalian cells
Intact NYN/PIN-Like Domain is Crucial for the Degradation of Inflammation-Related Transcripts by ZC3H12D
Wawroet al. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Epigenetic inactivation of the p53-induced long noncoding RNA TP53 target 1 in human cancer
Diaz-Lagareset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stabilizing mutations of KLHL24 ubiquitin ligase cause loss of keratin 14 and human skin fragility
Linet al. Nature Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA ZEB1-AS1 acts as an oncogene in osteosarcoma by epigenetically activating ZEB1
Liuet al. American Journal of Translational Research. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
NEAT1 modulates herpes simplex virus-1 replication by regulating viral gene transcription
Wanget al. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2016.
Products: SMF-2037-1
Chromatin decondensation is accompanied by a transient increase in transcriptional output
Hausnerovaet al. Biology of the Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Massive and parallel expression profiling using microarrayed single-cell sequencing
Vickovicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: SMF-2026-1
DIGIT Is a Conserved Long Noncoding RNA that Regulates GSC Expression to Control Definitive Endoderm Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Daneshvaret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Non-coding RNA Malat1 Regulates Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Chronic Diabetic Complications
Human metapneumovirus Induces Reorganization of the Actin Cytoskeleton for Direct Cell-to-Cell Spread
El-Najjaret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA landscape of breast cancer reveals a role for DSCAM-AS1 in breast cancer progression
Niknafset al. Nature Communications. 2016
Visualization of Enhancer-Derived Noncoding RNA
Shibayamaet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Long Noncoding RNA lncCAMTA1 Promotes Proliferation and Cancer Stem Cell-Like Properties of Liver Cancer by Inhibiting CAMTA1
Dinget al. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Tankyrase inhibition promotes a stable human naïve pluripotent state with improved functionality
Zimmerlinet al. Development. 2016.
Products: SMF-2038-1
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Lineage and X Chromosome Dynamics in Human Preimplantation Embryos
Super Resolution, High Impactm6A RNA methylation promotes XISTmediated transcriptional repression
Patilet al. Nature Article. 2016.
Products: SMF-2038-1
High-throughput single-cell gene-expression profiling with multiplexed error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization
Moffittet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization of single endogenous polysomes reveals the dynamics of translation in live human cells
Pichonet al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2016
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016
Conservation of context-dependent splicing activity in distant Muscleblind homologs
Oddoet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A systematic view on influenza induced host shutoff
Bercovich-Kinoriet al. eLIFE. 2016
FLOW-FISHHeterogeneous loss of HIV transcription and proviral DNA from 8E5/LAV lymphoblastic leukemia cells revealed by RNA FISH:FLOW analyses
Wilburnet al. Retrovirology. 2016
Excitability in the p53 network mediates robust signaling with tunable activation thresholds in single cells
Moenkeet al. bioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA GIHCG promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression through epigenetically regulating miR-200b/a/429
Suiet al. Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
p53 induces formation of NEAT1 lncRNA-containing paraspeckles that modulate replication stress response and chemosensitivity
Adriaenset al. Nature Medicine. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1, SMF-3010-1
FRI0247 The Involvement of The Long Noncoding H19x in tGFβ Signaling and Its Profibrotic Effects in Systemic Sclerosis and Other Fibrotic Diseases
Pacheraet al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2016
Perturbing HIV-1 genomic RNA subcellular location inhibits virus particle production
Beckeret al. bioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization and analysis of gene expression in tissue sections by spatial transcriptomics
High Impactlnc-β-Catm elicits EZH2-dependent β-catenin stabilization and sustains liver CSC self-renewal
Zhuet al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2016
Nuclear speckles are detention centers for transcripts containing expanded CAG repeats
Single-molecule detection and tracking of RNA transcripts in living cells using phosphorothioate-optimized 2'-O-methyl RNA molecular beacons
Zhaoet al. Biomaterials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Prognostic value of a newly identified MALAT1 alternatively spliced transcript in breast cancer
Meseureet al. British Journal of Cancer. 2016.
Products: SMF-2035-1
Parkinson-associated risk variant in distal enhancer of α-synuclein modulates target gene expression
Soldneret al. Nature Letter. 2016
IF-combined smRNA FISH reveals interaction of MCPIP1 protein with IER3 mRNA
Kochanet al. Biology Open. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CRISPR-Cas9 targeted deletion of the C9orf72 repeat expansion mutation corrects cellular phenotypes in patient-derived iPS cells
Pribadiet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2016
High ImpactEnhancer Regulation of Transcriptional Bursting Parameters Revealed by Forced Chromatin Looping
Bartmanet al. Molecular Cell. 2016
Single-Gene Dual-Color Reporter Cell Line to Analyze RNA Synthesis in vivo
High ImpactProgrammable RNA Tracking in Live Cells with CRISPR/Cas9
Nelleset al. Cell. 2016.
Products: VSMF-2003-5, VSMF-2448-5, VSMF-2415-5
Topologically associated domains enriched for lineage specific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis
Neemset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cytoplasmic long noncoding RNAs are frequently bound to and degraded at ribosomes in human cells
High ImpactDynamics of CDKN1A in Single Cells Defined by an Endogenous Fluorescent Tagging Toolkit
Stewart-Ornstein et al. Cell Reports. 2016
Transcriptional pulsing of a nucleolar transgene
Hausnerovaet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2016.
Products: SMF-2026-1
RNase P Protein Subunit, Rpp29, Represses Histone H3.3 Nucleosome Deposition
Newhart et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Natural antisense RNA promotes 3 end processing and maturation of MALAT1 lncRNA
Zong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
High ImpactRNase P protein subunit Rpp29 represses histone H3.3 nucleosome deposition
Newhartet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016
Quadraplex multiplexLong Non-Coding RNAs
High ImpactStellaris® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for the Simultaneous Detection of Immature and Mature Long Noncoding RNAs in Adherent Cells
Post-transcriptional Modifications Contribute to the Upregulation of Cyclin D2 in Multiple Myeloma
Misiewicz-Krzeminska et al. Clinical Cancer Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identifying Centromeric RNAs Involved in Histone Dynamics In Vivo
Quénetet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Endoplasmic reticulum stress increases AT1R mRNA expression via TIA-1-dependent mechanism
Backlund et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Polyadenylation-Dependent 3' End Maturation Pathway Is Required for the Synthesis of the Human Telomerase RNA
Nguyen et al. Cell . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
X chromosome inactivation in human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells following prolonged passaging
Qi et al. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2015
FLOW-FISHSingle-Cell Cytokine Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells Correlates with Latent Tuberculosis Status
Differential Regulation of Progesterone Receptor-Mediated Transcription by CDK2 and DNA-PK
Trevino et al. Molecular Endocrinology. 2015
A conserved abundant cytoplasmic long noncoding RNA modulates repression of mRNAs by PUM2 in human cells
Tichon et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
High ImpactGene essentially and synthetic lethality in haploid human cells
Blomen et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA FISH for detecting expanded repeats in human diseases
Urbanek et al. Methods. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
The primate-specific noncoding RNA HPAT5 regulates pluripotency during human preimplantation development and nuclear reprogramming
Durruthy-Durruthy et al. Nature Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nonspreading Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection of Human Dendritic Cells Results in Downregulation of CD83 and Full Maturation of Bystander Cells
Oreshkova et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Mitotic Transcriptional Activation: Clearance of Actively Engaged Pol II via Transcriptional Elongation Control in Mitosis
Liang et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous detection of mRNA and protein in single cells using immunofluorescence-combined single-molecule RNA FISH
Kochan et al. BioTechniques. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Sphinx: modeling transcriptional heterogeneity in single-cell RNA-Seq
Gu et al. bioRxIV. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A BRCA1-interacting lncRNA regulates homologous recombination
Sharma et al. EMBO reports. 2015
Regulation of mRNA translation during mitosis
Prion-like domains in RNA binding proteins are essential for building subnuclear paraspeckles
Hennig et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: VSMF-2250-5
Widespread Inducible Transcription Downstream of Human Genes
Vilborg et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
mRNA encoding Sec61β, a tail-anchored protein, is localized on the endoplasmic reticulum
Cui et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Journal of Cell Science. 2015.
Products: SMF-2026-1
Propionibacterium acnes Recovered from Atherosclerotic Human Carotid Arteries Undergoes Biofilm Dispersion and Releases Lipolytic and Proteolytic Enzymes in Response to Norepinephrine Challenge In Vitro
Lanter et al. Infection and Immunity. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Robust hematopoietic progenitor cell commitment in the presence of a conflicting cue
Shah et al. Journal of Cell Science. 2015
New Noncoding Lytic Transcripts Derived from the Epstein-Barr Virus Latency Origin of Replication, oriP, Are Hyperedited, Bind the Paraspeckle Protein, NONO/p54nrb, and Support Viral Lytic Transcription
Cao et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Alternative 39UTRs act as scaffolds to regulate membrane protein localization
Berkovits et al. Nature Research Letter. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Pervasive transcription read-through promotes aberrant expression of oncogenes and RNA chimeras in renal carcinoma
Grosso et al. eLife. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Zinc-Finger Antiviral Protein ZAP Inhibits LINE and Alu Retrotransposition
Moldovan et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Head-to-head antisense transcription and R-loop formation promotes transcriptional activation
Boque-Sastre et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CArG-driven GADD45α activated by resveratrol inhibits lung cancer cells
Shi et al. Genes & Cancer. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multiplexed single-cell in situ RNA analysis by reiterative hybridization†
Xiao et al. Analytical Methods. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Spatially resolved, highly multiplexed RNA profiling in single cells
Chen et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single Mammalian Cells Compensate for Differences in Cellular Volume and DNA Copy Number through Independent Global Transcriptional Mechanisms
Padovan-Merhar et al. Molecular Cell. 2015
Calcium-responsive transactivator (CREST) protein shares a set of structural and functional traits with other proteins associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Kukharsky et al. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 2015.
Products: SMF-2035-1, SMF-2036-1
Functional Characterization of Long Noncoding RNA Lnc_bc060912 in Human Lung Carcinoma Cells
Luo et al. Biochemistry . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Noncoding RNA lncTCF7 Promotes Self-Renewal of Human Liver Cancer Stem Cells through Activation of Wnt Signaling
Wang et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
Mining the Human Complexome Database Identifies RBM14 as an XPO1-Associated Protein Involved in HIV-1 Rev Function
Budhiraja et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Synonymous modification results in highfidelity gene expression of repetitive protein and nucleotide sequences
Wu et al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1019-5
Genome-wide profiling of p53-regulated enhancer RNAs uncovers a subset of enhancers controlled by a lncRNA
Expanded GAA repeats impair FXN gene expression and reposition the FXN locus to the nuclear lamina in single cells
Silva et al. Human Molecular Genetics, Oxford. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The structure of human SFPQ reveals a coiled-coil mediated polymer essential for functional aggregation in gene regulation
Lee et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Single-Cell XIST Expression in Human Preimplantation Embryos and Newly Reprogrammed Female Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Briggs et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The volumes and transcript counts of single cells reveal concentration homeostasis and capture biological noise
Kempe et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell analysis shows that paracrine signaling by first responder cells shapes the interferon-b response to viral infection
Patil et al. Science Signaling. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Knockdown of Nuclear-Retained Long Noncoding RNAs Using Modifi ed DNA Antisense Oligonucleotides
RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Cultured Mammalian Cells
Tripathi et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Multi-Scale Imaging and Informatics Pipeline for In Situ Pluripotent Stem Cell Analysis
High ImpactGenome-wide analysis of the human p53 transcriptional network unveils a lncRNA tumour suppressor signature
S'anchez et al. Nature Communications. 2014
Profiling T Cell Activation Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and Flow Cytometry
Bushkin et al. The Jornal of Immunology. 2014
Super-resolutionSecond Harmonic Super-resolution Microscopy for Quantification of mRNA at Single Copy Sensitivity
Liu et al. ACS Nano. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2102-5
RNA-directed remodeling of the HIV-1 protein Rev orchestrates assembly of the Rev–Rev response element complex
High ImpactProteostatic Control of Telomerase Function through TRiC-Mediated Folding of TCAB1
Freund et al. Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Self-Digitization Microfluidic Chip for Absolute Quantification of mRNA in Single Cells
Thompson et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: SMF-2006-1
Autophagy supports genomic stability by degrading retrotransposon RNA
Guo et al. Nature Communications. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inter- and intratumoral heterogeneity of BCL2 correlates with IgH expression and prognosis in follicular lymphoma
Barreca et al. Nature Blood Cancer Journal. 2014
Kinetic competition during the transcription cycle results in stochastic RNA processing
Coulon et al. eLIFE, Biophysics and structural biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Using Amino-Labeled Nucleotide Probes for Simultaneous Single Molecule RNA-DNA FISH
The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response
Vera et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multifunctional Roles for the Protein Translocation Machinery in RNA Anchoring to the Endoplasmic Reticulum*
Jagannathan et al. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Benzyl butyl phthalate induces migration, invasion, and angiogenesis of Huh7 hepatocellular carcinoma cells through nongenomic AhR/G-protein signaling
Tsai et al. BMC Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of genes in toxicity pathways of trinucleotide-repeat RNA in C. elegans
Garcia et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lgr5 marks stem/progenitor cells in ovary and tubal epithelia
Ng et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of pri-miRNA Processing by a Long Noncoding RNA Transcribed from an Ultraconserved Region
Liz et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Defining Estrogenic Mechanisms of Bisphenol A Analogs through High Throughput Microscopy-Based Contextual Assays
Stossi et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The role of high cell density in the promotion of neuroendocrine transdifferentiation of prostate cancer cells
Pernicova et al. Molecular Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MicroRNA binding to the HIV-1 Gag protein inhibits Gag assembly and virus production
Chen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The STAT3-Binding Long Noncoding RNA lnc-DC Controls Human Dendritic Cell Differentiation
The functional characterization of long noncoding RNA SPRY4-IT1 in human melanoma cells
Mazar et al. Oncotarget. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fold Change of Nuclear NF-kB Determines TNF-Induced Transcription in Single Cells
Lee et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Receptor-interacting protein kinase 2 promotes triple-negative breast cancer cell migration and invasion via activation of nuclear factor-kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathways
Singel et al. Breast Cancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Aberrant Patterns of X Chromosome Inactivation in a New Line of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Established in Physiological Oxygen Concentrations
Oliveira Georges et al. Stem Cell Rev and Rep. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
KIF14 Promotes AKT Phosphorylation and Contributes to Chemoresistance in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Singel et al. Neoplasia. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Small alveolar macrophages are infected preferentially by HIV and exhibit impaired phagocytic function
Jambo et al. Nature Mucosal Immunology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Systems level-based RNAi screening by high content analysis identifies UBR5 as a regulator of estrogen receptor-a protein levels and activity
Bolt et al. Nature Oncogene. 2014
High ImpactRNAi Factors Are Present and Active in Human Cell Nuclei
Gagnon et al. Cell Reports. 2014.
Products: SMF-2035-1
N6-methyladenosine-dependent regulation of messenger RNA stability
Wang et al. Nature Research Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous Detection of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic RNA Variants Utilizing Stellaris ® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Adherent Cells
Coassin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2054-5, VSMF-2211-5
Defined Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture Enables Highly Efficient Neuroepithelium Derivation Without Small Molecule Inhibitors
Lippmann et al. Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Chromosomal Contact Permits Transcription between Coregulated Genes
High ImpactImage-based transcriptomics in thousands of single human cells at single-molecule resolution
Battich et al. Nature Methods. 2013
IFI16 senses DNA forms of the lentiviral replication cycle and controls HIV-1 replication
Jakobsen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013
Turbo FISH, SNP FISHTurbo FISH: A Method for Rapid Single Molecule RNA FISH
Barriers to transmission of transcriptional noise in a c-fos c-jun pathway
Shah et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
mRNA encoding WAVE–Arp2/3-associated proteins is co-localized with foci of active protein synthesis at the leading edge of MRC5 fibroblasts during cell migration
Willett et al. Biochem Journal. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell gene expression profiling reveals functional heterogeneity of undifferentiated human epidermal cells
Tan et al. Development and Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Single-chromosome transcriptional profiling reveals chromosomal gene expression regulation
Levesque et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Placental Specific mRNA in the Maternal Circulation Are Globally Dysregulated in Pregnancies Complicated by Fetal Growth Restriction
Whitehead et al. JCEM Online. 2013
Coactivators enable glucocorticoid receptor recruitment to fine-tune estrogen receptor transcriptional responses
Bolt et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013.
Products: VSMF-1011-5
Depletion of cellular polyamines, spermidine and spermine, causes a total arrest in translation and growth in mammalian cells
Mandal et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Control of somatic tissue differentiation by the long non-coding RNA TINCR
Kretz et al. Nature Research Letter. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Pint lincRNA connects the p53 pathway with epigenetic silencing by the Polycomb repressive complex 2
Marín-Béjar et al. Genome Biology. 2013
Using variability in gene expression as a tool for studying gene regulation
Padovan-Merhar et al. WIREs Syst Biol Med. 2013
Dynamics of protein noise can distinguish between alternate sources of gene-expression variability
Singh et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2012
High ImpactncRNA- and Pc2 Methylation-Dependent GeneRelocationbetween NuclearStructures Mediates Gene Activation Programs
High ImpactStellaris™ fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes: a powerful tool for mRNA detection
Orjalo et al. Nature Methods. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Cell-to-cell variability of alternative RNA splicing
Wakset al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2011
Visualization of single mRNAs reveals temporal association of proteins with microRNA-regulated mRNA
Shihet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
Many human large intergenic noncoding RNAs associate with chromatin-modifying complexes and affect gene expression
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
Rajet al. Nature Brief Communications. 2008
De novo translation initiation on membrane-bound ribosomes as a mechanism for localization of cytosolic protein mRNAs to the endoplasmic reticulum
Nucleolin-Mediated RNA Localization Regulates Neuron Growth and Cycling Cell Size
Perryet al. Cell Reports. 0216
High ImpactAn HDAC9-MALAT1-BRG1 complex mediates smooth muscle dysfunction in thoracic aortic aneurysm
Cardenaset al. Nature Communications. 2018
Monitoring of Dual crisPr/cas9- Mediated steroidogenic acute regulatory Protein gene Deletion and cholesterol accumulation Using high-resolution Fluorescence In Situ hybridization in a single cell
Jefcoateet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2017
High ImpactDynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
van-Oudenaardenet al. Nature Communications. 2017
Evaluation of fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques to study long non-coding RNA expression in cultured cells
Soareset al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
Fluctuation localization imaging-based fluorescence in situ hybridization (fliFISH) for accurate detection and counting of RNA copies in single cells
Orret al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
High ImpactTranscriptional Output Transiently Spikes Upon Mitotic Exit
Lanctotet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017
Fragile X granules are a family of axonal ribonucleoprotein particles with circuit-dependent protein composition and mRNA cargos
Akinset al. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2017
High ImpactA slow-cycling subpopulation of melanoma cells with highly invasive properties
Characterizing exogenous mRNA delivery, trafficking, cytoplasmic release and RNA–protein correlations at the level of single cells
Santangeloet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
Neutrophils and Ly6Chi monocytes collaborate in generating an optimal cytokine response that protects against pulmonary Legionella pneumophila infection
Cassonet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2017
High ImpactMicroRNA filters Hox temporal transcription noise to confer boundary formation in the spinal cord
Liet al. Nature Communications. 2017
High ImpactLong noncoding RNA lncKdm2b is required for ILC3 maintenance by initiation of Zfp292 expression
Liuet al. Nature Immunology. 2017
A single cell level measurement of StAR expression and activity in adrenal cells
Leeet al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Acquired CYP19A1 amplification is an early specific mechanism of aromatase inhibitor resistance in ERα metastatic breast cancer
Magnaniet al. Nature Genetics. 2017
High ImpactLong non-coding RNA Linc-RAM enhances myogenic differentiation by interacting with MyoD
Yuet al. Nature Communications. 2017
Imaging mRNA and protein interactions within neurons
Eliscovichet al. PNAS PLUS. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamic mRNA Transport and Local Translation in Radial Glial Progenitors of the Developing Brain
Pilazet al. Cell Current Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), SMF-3002-1
Inferring Cell-State Transition Dynamics from Lineage Trees and Endpoint Single-Cell Measurements
Hormozet al. Cell Systems. 2016
High ImpactTransient transcription in the early embryo sets an epigenetic state that programs postnatal growth
Greenberget al. Nature Genetics. 2016
Axonal ribosomes and mRNAs associate with fragile X granules in adult rodent and human brains
Akinset al. Human Molecular Genetics. 2016
High Impact, Super-ResolutionSuper-resolution imaging of fluorescently labeled, endogenous RNA Polymerase II in living cells with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing
Choet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
ATAC-see reveals the accessible genome by transposase-mediated imaging and sequencing
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Long noncoding RNA Tug1 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics in diabetic nephropathy
Longet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Long noncoding RNA Tug1 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics in diabetic nephropathy
Longet al. JCI. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Molecular Diversity of Midbrain Development in Mouse, Human, and Stem Cells
Patched Receptors Sense, Interpret, and Establish an Epidermal Hedgehog Signaling Gradient
Adolpheet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2016
High ImpactThe long non-coding RNA Morrbid regulates Bim and short-lived myeloid cell lifespan
Kotzinet al. Nature Letter. 2016
Role of mir-15a/16-1 in early B cell development in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Single-cell analyses of X Chromosome inactivation dynamics and pluripotency during differentiation
Chenet al. Genome Research. 2016.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Aire knockdown in medullary thymic epithelial cells affects Aire protein, deregulates cell adhesion genes and decreases thymocyte interaction
Pezziet al. Molecular Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-¬cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
Regulation of star by the n-terminal Domain and coinduction of siK1 and Tis11b/Znf36l1 in single cells
Leeet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global transcript structure resolution of high gene density genomes through multi-platform data integration
O’Gradyet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
p53 induces formation of NEAT1 lncRNA-containing paraspeckles that modulate replication stress response and chemosensitivity
Adriaenset al. Nature Medicine. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1, SMF-3010-1
Psip1/p52 regulates distal Hoxa genes through activation of lncRNA Hottip
Single-molecule RNA detection at depth via hybridization chain reaction and tissue hydrogel embedding and clearing
High ImpactSallamet al. Nature Letter. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization and analysis of gene expression in tissue sections by spatial transcriptomics
Nuclear speckles are detention centers for transcripts containing expanded CAG repeats
High ImpactDivergent lncRNAs Regulate Gene Expression and Lineage Differentiation in Pluripotent Cells
Luoet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Wnt Ligands Secreted by Subepithelial Mesenchymal Cells Are Essential for the Survival of Intestinal Stem Cells and Gut Homeostasis
Valentaet al. Cell Reports. 2016
Dissecting Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Pluripotency: Single Cell Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Guedeset al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dissecting Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Pluripotency: Single Cell Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Guedeset al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Analysis of specific RNA in cultured cells through quantitative integration of q-PCR and N-SIM single cell FISH images: Application to hormonal stimulation of StAR transcription
Leeet al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2016
High ImpactLong non-coding RNA C2dat1 regulates CaMKIIδ expression to promote neuronal survival through the NF-κB signaling pathway following cerebral ischemia
Deficiency of the Survival of Motor Neuron Protein Impairs mRNA Localization and Local Translation in the Growth Cone of Motor Neurons
Falliniet al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Distal Alternative Last Exons Localize mRNAs to Neural Projections
Taliaferroet al. Molecular Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CD133 does not enrich for the stem cell activity in vivo in adult mouse prostates
Weiet al. Stem Cell Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1014-5
CD133 does not enrich for the stem cell activity in vivo in adult mouse prostates
Weiet al. Stem Cell Research. 2016.
Products: VSMF-1014-5
cAMP/CREB-regulated LINC00473 marks LKB1- inactivated lung cancer and mediates tumor growth
Chenet al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fezf2 Expression in Layer 5 Projection Neurons of Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualizing allele-specific expression in single cells reveals epigenetic mosaicism in an H19 loss-of-imprinting mutant
Ginartet al. Genes and Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-2161-5
Structure–function analysis of myomaker domains\ required for myoblast fusion
Millayet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1014-5
Multiplexed Intact-Tissue Transcriptional Analysis at Cellular Resolution
High ImpactReplacement of Lost Lgr5-Positive Stem Cells through Plasticity of Their Enterocyte-Lineage Daughters
Tettehet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016
Single-cell analysis of transcription kinetics across the cell cycle
Skinneret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Unequal distribution of 16S mtrRNA at the 2-cell stage regulates cell lineage allocations in mouse embryos
Zheng et al. Reproduction. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nuclear Retention of mRNA in Mammalian Tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Cell Reports. 2015
LncRNA-HIT Functions as an Epigenetic Regulator of Chondrogenesis through Its Recruitment of p100/CBP Complexes
Carlson et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The primate-specific noncoding RNA HPAT5 regulates pluripotency during human preimplantation development and nuclear reprogramming
Durruthy-Durruthy et al. Nature Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single molecule approaches for quantifying transcription and degradation rates in intact mammalian tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Netrin-1 Induces Local Translation of Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule in Axonal Growth Cones
Jain et al. Developmental Neurobiology. 2015
Identification of a Natural Viral RNA Motif That Optimizes Sensing of Viral RNA by RIG-I
Xu et al. The American Society for Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell messenger RNA sequencing reveals rare intestinal cell types
Female bias in systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with the differential expression of X-linked toll-like receptor 8
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesan et al. Oncotarget. 2015
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesanet al. Oncotarget. 2015
Application of an RNA amplification method for reliable single-cell transcriptome analysis
Suslov et al. BioTechniques. 2015
High ImpactHeterogeneous lineage marker expression in naive embryonic stem cells is mostly due to spontaneous differentiation
Nair et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
Antagonist Xist and Tsix co-transcription during mouse oogenesis and maternal Xist expression during pre-implantation development calls into question the nature of the maternal imprint on the X chromosome
Deuve et al. Epigenetics. 2015
Analysis of dynamic changes in retinoid-induced transcription and epigenetic profiles of murine Hox clusters in ES cells
Kumar et al. Genome Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
mRNA encoding Sec61β, a tail-anchored protein, is localized on the endoplasmic reticulum
Cui et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Journal of Cell Science. 2015.
Products: SMF-2026-1
Hypoxia Up-Regulates Galectin-3 in Mammary Tumor Progression and Metastasis
Oliveira et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mutant p53 accumulates in cycling and proliferating cells in the normal tissues of p53 R172H mutant mice
Single Cell Analysis Reveals Concomitant Transcription of Pluripotent and Lineage Markers During the Early Steps of Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Lanctôt et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Paclitaxel inhibits mRNA transport in axons☆
Bobylev et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DAZL regulates Tet1 translation in murine embryonic stem cells
Wellinget al. EMBO reports. 2015
Single-cell polyadenylation site mapping reveals 3' isoform choice variability
Velten et al. Molecular systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An alternative pluripotent state confers interspecies chimaeric competency
Wu et al. Nature. 2015.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Single-Molecule Imaging of PSD-95 mRNA Translation in Dendrites and Its Dysregulation in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome
Ifrim et al. The Journal of Neuorscience. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule analysis of myocyte differentiation reveals bimodal lineage commitment†
Gibson et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
High ImpactBursty Gene Expression in the Intact Mammalian Liver
Bahar Halpern et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Myosin VI regulates gene pairing and transcriptional pause release in T cells
Licensing of Primordial Germ Cells for Gametogenesis Depends on Genital Ridge Signaling
High ImpactCell types in the mouse cortex and hippocampus revealed by single-cell RNA-seq
Stimulation of StAR expression by cAMP is controlled by inhibition of highly inducible SIK1 via CRTC2, a co-activator of CREB
Lee et al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ascl2 Acts as an R-spondin/Wnt-Responsive Switch to Control Stemness in Intestinal Crypts
Schuijers et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
High ImpactTemporal and spatial regulation of translation in the mammalian oocyte via the mTOR–eIF4F pathway
Susor et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Novel Small Leucine-rich Protein Chondroadherin-like (CHADL) Is Expressed in Cartilage and Modulates Chondrocyte Differentiation*
Tillgren et al. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mechanisms of translational repression of the Smcp mRNA in round spermatids
Cullinane et al. Reproduction Reserach. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Novel Small Leucine-Rich Protein Chondroadherin-like (CHADL) is Expressed in Cartilage and Modulates Chondrocyte Differentiation*
High ImpactA Predictive Model of Bifunctional Transcription Factor Signaling during Embryonic Tissue Patterning
Junker et al. Cell, Developmental Cell. 2014
High ImpactStochastic promoter activation affects Nanog expression variability in mouse embryonic stem cells
Ochiai et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chd1 is essential for the high transcriptional output and rapid growth of the mouse epiblast
Guzman-ayala et al. The Company of Biologists. 2014
The long noncoding RNA Neat1 is required for mammary gland development and lactation
Standaert et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: SMF-3010-1
Using Amino-Labeled Nucleotide Probes for Simultaneous Single Molecule RNA-DNA FISH
The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response
Vera et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Gene Regulatory Network Controls the Binary Fate Decision of Rod and Bipolar Cells in the Vertebrate Retina
Wang et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cadherin-8 Expression, Synaptic Localization, and Molecular Control of Neuronal Form in Prefrontal Corticostriatal Circuits
Friedman et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell Phenotyping within Transparent Intact Tissue through Whole-Body Clearing
Yang et al. Cell Resource. 2014
High ImpactHira-Mediated H3.3 Incorporation Is Required for DNA Replication and Ribosomal RNA Transcription in the Mouse Zygote
Lin et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Lgr5 marks stem/progenitor cells in ovary and tubal epithelia
Ng et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
LincRNA-p21 Activates p21 In cis to Promote Polycomb Target Gene Expression and to Enforce the G1/S Checkpoint
Dimitrova et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of intestinal tumor formation by deletion of the DNA methyltransferase 3a
Weis et al. Nature Oncogene. 2014
Stochastic NANOG fluctuations allow mouse embryonic stem cells to explore pluripotency
Abranches et al. Development, The Company of Biologists. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional profiling of cells sorted by RNA abundance
Klemm et al. Nature Methods. 2014
High ImpactSingle-cell in situ RNA profiling by sequential hybridization
Lubeck et al. Nature Methods. 2014
Tumor endothelial marker 1–specific DNA vaccination targets tumor vasculature
Facciponte et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014
Maternal bias and escape from X chromosome imprinting in the midgestation mouse placenta
Finn et al. Developmental Biology, Elsevier. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lineage and species-specific long noncoding RNAs during erythro-megakaryocytic development
Paralkar et al. Red Cells, Iron, and Erythropoiesis. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topological organization of multichromosomal regions by the long intergenic noncoding RNA Firre
Hacisuleyman et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global discovery of erythroid long noncoding RNAs reveals novel regulators of red cell maturation
Alvarez-Dominguezet al. Blood Journal. 2014
A microRNA-based single-gene circuit buffers protein synthesis rates against perturbations
Strovas et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA-mediated intrachromosomal interactions promote imprinting at the Kcnq1 locus
Zhang et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2014
KO lncRNAMultiple knockout mouse models reveal lincRNAs are required for life and brain development
Sauvageau et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identifying Division Symmetry of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells: Negative Impact of DNA Methyltransferases on Symmetric Self-Renewal
Jasnos et al. Stem Cell Reports. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Tumour angiogenesis regulation by the miR-200 family
Peot et al. Nature Communications. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Allele-specific detection of single mRNA molecules in situ
Hansen et al. Nature Communications. 2013
High ImpactSingle-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue
Lyubimova et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
Stochastic Cytokine Expression Induces Mixed T Helper Cell States
Fang et al. PLOS Biology. 2013
High ImpactSingle-Cell Analysis Reveals that Expression of Nanog Is Biallelic and Equally Variable as that of Other Pluripotency Factors in Mouse ESCs
Faddahet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2013
linc-HOXA1 is a noncoding RNA that represses Hoxa1 transcription in cis
Maamar et al. Genes & Development. 2013
High ImpactCircular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency
Memczak et al. Nature Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Pint lincRNA connects the p53 pathway with epigenetic silencing by the Polycomb repressive complex 2
Marín-Béjar et al. Genome Biology. 2013
Quadraplex MultiplexA continuum of transcriptional identities visualized by combinatorial fluorescent in situ hybridization
High ImpactAsymmetric Segregation of the Double-Stranded RNA Binding Protein Staufen2 during Mammalian Neural Stem Cell Divisions Promotes Lineage Progression
Kuseket al. Cell Stem Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lgr5+ve Stem/Progenitor Cells Contribute to Nephron Formation during Kidney Development
Barkeret al. Cell Reports. 2012
High ImpactSingle-Cell Expression Analyses during Cellular Reprogramming Reveal an Early Stochastic and a Late Hierarchic Phase
Concentration-Dependent Requirement for Local Protein Synthesis in Motor Neuron Subtype-Specific Response to Axon Guidance Cues
Nedelecet al. Journal of Neuorscience. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of molecular compartments and genetic circuitry in the developing mammalian kidney
Microglial Stimulation of Glioblastoma Invasion Involves Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) and Colony Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor (CSF-1R) Signaling
Coniglioet al. Molecular Medicine. 2012
High ImpactStellaris™ fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes: a powerful tool for mRNA detection
Orjalo et al. Nature Methods. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Genes methylated by DNA methyltransferase 3b are similar in mouse intestine and human colon cancer
Transgenerational dynamics of rDNA copy number in Drosophila male germline stem cells
Super ResolutionSuper-Resolution Single Molecule FISH at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
Titlowet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2018
High ImpactpiRNA-mediated regulation of transposon alternative splicing in the soma and germ line
Teixeiraet al. Nature Letter. 2017
Cover ImageA novel isoform of Drosophila non-muscle Tropomyosin interacts with Kinesin-1 and functions in mRNA localization
Veeranan-Karmegamet al. Journal of Cell Science. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-5010-1
bicoid mRNA localises to the Drosophila oocyte anterior by random Dyneinmediated transport and anchoring
Stochastic Kinetics of Nascent RNA
Xuet al. Physical kinetics of Nascent RNA. 2016
Meis/UNC-62 isoform dependent regulation of CoupTF-II/UNC-55 and GABAergic motor neuron subtype differentiation
Campbellet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Drosophila Wnt and STAT Define Apoptosis- Resistant Epithelial Cells for Tissue Regeneration after Irradiation
Vergheseet al. PLOS Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Wnt pathway limits BMP signaling outside of the germline stem cell niche in Drosophila ovaries
Mottier-Pavieet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016
Transposon Dysregulation Modulates dWnt4 Signaling to Control Germline Stem Cell Differentiation in Drosophila
Upadhyayet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Localized Translation of gurken/TGF-a mRNA during Axis Specification Is Controlled by Access to Orb/ CPEB on Processing Bodies
Davidsonet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Germ Plasm Biogenesis—An Oskar-Centric Perspective
Lehmannet al. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 2016
Fixed and live visualization of RNAs in Drosophila oocytes and embryos
Abbaszadeh et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2016
Rapid evolutionary turnover underlies conserved lncRNA–genome interactions
Quinn et al. Genes & Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
p53 genes function to restrain mobile elements
Wylieet al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Following the intracellular localization of the iab-8ncRNA of the bithorax complex using the MS2-MCP-GFP system
Super Resolution, High ImpactDrosophila germ granules are structured and contain homotypic mRNA clusters
Trcek et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Niche appropriation by Drosophila intestinal stem cell tumours
Patel et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
piRNA-guided slicing of transposon transcripts enforces their transcriptional silencing via specifying the nuclear piRNA repertoire
Senti et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Combining protein and mRNA quantification to decipher transcriptional regulation
Xu et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Systematic Discovery of Xist RNA Binding Proteins
High ImpactIndependent and coordinate trafficking of single Drosophila germ plasm mRNAs
Little et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2015
High ImpactAn RNA biosensor for imaging the first round of translation from single cells to living animals
Halstead et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
PolyQ-dependent RNA–protein assemblies control symmetry breaking
Lee et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
Coordinate post-transcriptional repression of Dpp-dependent transcription factors attenuates signal range during development
Newton et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd.. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule RNA In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) and Immunofl uorescence (IF) in the Drosophila Egg Chamber
Bayer et al. Protocol Drosophila Oogenesis. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Rejuvenation of Meiotic Cohesion in Oocytes during Prophase I Is Required for Chiasma Maintenance and Accurate Chromosome Segregation
Weng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The exon junction complex controls transposable element activity by ensuring faithful splicing of the piwi transcript
Malone et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Rhino-Deadlock-Cutoff Complex Licenses Noncanonical Transcription of Dual-Strand piRNA Clusters in Drosophila
Spermatid Cyst Polarization in Drosophila Depends upon apkc and the CPEB Family Translational Regulator orb2
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nup98 promotes antiviral gene expression to restrict RNA viral infection in Drosophila
A dynamic population of stromal cells contributes to the follicle stem cell niche in the Drosophila ovary
Sahai-Hernandez et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Development. 2013
High ImpactSingle-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue
Lyubimova et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
High ImpactGene-Specific Transcriptional Mechanisms at the Histone Gene Cluster Revealed by Single-Cell Imaging
Guglielmi et al. Molecular Cell. 2013
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
Lee et al. Developmental Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Injury-induced BMP signaling negatively regulates Drosophila midgut homeostasis
Guo et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2013
Sex-lethal promotes nuclear retention of msl2 mRNA via interactions with the STAR protein HOW
Graindorge et al. Genes & Development. 2013
The CPEB Protein Orb2 Has Multiple Functions during Spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Extradenticle and Homothorax Control Adult Muscle Fiber Identity in Drosophila
Bryantsevet al. Developmental Cell. 2012
High ImpactEGFR/Ras/MAPK Signaling Mediates Adult Midgut Epithelial Homeostasis and Regeneration in Drosophila
Jiang et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2011
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
The Germline-Specific Factor OEF-1 Facilitates Coordinated Progression Through Germ Cell Development in Caenorhabditis elegans
miRNAs cooperate in apoptosis regulation during C. elegans development
Sherrardet al. Genes and Development. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s)
Sexually dimorphic control of gene expression in sensory neurons regulates decision-making behavior in C. elegans
Hilbertet al. eLIFE. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Age-Dependent Neuroendocrine Signaling from Sensory Neurons Modulates the Effect of Dietary Restriction on Longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans
Fletcheret al. PLOS Genetics. 2017
Structural and Functional Recovery of Sensory Cilia in C. elegans IFT Mutants upon Aging
Cornilset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A C. elegans Thermosensory Circuit Regulates Longevity through crh-1/CREB-Dependent flp-6 Neuropeptide Signaling
Chenet al. Developmental Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
C. elegans GLP-1/Notch activates transcription in a probability gradient across the germline stem cell pool
Leeet al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Temporal regulation of epithelium formation
Von-Stetinaet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Evolution of New cis-Regulatory Motifs Required for Cell-Specific Gene Expression in Caenorhabditis
Barkoulaset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Mitochondria-Regulated Immune Pathway Activated in the C. elegans Intestine Is Neuroprotective
Chikkaet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromatin remodelling and antisense-mediated up-regulation of the developmental switch gene eud-1 control predatory feeding plasticity
Serobyanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of Lithium-Sensitive Phosphatase BPNT-1 Causes Selective Neuronal Dysfunction in C. elegans
Meiselet al. Curent Biology. 7-25
High ImpactAn Abundant Class of Non-coding DNA Can Prevent Stochastic Gene Silencing in the C. elegans Germline
Frokjaer-Jensenet al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Caenorhabditis elegans Protein FIC-1 Is an AMPylase That Covalently Modifies Heat-Shock 70 Family Proteins, Translation Elongation Factors and Histones
Truttmannet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016
A simple and rapid method for combining fluorescent in situ RNA hybridization (FISH) and immunofluorescence in the C. elegans germline
Overlapping cell population expression profiling and regulatory inference in C. elegans
Burdiket al. BMC Genomics. 2016
Mutagenesis of GATA motifs controlling the endoderm regulator elt-2 reveals distinct dominant and secondary cis-regulatory elements
Duet al. Developmental Biology. 2016
Quantitative gene expression analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans using single molecule RNA FISH
Bolkov'a et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA transcription modulates phase transition-driven nuclear body assembly
High ImpactRegulatory Logic of Pan-Neuronal Gene Expression in C. elegans
Stefanakis et al. Neuron Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MED GATA factors promote robust development of the C. elegans endoderm
Maduroet al. Developmental Biology. 2015
High ImpactG1/S Inhibitors and the SWI/SNF Complex Control Cell-Cycle Exit during Muscle Differentiation
Ruijtenberg et al. Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional Coordination of Synaptogenesis and Neurotransmitter Signaling
Kratsios et al. Cell Current Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Asymmetric Transcript Discovery by RNA-seq in C. elegans Blastomeres Identifies neg-1, a Gene Important for Anterior Morphogenesis
Osborne Nishimura et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CSR-1 and P granules suppress sperm-specific transcription in the C. elegans germline
Campbell et al. The Company of Biologists. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Bicoid Class Homeodomain Factors ceh-36/OTX and unc-30/PITX Cooperate in C. elegans Embryonic Progenitor Cells to Regulate Robust Development
Walton et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015
A Wild C. Elegans Strain Has Enhanced Epithelial Immunity to a Natural Microsporidian Parasite
Balla et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of Mechanosensation in C. elegans through Ubiquitination of the MEC-4 Mechanotransduction Channel
Chen et al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2015
High ImpactA Long Noncoding RNA on the Ribosome Is Required for Lifespan Extension
Essers et al. Cell Reports. 2015
The DREAM complex promotes gene body H2A.Z for target repression
Latorre et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
Regulation of RNA granule dynamics by phosphorylation of serine-rich, intrinsically-disordered proteins in C. elegans
Wang et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell Intrinsic Modulation of Wnt Signaling Controls Neuroblast Migration in C. elegans
Mentink et al. Developmental Cell. 2014
High ImpactChemosensation of Bacterial Secondary Metabolites Modulates Neuroendocrine Signaling and Behavior of C. elegans
Meisel et al. Cell, Elsevier . 2014
Translational Control of the Oogenic Program by Components of OMA Ribonucleoprotein Particles in Caenorhabditis elegans
Spike et al. Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
SUMV-1 antagonizes the activity of synthetic multivulva genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Yucel et al. Developmental Biology. 2014
The Translational Regulators GCN-1 and ABCF-3 Act Together to Promote Apoptosis in C. elegans
Hirose et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014
High ImpactIdentification of genes in toxicity pathways of trinucleotide-repeat RNA in C. elegans
Garcia et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
SUMV-1 antagonizes the activity of synthetic multivulva genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Yücel et al. Developmental Biology, Elsevier. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Histone Methylation Restrains the Expression of Subtype-Specific Genes during Terminal Neuronal Differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Zheng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Feedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
High ImpactFeedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
Orsay,Santeuil and LeBlancviruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of maternal Wnt mRNA translation in C. elegans embryos
High ImpactDampening of expression oscillations by synchronous regulation of a microRNA and its target
Kimet al. Nature Genetics. 2013
A deletion polymorphism in the Caenorhabditis elegans RIG-I homolog disables viral RNA dicing and antiviral immunity
Ashe et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orsay, Santeuil and Le Blanc viruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nonautonomous Regulation of Neuronal Migration by Insulin Signaling, DAF-16/FOXO, and PAK-1
Kennedy et al. Cell Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Both the Caspase CSP-1 and a Caspase-Independent Pathway Promote Programmed Cell Death in Parallel to the Canonical Pathway for Apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans
Denning et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013
Using variability in gene expression as a tool for studying gene regulation
Padovan-Merhar et al. WIREs Syst Biol Med. 2013
Deconvolving the roles of Wnt ligands and receptors in sensing and amplification
Tan et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
High ImpactEmbryonic Priming of a miRNA Locus Predetermines Postmitotic Neuronal Left/Right Asymmetry in C. elegans
Cochellaet al. Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Removal of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Makes C. elegans Germ Cells Susceptible to Direct Conversion into Specific Somatic Cell Types
Patelet al. Cell Reports. 2012
High ImpactGlobal Analysis of RNA Secondary Structure in Two Metazoans
The P granule component PGL-1 promotes the localization and silencing activity of the PUF protein FBF-2 in germline stem cells
Voronina et al. Development and Stem Cells. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Predicting mutation outcome from early stochastic variation in genetic interaction partners
Burgaet al. Nature Letter. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Shared gene expression in distinct neurons expressing common selector genes
Topalidou et al. PNAS. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MAB-10/NAB acts with LIN-29/EGR to regulate terminal differentiation and the transition from larva to adult in C. elegans
Harriset al. Development. 2011
Neuroblast migration along the anteroposterior axis of C. elegans is controlled by opposing gradients of Wnts and a secreted Frizzled-related protein
Harterinket al. Development. 2011
Caenorhabditis elegans aristaless/Arx gene alr-1 restricts variable gene expression
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Rajet al. Nature Article. 2010
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
High ImpactMaking the message clear: visualizing mRNA localization
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
The Stress Granule Transcriptome Reveals Principles of mRNA Accumulation in Stress Granules
Parkeret al. Molecular Cell. 2017
High ImpactAn improved MS 2 system for accurate reporting of the mRN A life cycle
Tutucciet al. Nature Methods. 2017
mRNA detection in budding yeast with single fluorophores
Kimet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
Extreme calorie restriction in yeast retentostats induces uniform non-quiescent growth arrest
Bisschopset al. BBA-Molecular Cell Research. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Minimum-noise production of translation factor eIF4G maps to a mechanistically determined optimal rate control window for protein synthesis
Menget al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Chromatin Remodeler ISW1 Is a Quality Control Factor that Surveys Nuclear mRNP Biogenesis
Babouret al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation
Mikiet al. Genes to Cells. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation
Mikiet al. Genes to Cells. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Contribution of Bistability and Noise to Cell Fate Transitions Determined by Feedback Opening
Hsuet al. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2016
Size-Dependent Accumulation of the Mitotic Activator Cdc25 as a Mechanism of Size Control in Fission Yeast
Keifenheimet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
ATPase activity of the DEAD-box protein Dhh1 controls processing body formation
Mugleret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Subnuclear positioning and interchromosomal clustering of the GAL1-10 locus are controlled by separable, interdependent mechanisms
Garvey-Brickneret al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Altered RNA processing and export lead to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites and nuclear pore complexes or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Altered RNA processing and export leads to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites, nuclear pore complexes, or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of cell-to-cell variability in divergent gene expression
Yanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
In vivo single-particle imaging of nuclear mRNA export in budding yeast demonstrates an essential role for Mex67p
Smith et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
The nuclear basket mediates perinuclear mRNA scanning in budding yeast
Saroufim et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
Rate control in yeast protein synthesis at the population and single-cell levels
Dacheux et al. Biochemical Society Transactions. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chacko et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chackoet al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging Reveals a Switch between Spurious and Functional ncRNA Transcription
Lenstra et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Telomerase RNA stem terminus element affects template boundary element function, telomere sequence, and shelterin binding
Webb et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Promoter-Autonomous Functioning in a Controlled Environment using Single Molecule FISH
Hocine et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Heritable capture of heterochromatin dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Dodson et al. eLife. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Quantification of pre-mRNA escape rate and synergy in splicing
Bonde et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single yeast cells vary in transcription activity not in delay time after a metabolic shift
Schwabe et al. Nature Communications. 2014
High ImpactSingle yeast cells vary in transcription activity not in delay time after a metabolic shift
Schwabe et al. Nature Communications. 2014
Genetic basis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae biofilm in liquid medium
Andersen et al. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell in situ RNA profiling by sequential hybridization
Lubeck et al. Nature Methods. 2014
High ImpactDeterminants of robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signalling
Heinrich et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measurement and modeling of transcriptional noise in the cell cycle regulatory network
Translation- and SRP-independent mRNA targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kraut-Cohen et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Bimodal expression of PHO84 is modulated by early termination of antisense transcription
Castelnuovo et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2013
Visualization and Analysis of mRNA Molecules Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
McIsaac et al. Jove. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell Analysis of Ribonucleotide Reductase Transcriptional and Translational Response to DNA Damage
Mazumder et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2013
Single-Molecule Resolution Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) in the Yeast S. cerevisiae
Rahman et al. Methods of Molecular Biology. 2013
Inducible Control of Subcellular RNA Localization Using a Synthetic Protein-RNA Aptamer Interaction
Belmontet al. PLOS ONE. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell systems biology by super-resolution imaging and combinatorial labeling
Lubecket al. Nature Methods. 2012
High ImpactSingle-mRNA counting using fluorescent in situ hybridization in budding yeast
Trceket al. Nature Protocol. 2012
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
Imaging single mRNA molecules in yeast
Youket al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
Homeodomain protein Otp affects developmental neuropeptide switching in oxytocin neurons associated with a long-term effect on social behavior
High ImpactMemory of cell shape biases stochastic fate decision-making despite mitotic rounding
Akanumaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule RNA detection at depth via hybridization chain reaction and tissue hydrogel embedding and clearing
High ImpactTranscriptional enhancement of Smn levels in motoneurons is crucial for proper axon morphology in zebrafish
Spiroet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Optical Clearing Delivers Ultrasensitive Hyperspectral Dark-Field Imaging for Single- Cell Evaluation
Irudayarajet al. ACS Nano. 2016
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
Stapel et al. Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Whole-mount single molecule FISH method for zebrafish embryo
High ImpactLuminal signalling links cell communication to tissue architecture during organogenesis
Durdu et al. Nature Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell-Size-Dependent Transcription of FLC and Its Antisense Long Non-coding RNA COOLAIR Explain Cell-to-Cell Expression Variation
Ietswaartet al. Cell Systems. 2017
PlantSingle Molecule RNA FISH in Arabidopsis Root Cells
Duncanet al. Bio-Protocol. 2017
High Impact, PlantMutually exclusive sense–antisense transcription at FLC facilitates environmentally induced gene repression
Rosaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A method for detecting single mRNA molecules in Arabidopsis thaliana
Duncanet al. Plant Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lignin and lignans in plant defence: Insight from expression profiling of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase genes during development and following fungal infection in Populus
Cardiac glycoside/aglycones inhibit HIV-1 gene expression by a mechanism requiring MEK1/2- ERK1/2 signaling
Wonget al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2018
High ImpactAn NS-segment exonic splicing enhancer regulates influenza A virus replication in mammalian cells
Huanget al. Nature Communications. 2017
High ImpactPrimary Human Placental Trophoblasts are Permissive for Zika Virus (ZIKV) Replication
Aagaardet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), VSMF-9579-5
NES masking regulates HIV-1 Rev trafficking and viral RNA nuclear export
Behrenset al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Intercellular Transmission of Viral Populations with Vesicles
Human metapneumovirus Induces Reorganization of the Actin Cytoskeleton for Direct Cell-to-Cell Spread
El-Najjaret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Multicomponent Animal Virus Isolated from Mosquitoes
Ladneret al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule FISH Reveals Non-selective Packaging of Rift Valley Fever Virus Genome Segments
Schreuret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016
A systematic view on influenza induced host shutoff
Bercovich-Kinoriet al. eLIFE. 2016
FLOW-FISHHeterogeneous loss of HIV transcription and proviral DNA from 8E5/LAV lymphoblastic leukemia cells revealed by RNA FISH:FLOW analyses
Wilburnet al. Retrovirology. 2016
New World and Old World Alphaviruses Have Evolved to Exploit Different Components of Stress Granules, FXR and G3BP Proteins, for Assembly of Viral Replication Complexes
YoungKimet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
NXT1, a Novel Influenza A NP Binding Protein, Promotes the Nuclear Export of NP via a CRM1-Dependent Pathway
Chutiwitoonchaiet al. Viruses. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hepatitis B virus polymerase localizes to the mitochondria and its terminal protein domain contains the mitochondrial-targeting signal
Unchwaniwalaet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An Epstein-Barr Virus-Encoded Protein Complex Requires an Origin of Lytic Replication In Cis to Mediate Late Gene Transcription
Djavadianet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Influenza virus mRNA trafficking through host nuclear speckles
Moret al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Viral genome imaging of hepatitis C virus to probe heterogeneous viral infection and responses to antiviral therapies
Characterization of a Novel Orthomyxo-like Virus Causing Mass Die-Offs of Tilapia
Bacharachet al. mBio. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DDX3 Interacts with Influenza A Virus NS1 and NP Proteins and Exerts Antiviral Function through Regulation of Stress Granule Formation
Thulasi-Ramanet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus utilizes nanotubes for intercellular spread
Guoet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DDX3 interacts with influenza A NS1 and NP proteins and exerts antiviral function through regulation of stress granule formation
Thulasi Raman et al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of a Natural Viral RNA Motif That Optimizes Sensing of Viral RNA by RIG-I
Xu et al. The American Society for Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Novel Antiviral Target Structure Involved in the RNA Binding, Dimerization, and Nuclear Export Functions of the Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein
Kakisaka et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multiplexed detection of viral infections using rapid in situ RNA analysis on a chip†
Shaffer et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
Differential Effects of Tra2ß Isoforms on HIV-1 RNA Processing and Expression
Platt et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Orthogonal control of expression mean and variance by epigenetic features at different genomic loci
Dey et al. Molecular Systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Ubiquitin Proteasome System Plays a Role in Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infection
Amaya et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule analysis of myocyte differentiation reveals bimodal lineage commitment†
Gibson et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
Mining the Human Complexome Database Identifies RBM14 as an XPO1-Associated Protein Involved in HIV-1 Rev Function
Budhiraja et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phosphatidylserine Vesicles Enable Efficient En Bloc Transmission of Enteroviruses
RNA-directed remodeling of the HIV-1 protein Rev orchestrates assembly of the Rev–Rev response element complex
Distribution and Characterization of Rhogocyte Cell Types in the Mantle Tissue of Haliotis laevigata
Sairi et al. Marine Biotechnoloy. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MicroRNA binding to the HIV-1 Gag protein inhibits Gag assembly and virus production
Chen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global Bidirectional Transcription of the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome 1 During Reactivation
O’Grady et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Small alveolar macrophages are infected preferentially by HIV and exhibit impaired phagocytic function
Jambo et al. Nature Mucosal Immunology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of a novel multiple kinase inhibitor with potent antiviral activity against influenza virus by reducing viral polymerase activity
Sasaki et al. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2014
Orsay,Santeuil and LeBlancviruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Characterization of novel inhibitors of HIV-1 replication that function via alteration of viral RNA processing and rev function
Wong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nuclear import of APOBEC3F-labeled HIV-1 preintegration complexes
Burdick et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A deletion polymorphism in the Caenorhabditis elegans RIG-I homolog disables viral RNA dicing and antiviral immunity
Ashe et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orsay, Santeuil and Le Blanc viruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
IFI16 senses DNA forms of the lentiviral replication cycle and controls HIV-1 replication
Jakobsen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013
Colocalization of Different Influenza Viral RNA Segments in the Cytoplasm before Viral Budding as Shown by Single-molecule Sensitivity FISH Analysis
Chou et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Digoxin Suppresses HIV-1 Replication by Altering Viral RNA Processing
Wong et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Influenza A Virus PB2, PA, NP, and M Segments Play a Pivotal Role during Genome Packaging
One influenza virus particle packages eight unique viral RNAs as shown by FISH analysis
Dynamics of protein noise can distinguish between alternate sources of gene-expression variability
Microbiota Diurnal Rhythmicity Programs Host Transcriptome Oscillations
High ImpactCell-to-cell spread of microsporidia causes Caenorhabditis elegans organs to form syncytia
Ballaet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidia intracellular development relies on Myc interaction network transcription factors in the host
Bottset al. G3. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Spatial organization shapes the turnover of a bacterial transcriptome
High ImpactPhenotypic heterogeneity driven by nutrient limitation promotes growth in fluctuating environments
Schreiberet al. . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phenotypic heterogeneity driven by nutrient limitation promotes growth in fluctuating environments
Schreiberet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Methods for studying RNA localization in bacteria
FLOW-FISHSingle-Cell Cytokine Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells Correlates with Latent Tuberculosis Status
High ImpactTandem Spinach Array for mRNA Imaging in Living Bacterial Cells
Zhang et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
DksA involvement in transcription fidelity buffers stochastic epigenetic change
Satory et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015
Propionibacterium acnes Recovered from Atherosclerotic Human Carotid Arteries Undergoes Biofilm Dispersion and Releases Lipolytic and Proteolytic Enzymes in Response to Norepinephrine Challenge In Vitro
Lanter et al. Infection and Immunity. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Determination of in vivo target search kinetics of regulatory noncoding RNA
Microbe ScreenA metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts
De Clerck et al. Microbiome. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Removal of 8-oxo-GTP by MutT hydrolase is not a major contributor to transcriptional fidelity
Gordon et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014
High ImpactLabeling native bacterial RNA in live cells
Toran et al. Nature Cell Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcription termination controls prophage maintenance in Escherichia coli genomes
Menouni et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcription-Factor-Mediated DNA Looping Probed by High-Resolution, Single-Molecule Imaging in Live E. coli Cells
Hensel et al. PLOS Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
Counting Small RNA in Pathogenic Bacteria
Shepherd et al. Analytical Chemistry. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Gene location and DNA density determine transcription factor distributions in Escherichia coli
Kuhlmanet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Clustered nuclei maintain autonomy and nucleocytoplasmic ratio control in a syncytium
Dundonet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Quantitative spatial analysis of transcripts in multinucleate cells using single-molecule FISH
Lee et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ploidy variation in multinucleate cells changes under stress
Andersonet al. Molecular Biology Cell. 2015
A Wild C. Elegans Strain Has Enhanced Epithelial Immunity to a Natural Microsporidian Parasite
Balla et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garcia et al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Changes in behavior and brain immediate early gene expression in male threespined sticklebacks as they become fathers
Bellet al. Hormones and Behavior. 2017
Adenylyl cyclase mRNA localizes to the posterior of polarized DICTYOSTELIUM cells during chemotaxis
Parentet al. BMC Cell Biology. 2017
The UT family of MHC class I loci unique to non-eutherian mammals has limited polymorphism and tissue specific patterns of expression in the opossum
Krasnecet al. BMC Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell-to-cell spread of microsporidia causes Caenorhabditis elegans organs to form syncytia
Ballaet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcription upregulation via force-induced direct stretching of chromatin
Tajiket al. Nature Materials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
New World and Old World Alphaviruses Have Evolved to Exploit Different Components of Stress Granules, FXR and G3BP Proteins, for Assembly of Viral Replication Complexes
YoungKimet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidia intracellular development relies on Myc interaction network transcription factors in the host
Bottset al. G3. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Absolute quantitative measurement of transcriptional kinetic parameters in vivo
Iyeret al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Soluble calcium-binding proteins (SCBPs) of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris: molecular characterization and localization by FISH in muscle and neuronal tissue
Thiruketheeswaranet al. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2016
High ImpactCentromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Centromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016
High ImpactTh17 Cells Are Preferentially Infected Very Early after Vaginal Transmission of SIV in Macaques
Stiehet al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Brain regions and molecular pathways responding to food reward type and value in honey bees
Matthew S McNeill et al. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Novel Antiviral Target Structure Involved in the RNA Binding, Dimerization, and Nuclear Export Functions of the Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein
Kakisaka et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hypoxia Up-Regulates Galectin-3 in Mammary Tumor Progression and Metastasis
Oliveira et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Novel insights into RNP granules by employing the trypanosome’s microtubule skeleton as a molecular sieve
Fritz et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) DC-SCRIPT, a Specific Molecular Marker for Dendritic Cells in Fish
Zoccola et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Voxel-based analysis of the immediate early gene, c-jun, in the honey bee brain after a sucrose stimulus
McNeill et al. Insect Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Distribution and Characterization of Rhogocyte Cell Types in the Mantle Tissue of Haliotis laevigata
Sairi et al. Marine Biotechnoloy. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Activation of the Chicken Type I Interferon Response by Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus
Kint et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Most Human Proteins Made in Both Nucleus and Cytoplasm Turn Over within Minutes
Differential Expression of Galectin-1 and Galectin-3 in Canine Nonmalignant and Malignant Mammary Tissues, and in Progression to Metastases in Mammary Tumours
Oliveira JT et al. Anticancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mitochondria Coordinate Sites of Axon Branching through Localized Intra-axonal Protein Synthesis
Spillane et al. Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Discovery of J Chain in African Lungfish (Protopterus dolloi, Sarcopterygii) Using High Throughput Transcriptome Sequencing: Implications in Mucosal Immunity
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garciaet al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of Transcriptionally Coupled and Uncoupled Splicing
Nucleolin-Mediated RNA Localization Regulates Neuron Growth and Cycling Cell Size
Perryet al. Cell Reports. 0216
Imaging Transcriptional Regulation of Eukaryotic mRNA Genes: Advances and Outlook
Yaoet al. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2017
High ImpactThe long non-coding RNA NEAT1 is responsive to neuronal activity and is associated with hyperexcitability states
Barryet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: SMF-2026-1, SMF-2036-1
Extreme calorie restriction in yeast retentostats induces uniform non-quiescent growth arrest
Bisschopset al. BBA-Molecular Cell Research. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
High-performance multiplexed fluorescence in situ hybridization in culture and tissue with matrix imprinting and clearing
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Rahmanet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Flow cytometryMinimum-noise production of translation factor eIF4G maps to a mechanistically determined optimal rate control window for protein synthesis
Menget al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Combined Single-Cell Measurement of Cells with Persistent Effector Function Cytokine mRNA and Protein Identifies T
Nicoletet al. The Journal of Immunology. 2016
High ImpactLncBRM initiates YAP1 signalling activation to drive self-renewal of liver cancer stem cells
Zhuet al. Nature Communications. 2016
High ImpactMacrophage-dependent tumor cell transendothelial migration is mediated by Notch1/MenaINVinitiated invadopodium formation
Pignatelliet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inferring Cell-State Transition Dynamics from Lineage Trees and Endpoint Single-Cell Measurements
Hormozet al. Cell Systems. 2016
Primate-specific oestrogen-responsive long non-coding RNAs regulate proliferation and viability of human breast cancer cells
Linet al. Open Biology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Chromatin Remodeler ISW1 Is a Quality Control Factor that Surveys Nuclear mRNP Biogenesis
Babouret al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualizing adenosine to inosine RNA editing in single mammalian cells
Intact NYN/PIN-Like Domain is Crucial for the Degradation of Inflammation-Related Transcripts by ZC3H12D
Wawroet al. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The UT family of MHC class I loci unique to non-eutherian mammals has limited polymorphism and tissue specific patterns of expression in the opossum
Krasnecet al. BMC Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Epigenetic inactivation of the p53-induced long noncoding RNA TP53 target 1 in human cancer
Diaz-Lagareset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stabilizing mutations of KLHL24 ubiquitin ligase cause loss of keratin 14 and human skin fragility
Linet al. Nature Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Super-resolution imaging of fluorescently labeled, endogenous RNA Polymerase II in living cells with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing
Choet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
NEAT1 modulates herpes simplex virus-1 replication by regulating viral gene transcription
Wanget al. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2016.
Products: SMF-2037-1
ATAC-see reveals the accessible genome by transposase-mediated imaging and sequencing
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Long noncoding RNA Tug1 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics in diabetic nephropathy
Longet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Massive and parallel expression profiling using microarrayed single-cell sequencing
Vickovicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: SMF-2026-1
RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation
Mikiet al. Genes to Cells. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation
Mikiet al. Genes to Cells. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Contribution of Bistability and Noise to Cell Fate Transitions Determined by Feedback Opening
Hsuet al. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2016
Size-Dependent Accumulation of the Mitotic Activator Cdc25 as a Mechanism of Size Control in Fission Yeast
Keifenheimet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DIGIT Is a Conserved Long Noncoding RNA that Regulates GSC Expression to Control Definitive Endoderm Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Daneshvaret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
ATPase activity of the DEAD-box protein Dhh1 controls processing body formation
Mugleret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Non-coding RNA Malat1 Regulates Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Chronic Diabetic Complications
Human metapneumovirus Induces Reorganization of the Actin Cytoskeleton for Direct Cell-to-Cell Spread
El-Najjaret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA landscape of breast cancer reveals a role for DSCAM-AS1 in breast cancer progression
Niknafset al. Nature Communications. 2016
Visualization of Enhancer-Derived Noncoding RNA
Shibayamaet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Tankyrase inhibition promotes a stable human naïve pluripotent state with improved functionality
Zimmerlinet al. Development. 2016.
Products: SMF-2038-1
m6A RNA methylation promotes XISTmediated transcriptional repression
Patilet al. Nature Article. 2016.
Products: SMF-2038-1
A Multicomponent Animal Virus Isolated from Mosquitoes
Ladneret al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
High-throughput single-cell gene-expression profiling with multiplexed error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization
Moffittet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The long non-coding RNA Morrbid regulates Bim and short-lived myeloid cell lifespan
Kotzinet al. Nature Letter. 2016
Visualization of single endogenous polysomes reveals the dynamics of translation in live human cells
Pichonet al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2016
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule FISH Reveals Non-selective Packaging of Rift Valley Fever Virus Genome Segments
Schreuret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016
High ImpactTranscription upregulation via force-induced direct stretching of chromatin
Tajiket al. Nature Materials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Modulation of long noncoding RNAs by risk SNPs underlying genetic predispositions to prostate cancer
Haiyang Guo et al. Nature Genetcs. 2016
A systematic view on influenza induced host shutoff
Bercovich-Kinoriet al. eLIFE. 2016
Single-cell analyses of X Chromosome inactivation dynamics and pluripotency during differentiation
Chenet al. Genome Research. 2016.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Excitability in the p53 network mediates robust signaling with tunable activation thresholds in single cells
Moenkeet al. bioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Aire knockdown in medullary thymic epithelial cells affects Aire protein, deregulates cell adhesion genes and decreases thymocyte interaction
Pezziet al. Molecular Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-¬cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
Subnuclear positioning and interchromosomal clustering of the GAL1-10 locus are controlled by separable, interdependent mechanisms
Garvey-Brickneret al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of star by the n-terminal Domain and coinduction of siK1 and Tis11b/Znf36l1 in single cells
Leeet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
NXT1, a Novel Influenza A NP Binding Protein, Promotes the Nuclear Export of NP via a CRM1-Dependent Pathway
Chutiwitoonchaiet al. Viruses. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Circadian RNA expression elicited by 3’- UTR IRAlu-paraspeckle associated elements
Torreset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hepatitis B virus polymerase localizes to the mitochondria and its terminal protein domain contains the mitochondrial-targeting signal
Unchwaniwalaet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global transcript structure resolution of high gene density genomes through multi-platform data integration
O’Gradyet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidia intracellular development relies on Myc interaction network transcription factors in the host
Bottset al. G3. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Altered RNA processing and export lead to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites and nuclear pore complexes or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA GIHCG promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression through epigenetically regulating miR-200b/a/429
Suiet al. Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An Epstein-Barr Virus-Encoded Protein Complex Requires an Origin of Lytic Replication In Cis to Mediate Late Gene Transcription
Djavadianet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule RNA detection at depth via hybridization chain reaction and tissue hydrogel embedding and clearing
Perturbing HIV-1 genomic RNA subcellular location inhibits virus particle production
Beckeret al. bioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional enhancement of Smn levels in motoneurons is crucial for proper axon morphology in zebrafish
Spiroet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Sallamet al. Nature Letter. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ebola virus does not induce stress granule formation during infection and sequesters stress granule proteins within viral inclusions
Nelsonet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
lnc-β-Catm elicits EZH2-dependent β-catenin stabilization and sustains liver CSC self-renewal
Zhuet al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2016
Nuclear speckles are detention centers for transcripts containing expanded CAG repeats
High ImpactInfluenza virus mRNA trafficking through host nuclear speckles
Moret al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule detection and tracking of RNA transcripts in living cells using phosphorothioate-optimized 2'-O-methyl RNA molecular beacons
Zhaoet al. Biomaterials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Spatial organization shapes the turnover of a bacterial transcriptome
Clustered nuclei maintain autonomy and nucleocytoplasmic ratio control in a syncytium
Dundonet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phenotypic heterogeneity driven by nutrient limitation promotes growth in fluctuating environments
Schreiberet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Parkinson-associated risk variant in distal enhancer of α-synuclein modulates target gene expression
Soldneret al. Nature Letter. 2016
High ImpactDivergent lncRNAs Regulate Gene Expression and Lineage Differentiation in Pluripotent Cells
Luoet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
IF-combined smRNA FISH reveals interaction of MCPIP1 protein with IER3 mRNA
Kochanet al. Biology Open. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CRISPR-Cas9 targeted deletion of the C9orf72 repeat expansion mutation corrects cellular phenotypes in patient-derived iPS cells
Pribadiet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2016
Viral genome imaging of hepatitis C virus to probe heterogeneous viral infection and responses to antiviral therapies
Dissecting Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Pluripotency: Single Cell Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Guedeset al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dissecting Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Pluripotency: Single Cell Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Guedeset al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
High ImpactEnhancer Regulation of Transcriptional Bursting Parameters Revealed by Forced Chromatin Looping
Bartmanet al. Molecular Cell. 2016
High ImpactTh17 Cells Are Preferentially Infected Very Early after Vaginal Transmission of SIV in Macaques
Stiehet al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Gene Dual-Color Reporter Cell Line to Analyze RNA Synthesis in vivo
High ImpactProgrammable RNA Tracking in Live Cells with CRISPR/Cas9
Nelleset al. Cell. 2016.
Products: VSMF-2003-5, VSMF-2448-5, VSMF-2415-5
Characterization of a Novel Orthomyxo-like Virus Causing Mass Die-Offs of Tilapia
Bacharachet al. mBio. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Analysis of specific RNA in cultured cells through quantitative integration of q-PCR and N-SIM single cell FISH images: Application to hormonal stimulation of StAR transcription
Leeet al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2016
DDX3 Interacts with Influenza A Virus NS1 and NP Proteins and Exerts Antiviral Function through Regulation of Stress Granule Formation
Thulasi-Ramanet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long non-coding RNA C2dat1 regulates CaMKIIδ expression to promote neuronal survival through the NF-κB signaling pathway following cerebral ischemia
Deficiency of the Survival of Motor Neuron Protein Impairs mRNA Localization and Local Translation in the Growth Cone of Motor Neurons
Falliniet al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of cell-to-cell variability in divergent gene expression
Yanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Distal Alternative Last Exons Localize mRNAs to Neural Projections
Taliaferroet al. Molecular Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus utilizes nanotubes for intercellular spread
Guoet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
cAMP/CREB-regulated LINC00473 marks LKB1- inactivated lung cancer and mediates tumor growth
Chenet al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topologically associated domains enriched for lineage specific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis
Neemset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topologically associated domains enriched for lineagespecific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis
Neemset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell differences in matrix gene expression do not predict matrix deposition
Coteet al. Nature Communications. 2016
Visualizing allele-specific expression in single cells reveals epigenetic mosaicism in an H19 loss-of-imprinting mutant
Ginartet al. Genes and Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-2161-5
Cytoplasmic long noncoding RNAs are frequently bound to and degraded at ribosomes in human cells
High ImpactDynamics of CDKN1A in Single Cells Defined by an Endogenous Fluorescent Tagging Toolkit
Stewart-Ornstein et al. Cell Reports. 2016
Structure–function analysis of myomaker domains\ required for myoblast fusion
Millayet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1014-5
Transcriptional pulsing of a nucleolar transgene
Hausnerovaet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2016.
Products: SMF-2026-1
A continuum model of transcriptional bursting
Corriganet al. Genes and Chromosomes. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNase P Protein Subunit, Rpp29, Represses Histone H3.3 Nucleosome Deposition
Newhart et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Natural antisense RNA promotes 3 end processing and maturation of MALAT1 lncRNA
Zong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
High ImpactRNase P protein subunit Rpp29 represses histone H3.3 nucleosome deposition
Newhartet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016
DDX3 interacts with influenza A NS1 and NP proteins and exerts antiviral function through regulation of stress granule formation
Thulasi Raman et al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long Non-Coding RNAs
High ImpactStellaris® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for the Simultaneous Detection of Immature and Mature Long Noncoding RNAs in Adherent Cells
Post-transcriptional Modifications Contribute to the Upregulation of Cyclin D2 in Multiple Myeloma
Misiewicz-Krzeminska et al. Clinical Cancer Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identifying Centromeric RNAs Involved in Histone Dynamics In Vivo
Quénetet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Nuclear Retention of mRNA in Mammalian Tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Cell Reports. 2015
In vivo single-particle imaging of nuclear mRNA export in budding yeast demonstrates an essential role for Mex67p
Smith et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
The nuclear basket mediates perinuclear mRNA scanning in budding yeast
Saroufim et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
Endoplasmic reticulum stress increases AT1R mRNA expression via TIA-1-dependent mechanism
Backlund et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Polyadenylation-Dependent 3' End Maturation Pathway Is Required for the Synthesis of the Human Telomerase RNA
Nguyen et al. Cell . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
X chromosome inactivation in human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells following prolonged passaging
Qi et al. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2015
FLOW-FISHSingle-Cell Cytokine Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells Correlates with Latent Tuberculosis Status
Differential Regulation of Progesterone Receptor-Mediated Transcription by CDK2 and DNA-PK
Trevino et al. Molecular Endocrinology. 2015
LncRNA-HIT Functions as an Epigenetic Regulator of Chondrogenesis through Its Recruitment of p100/CBP Complexes
Carlson et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A conserved abundant cytoplasmic long noncoding RNA modulates repression of mRNAs by PUM2 in human cells
Tichon et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
Rate control in yeast protein synthesis at the population and single-cell levels
Dacheux et al. Biochemical Society Transactions. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Gene essentially and synthetic lethality in haploid human cells
Blomen et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Tandem Spinach Array for mRNA Imaging in Living Bacterial Cells
Zhang et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
RNA FISH for detecting expanded repeats in human diseases
Urbanek et al. Methods. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chacko et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chackoet al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Engineering Duplex RNAs for Challenging Targets: Recognition of GGGGCC/CCCCGG Repeats at the ALS/FTD C9orf72 Locus
Hu et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2015
High ImpactSingle-Molecule Imaging Reveals a Switch between Spurious and Functional ncRNA Transcription
Lenstra et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nonspreading Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection of Human Dendritic Cells Results in Downregulation of CD83 and Full Maturation of Bystander Cells
Oreshkova et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Mitotic Transcriptional Activation: Clearance of Actively Engaged Pol II via Transcriptional Elongation Control in Mitosis
Liang et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Netrin-1 Induces Local Translation of Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule in Axonal Growth Cones
Jain et al. Developmental Neurobiology. 2015
Identification of a Natural Viral RNA Motif That Optimizes Sensing of Viral RNA by RIG-I
Xu et al. The American Society for Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous detection of mRNA and protein in single cells using immunofluorescence-combined single-molecule RNA FISH
Kochan et al. BioTechniques. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Sphinx: modeling transcriptional heterogeneity in single-cell RNA-Seq
Gu et al. bioRxIV. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Female bias in systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with the differential expression of X-linked toll-like receptor 8
Telomerase RNA stem terminus element affects template boundary element function, telomere sequence, and shelterin binding
Webb et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Application of an RNA amplification method for reliable single-cell transcriptome analysis
Suslov et al. BioTechniques. 2015
Regulation of mRNA translation during mitosis
DksA involvement in transcription fidelity buffers stochastic epigenetic change
Satory et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015
High ImpactHeterogeneous lineage marker expression in naive embryonic stem cells is mostly due to spontaneous differentiation
Nair et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
Prion-like domains in RNA binding proteins are essential for building subnuclear paraspeckles
Hennig et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: VSMF-2250-5
Antagonist Xist and Tsix co-transcription during mouse oogenesis and maternal Xist expression during pre-implantation development calls into question the nature of the maternal imprint on the X chromosome
Deuve et al. Epigenetics. 2015
Analysis of dynamic changes in retinoid-induced transcription and epigenetic profiles of murine Hox clusters in ES cells
Kumar et al. Genome Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Widespread Inducible Transcription Downstream of Human Genes
Vilborg et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
mRNA encoding Sec61β, a tail-anchored protein, is localized on the endoplasmic reticulum
Cui et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Journal of Cell Science. 2015.
Products: SMF-2026-1
A Novel Antiviral Target Structure Involved in the RNA Binding, Dimerization, and Nuclear Export Functions of the Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein
Kakisaka et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Novel insights into RNP granules by employing the trypanosome’s microtubule skeleton as a molecular sieve
Fritz et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single Cell Analysis Reveals Concomitant Transcription of Pluripotent and Lineage Markers During the Early Steps of Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Lanctôt et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) DC-SCRIPT, a Specific Molecular Marker for Dendritic Cells in Fish
Zoccola et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Robust hematopoietic progenitor cell commitment in the presence of a conflicting cue
Shah et al. Journal of Cell Science. 2015
New Noncoding Lytic Transcripts Derived from the Epstein-Barr Virus Latency Origin of Replication, oriP, Are Hyperedited, Bind the Paraspeckle Protein, NONO/p54nrb, and Support Viral Lytic Transcription
Cao et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Alternative 39UTRs act as scaffolds to regulate membrane protein localization
Berkovits et al. Nature Research Letter. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Pervasive transcription read-through promotes aberrant expression of oncogenes and RNA chimeras in renal carcinoma
Grosso et al. eLife. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DAZL regulates Tet1 translation in murine embryonic stem cells
Wellinget al. EMBO reports. 2015
Single-cell polyadenylation site mapping reveals 3' isoform choice variability
Velten et al. Molecular systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Promoter-Autonomous Functioning in a Controlled Environment using Single Molecule FISH
Hocine et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An alternative pluripotent state confers interspecies chimaeric competency
Wu et al. Nature. 2015.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Differential Effects of Tra2ß Isoforms on HIV-1 RNA Processing and Expression
Platt et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
The Zinc-Finger Antiviral Protein ZAP Inhibits LINE and Alu Retrotransposition
Moldovan et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of PSD-95 mRNA Translation in Dendrites and Its Dysregulation in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome
Ifrim et al. The Journal of Neuorscience. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Head-to-head antisense transcription and R-loop formation promotes transcriptional activation
Boque-Sastre et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orthogonal control of expression mean and variance by epigenetic features at different genomic loci
Dey et al. Molecular Systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CArG-driven GADD45α activated by resveratrol inhibits lung cancer cells
Shi et al. Genes & Cancer. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Ubiquitin Proteasome System Plays a Role in Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infection
Amaya et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multiplexed single-cell in situ RNA analysis by reiterative hybridization†
Xiao et al. Analytical Methods. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule analysis of myocyte differentiation reveals bimodal lineage commitment†
Gibson et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
High ImpactSpatially resolved, highly multiplexed RNA profiling in single cells
Chen et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single Mammalian Cells Compensate for Differences in Cellular Volume and DNA Copy Number through Independent Global Transcriptional Mechanisms
Padovan-Merhar et al. Molecular Cell. 2015
High ImpactSystematic Discovery of Xist RNA Binding Proteins
Functional Characterization of Long Noncoding RNA Lnc_bc060912 in Human Lung Carcinoma Cells
Luo et al. Biochemistry . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Noncoding RNA lncTCF7 Promotes Self-Renewal of Human Liver Cancer Stem Cells through Activation of Wnt Signaling
Wang et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
Mining the Human Complexome Database Identifies RBM14 as an XPO1-Associated Protein Involved in HIV-1 Rev Function
Budhiraja et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Synonymous modification results in highfidelity gene expression of repetitive protein and nucleotide sequences
Wu et al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1019-5
Genome-wide profiling of p53-regulated enhancer RNAs uncovers a subset of enhancers controlled by a lncRNA
High ImpactAn RNA biosensor for imaging the first round of translation from single cells to living animals
Halstead et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Determination of in vivo target search kinetics of regulatory noncoding RNA
Myosin VI regulates gene pairing and transcriptional pause release in T cells
Expanded GAA repeats impair FXN gene expression and reposition the FXN locus to the nuclear lamina in single cells
Silva et al. Human Molecular Genetics, Oxford. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The structure of human SFPQ reveals a coiled-coil mediated polymer essential for functional aggregation in gene regulation
Lee et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Single-Cell XIST Expression in Human Preimplantation Embryos and Newly Reprogrammed Female Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Briggs et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
PolyQ-dependent RNA–protein assemblies control symmetry breaking
Lee et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
The volumes and transcript counts of single cells reveal concentration homeostasis and capture biological noise
Kempe et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phosphatidylserine Vesicles Enable Efficient En Bloc Transmission of Enteroviruses
High ImpactSingle-cell analysis shows that paracrine signaling by first responder cells shapes the interferon-b response to viral infection
Patil et al. Science Signaling. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stimulation of StAR expression by cAMP is controlled by inhibition of highly inducible SIK1 via CRTC2, a co-activator of CREB
Lee et al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of Mechanosensation in C. elegans through Ubiquitination of the MEC-4 Mechanotransduction Channel
Chen et al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2015
Transcriptional Expression of Myelin Basic Protein in Oligodendrocytes Depends on Functional Syntaxin 4: a Potential Correlation with Autocrine Signaling
Bijlardet al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2015
High ImpactTemporal and spatial regulation of translation in the mammalian oocyte via the mTOR–eIF4F pathway
Susor et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Heritable capture of heterochromatin dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Dodson et al. eLife. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Localization and abundance analysis of human lncRNAs at single-cell and single-molecule resolution
Cabili et al. GenomeBiology. 2015
RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Cultured Mammalian Cells
Tripathi et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
A metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts
De Clerck et al. Microbiome. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multi-Scale Imaging and Informatics Pipeline for In Situ Pluripotent Stem Cell Analysis
High ImpactGenome-wide analysis of the human p53 transcriptional network unveils a lncRNA tumour suppressor signature
S'anchez et al. Nature Communications. 2014
Profiling T Cell Activation Using Hybridization and Flow Cytometry Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ
Bushkin et al. The Journal of Immunology. 2014
Profiling T Cell Activation Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and Flow Cytometry
Bushkin et al. The Jornal of Immunology. 2014
Super-resolutionSecond Harmonic Super-resolution Microscopy for Quantification of mRNA at Single Copy Sensitivity
Liu et al. ACS Nano. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2102-5
RNA-directed remodeling of the HIV-1 protein Rev orchestrates assembly of the Rev–Rev response element complex
High ImpactProteostatic Control of Telomerase Function through TRiC-Mediated Folding of TCAB1
Freund et al. Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic promoter activation affects Nanog expression variability in mouse embryonic stem cells
Ochiai et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Self-Digitization Microfluidic Chip for Absolute Quantification of mRNA in Single Cells
Thompson et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: SMF-2006-1
Distribution and Characterization of Rhogocyte Cell Types in the Mantle Tissue of Haliotis laevigata
Sairi et al. Marine Biotechnoloy. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Activation of the Chicken Type I Interferon Response by Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus
Kint et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Autophagy supports genomic stability by degrading retrotransposon RNA
Guo et al. Nature Communications. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Quantification of pre-mRNA escape rate and synergy in splicing
Bonde et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inter- and intratumoral heterogeneity of BCL2 correlates with IgH expression and prognosis in follicular lymphoma
Barreca et al. Nature Blood Cancer Journal. 2014
Removal of 8-oxo-GTP by MutT hydrolase is not a major contributor to transcriptional fidelity
Gordon et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014
Kinetic competition during the transcription cycle results in stochastic RNA processing
Coulon et al. eLIFE, Biophysics and structural biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Using Amino-Labeled Nucleotide Probes for Simultaneous Single Molecule RNA-DNA FISH
The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response
Vera et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multifunctional Roles for the Protein Translocation Machinery in RNA Anchoring to the Endoplasmic Reticulum*
Jagannathan et al. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cadherin-8 Expression, Synaptic Localization, and Molecular Control of Neuronal Form in Prefrontal Corticostriatal Circuits
Friedman et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Benzyl butyl phthalate induces migration, invasion, and angiogenesis of Huh7 hepatocellular carcinoma cells through nongenomic AhR/G-protein signaling
Tsai et al. BMC Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of genes in toxicity pathways of trinucleotide-repeat RNA in C. elegans
Garcia et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Genetic basis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae biofilm in liquid medium
Andersen et al. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of pri-miRNA Processing by a Long Noncoding RNA Transcribed from an Ultraconserved Region
Liz et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Defining Estrogenic Mechanisms of Bisphenol A Analogs through High Throughput Microscopy-Based Contextual Assays
Stossi et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Most Human Proteins Made in Both Nucleus and Cytoplasm Turn Over within Minutes
High ImpactLincRNA-p21 Activates p21 In cis to Promote Polycomb Target Gene Expression and to Enforce the G1/S Checkpoint
Dimitrova et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The role of high cell density in the promotion of neuroendocrine transdifferentiation of prostate cancer cells
Pernicova et al. Molecular Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic NANOG fluctuations allow mouse embryonic stem cells to explore pluripotency
Abranches et al. Development, The Company of Biologists. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MicroRNA binding to the HIV-1 Gag protein inhibits Gag assembly and virus production
Chen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional profiling of cells sorted by RNA abundance
Klemm et al. Nature Methods. 2014
High ImpactLabeling native bacterial RNA in live cells
Toran et al. Nature Cell Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell in situ RNA profiling by sequential hybridization
Lubeck et al. Nature Methods. 2014
Fusion FISH Imaging: Single-Molecule Detection of Gene Fusion Transcripts In Situ
The functional characterization of long noncoding RNA SPRY4-IT1 in human melanoma cells
Mazar et al. Oncotarget. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fold Change of Nuclear NF-kB Determines TNF-Induced Transcription in Single Cells
Lee et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Aberrant Patterns of X Chromosome Inactivation in a New Line of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Established in Physiological Oxygen Concentrations
Oliveira Georges et al. Stem Cell Rev and Rep. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
KIF14 Promotes AKT Phosphorylation and Contributes to Chemoresistance in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Singel et al. Neoplasia. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lineage and species-specific long noncoding RNAs during erythro-megakaryocytic development
Paralkar et al. Red Cells, Iron, and Erythropoiesis. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global Bidirectional Transcription of the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome during Reactivation
O'Grady et al. JVI, Journal of Virology. 2014
Global Bidirectional Transcription of the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome 1 During Reactivation
O’Grady et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Small alveolar macrophages are infected preferentially by HIV and exhibit impaired phagocytic function
Jambo et al. Nature Mucosal Immunology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topological organization of multichromosomal regions by the long intergenic noncoding RNA Firre
Hacisuleyman et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Systems level-based RNAi screening by high content analysis identifies UBR5 as a regulator of estrogen receptor-a protein levels and activity
Bolt et al. Nature Oncogene. 2014
High ImpactRNAi Factors Are Present and Active in Human Cell Nuclei
Gagnon et al. Cell Reports. 2014.
Products: SMF-2035-1
A microRNA-based single-gene circuit buffers protein synthesis rates against perturbations
Strovas et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA-mediated intrachromosomal interactions promote imprinting at the Kcnq1 locus
Zhang et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2014
High ImpactN6-methyladenosine-dependent regulation of messenger RNA stability
Wang et al. Nature Research Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous Detection of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic RNA Variants Utilizing Stellaris ® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Adherent Cells
Coassin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2054-5, VSMF-2211-5
Nup98 promotes antiviral gene expression to restrict RNA viral infection in Drosophila
KO lncRNAMultiple knockout mouse models reveal lincRNAs are required for life and brain development
Sauvageau et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mitochondria Coordinate Sites of Axon Branching through Localized Intra-axonal Protein Synthesis
Spillane et al. Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Defined Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture Enables Highly Efficient Neuroepithelium Derivation Without Small Molecule Inhibitors
Lippmann et al. Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Scaffold function of long non-coding RNA HOTAIR in protein ubiquitination
Yoon et al. Nature Communications. 2013
High ImpactFeedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
Nuclear import of APOBEC3F-labeled HIV-1 preintegration complexes
Burdick et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Determinants of robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signalling
Heinrich et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromosomal Contact Permits Transcription between Coregulated Genes
Identifying Division Symmetry of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells: Negative Impact of DNA Methyltransferases on Symmetric Self-Renewal
Jasnos et al. Stem Cell Reports. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Image-based transcriptomics in thousands of single human cells at single-molecule resolution
Battich et al. Nature Methods. 2013
High ImpactMeasurement and modeling of transcriptional noise in the cell cycle regulatory network
IFI16 senses DNA forms of the lentiviral replication cycle and controls HIV-1 replication
Jakobsen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013
Translation- and SRP-independent mRNA targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kraut-Cohen et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Turbo FISH: A Method for Rapid Single Molecule RNA FISH
Barriers to transmission of transcriptional noise in a c-fos c-jun pathway
Shah et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
SNP-FISH, High ImpactAllele-specific detection of single mRNA molecules in situ
Hansen et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Transcription termination controls prophage maintenance in Escherichia coli genomes
Menouni et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Gene-Specific Transcriptional Mechanisms at the Histone Gene Cluster Revealed by Single-Cell Imaging
Guglielmi et al. Molecular Cell. 2013
Stochastic Cytokine Expression Induces Mixed T Helper Cell States
Fang et al. PLOS Biology. 2013
High ImpactSingle-Cell Analysis Reveals that Expression of Nanog Is Biallelic and Equally Variable as that of Other Pluripotency Factors in Mouse ESCs
Faddahet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2013
High ImpactBimodal expression of PHO84 is modulated by early termination of antisense transcription
Castelnuovo et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2013
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
Lee et al. Developmental Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcription-Factor-Mediated DNA Looping Probed by High-Resolution, Single-Molecule Imaging in Live E. coli Cells
Hensel et al. PLOS Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization and Analysis of mRNA Molecules Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
McIsaac et al. Jove. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
linc-HOXA1 is a noncoding RNA that represses Hoxa1 transcription in cis
Maamar et al. Genes & Development. 2013
Sex-lethal promotes nuclear retention of msl2 mRNA via interactions with the STAR protein HOW
Graindorge et al. Genes & Development. 2013
High ImpactMeasuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
mRNA encoding WAVE–Arp2/3-associated proteins is co-localized with foci of active protein synthesis at the leading edge of MRC5 fibroblasts during cell migration
Willett et al. Biochem Journal. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Colocalization of Different Influenza Viral RNA Segments in the Cytoplasm before Viral Budding as Shown by Single-molecule Sensitivity FISH Analysis
Chou et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Counting Small RNA in Pathogenic Bacteria
Shepherd et al. Analytical Chemistry. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Expanding the Diversity of Imaging-Based RNAi Screen Applications Using Cell Spot Microarrays
Rantala et al. Microarrays. 2013
Single-cell gene expression profiling reveals functional heterogeneity of undifferentiated human epidermal cells
Tan et al. Development and Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Digoxin Suppresses HIV-1 Replication by Altering Viral RNA Processing
Wong et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-chromosome transcriptional profiling reveals chromosomal gene expression regulation
Levesque et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Coactivators enable glucocorticoid receptor recruitment to fine-tune estrogen receptor transcriptional responses
Bolt et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013.
Products: VSMF-1011-5
Depletion of cellular polyamines, spermidine and spermine, causes a total arrest in translation and growth in mammalian cells
Mandal et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A versatile genome-scale PCR-based pipeline for high-definition DNA FIISH
Bienko et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Single-Cell Analysis of Ribonucleotide Reductase Transcriptional and Translational Response to DNA Damage
Mazumder et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2013
Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization: Quantitative imaging of single RNA molecules
High ImpactSystematic Identification of Signal-Activated Stochastic Gene Regulation
High ImpactControl of somatic tissue differentiation by the long non-coding RNA TINCR
Kretz et al. Nature Research Letter. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Pint lincRNA connects the p53 pathway with epigenetic silencing by the Polycomb repressive complex 2
Marín-Béjar et al. Genome Biology. 2013
Single-Molecule Resolution Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) in the Yeast S. cerevisiae
Rahman et al. Methods of Molecular Biology. 2013
Quadraplex MultiplexA continuum of transcriptional identities visualized by combinatorial fluorescent in situ hybridization
Inducible Control of Subcellular RNA Localization Using a Synthetic Protein-RNA Aptamer Interaction
Belmontet al. PLOS ONE. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Asymmetric Segregation of the Double-Stranded RNA Binding Protein Staufen2 during Mammalian Neural Stem Cell Divisions Promotes Lineage Progression
Kuseket al. Cell Stem Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell Expression Analyses during Cellular Reprogramming Reveal an Early Stochastic and a Late Hierarchic Phase
High ImpactTPP1 OB-Fold Domain Controls Telomere Maintenance by Recruiting Telomerase to Chromosome Ends
Zhonget al. Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell systems biology by super-resolution imaging and combinatorial labeling
Lubecket al. Nature Methods. 2012
One influenza virus particle packages eight unique viral RNAs as shown by FISH analysis
Neuronal mRNAs travel singly into dendrites
High ImpactSingle-mRNA counting using fluorescent in situ hybridization in budding yeast
Trceket al. Nature Protocol. 2012
Concentration-Dependent Requirement for Local Protein Synthesis in Motor Neuron Subtype-Specific Response to Axon Guidance Cues
Nedelecet al. Journal of Neuorscience. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamics of protein noise can distinguish between alternate sources of gene-expression variability
Singh et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2012
Identification of molecular compartments and genetic circuitry in the developing mammalian kidney
Gene location and DNA density determine transcription factor distributions in Escherichia coli
Kuhlmanet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of Transcriptionally Coupled and Uncoupled Splicing
High ImpactncRNA- and Pc2 Methylation-Dependent GeneRelocationbetween NuclearStructures Mediates Gene Activation Programs
High ImpactStellaris™ fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes: a powerful tool for mRNA detection
Orjalo et al. Nature Methods. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Cell-to-cell variability of alternative RNA splicing
Wakset al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2011
RNA sequencing reveals two major classes of gene expression levels in metazoan cells
Hebenstreit et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2011
Visualization of single mRNAs reveals temporal association of proteins with microRNA-regulated mRNA
Shihet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011
Caenorhabditis elegans aristaless/Arx gene alr-1 restricts variable gene expression
Single Molecule Imaging of RNA In Situ
Batishet al. Methods Molecular Biology. 2011
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
Imaging single mRNA molecules in yeast
Youket al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
Many human large intergenic noncoding RNAs associate with chromatin-modifying complexes and affect gene expression
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
Rajet al. Nature Brief Communications. 2008
De novo translation initiation on membrane-bound ribosomes as a mechanism for localization of cytosolic protein mRNAs to the endoplasmic reticulum
Dynamic mRNA Transport and Local Translation in Radial Glial Progenitors of the Developing Brain
Pilazet al. Cell Current Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), SMF-3002-1
Structural and Functional Recovery of Sensory Cilia in C. elegans IFT Mutants upon Aging
Cornilset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microbiota Diurnal Rhythmicity Programs Host Transcriptome Oscillations
Cover ImageA novel isoform of Drosophila non-muscle Tropomyosin interacts with Kinesin-1 and functions in mRNA localization
Veeranan-Karmegamet al. Journal of Cell Science. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-5010-1
The UT family of MHC class I loci unique to non-eutherian mammals has limited polymorphism and tissue specific patterns of expression in the opossum
Krasnecet al. BMC Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stabilizing mutations of KLHL24 ubiquitin ligase cause loss of keratin 14 and human skin fragility
Linet al. Nature Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
bicoid mRNA localises to the Drosophila oocyte anterior by random Dyneinmediated transport and anchoring
High ImpactA C. elegans Thermosensory Circuit Regulates Longevity through crh-1/CREB-Dependent flp-6 Neuropeptide Signaling
Chenet al. Developmental Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
In Situ Transcription Profiling of Single Cells Reveals Spatial Organization of Cells in the Mouse Hippocampus
High Impact, PlantMutually exclusive sense–antisense transcription at FLC facilitates environmentally induced gene repression
Rosaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
C. elegans GLP-1/Notch activates transcription in a probability gradient across the germline stem cell pool
Leeet al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Lineage and X Chromosome Dynamics in Human Preimplantation Embryos
Temporal regulation of epithelium formation
Von-Stetinaet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic Kinetics of Nascent RNA
Xuet al. Physical kinetics of Nascent RNA. 2016
Patched Receptors Sense, Interpret, and Establish an Epidermal Hedgehog Signaling Gradient
Adolpheet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2016
Evolution of New cis-Regulatory Motifs Required for Cell-Specific Gene Expression in Caenorhabditis
Barkoulaset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Drosophila Wnt and STAT Define Apoptosis- Resistant Epithelial Cells for Tissue Regeneration after Irradiation
Vergheseet al. PLOS Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Mitochondria-Regulated Immune Pathway Activated in the C. elegans Intestine Is Neuroprotective
Chikkaet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell-to-cell spread of microsporidia causes Caenorhabditis elegans organs to form syncytia
Ballaet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A method for detecting single mRNA molecules in Arabidopsis thaliana
Duncanet al. Plant Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromatin remodelling and antisense-mediated up-regulation of the developmental switch gene eud-1 control predatory feeding plasticity
Serobyanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of Lithium-Sensitive Phosphatase BPNT-1 Causes Selective Neuronal Dysfunction in C. elegans
Meiselet al. Curent Biology. 7-25
High ImpactAn Abundant Class of Non-coding DNA Can Prevent Stochastic Gene Silencing in the C. elegans Germline
Frokjaer-Jensenet al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
p53 induces formation of NEAT1 lncRNA-containing paraspeckles that modulate replication stress response and chemosensitivity
Adriaenset al. Nature Medicine. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1, SMF-3010-1
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Psip1/p52 regulates distal Hoxa genes through activation of lncRNA Hottip
The Wnt pathway limits BMP signaling outside of the germline stem cell niche in Drosophila ovaries
Mottier-Pavieet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule RNA detection at depth via hybridization chain reaction and tissue hydrogel embedding and clearing
Soluble calcium-binding proteins (SCBPs) of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris: molecular characterization and localization by FISH in muscle and neuronal tissue
Thiruketheeswaranet al. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2016
FRI0247 The Involvement of The Long Noncoding H19x in tGFβ Signaling and Its Profibrotic Effects in Systemic Sclerosis and Other Fibrotic Diseases
Pacheraet al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2016
High ImpactVisualization and analysis of gene expression in tissue sections by spatial transcriptomics
High ImpactCentromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016
Prognostic value of a newly identified MALAT1 alternatively spliced transcript in breast cancer
Meseureet al. British Journal of Cancer. 2016.
Products: SMF-2035-1
Wnt Ligands Secreted by Subepithelial Mesenchymal Cells Are Essential for the Survival of Intestinal Stem Cells and Gut Homeostasis
Valentaet al. Cell Reports. 2016
A simple and rapid method for combining fluorescent in situ RNA hybridization (FISH) and immunofluorescence in the C. elegans germline
Characterization of a Novel Orthomyxo-like Virus Causing Mass Die-Offs of Tilapia
Bacharachet al. mBio. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transposon Dysregulation Modulates dWnt4 Signaling to Control Germline Stem Cell Differentiation in Drosophila
Upadhyayet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Localized Translation of gurken/TGF-a mRNA during Axis Specification Is Controlled by Access to Orb/ CPEB on Processing Bodies
Davidsonet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CD133 does not enrich for the stem cell activity in vivo in adult mouse prostates
Weiet al. Stem Cell Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1014-5
CD133 does not enrich for the stem cell activity in vivo in adult mouse prostates
Weiet al. Stem Cell Research. 2016.
Products: VSMF-1014-5
Fezf2 Expression in Layer 5 Projection Neurons of Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Overlapping cell population expression profiling and regulatory inference in C. elegans
Burdiket al. BMC Genomics. 2016
Mutagenesis of GATA motifs controlling the endoderm regulator elt-2 reveals distinct dominant and secondary cis-regulatory elements
Duet al. Developmental Biology. 2016
Germ Plasm Biogenesis—An Oskar-Centric Perspective
Lehmannet al. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 2016
CLARITY, High ImpactMultiplexed Intact-Tissue Transcriptional Analysis at Cellular Resolution
High ImpactReplacement of Lost Lgr5-Positive Stem Cells through Plasticity of Their Enterocyte-Lineage Daughters
Tettehet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016
Fixed and live visualization of RNAs in Drosophila oocytes and embryos
Abbaszadeh et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2016
Rapid evolutionary turnover underlies conserved lncRNA–genome interactions
Quinn et al. Genes & Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Unequal distribution of 16S mtrRNA at the 2-cell stage regulates cell lineage allocations in mouse embryos
Zheng et al. Reproduction. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Brain regions and molecular pathways responding to food reward type and value in honey bees
Matthew S McNeill et al. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microstructural heterogeneity directs micromechanics and mechanobiology in native and engineered fibrocartilage
Han et al. Nature materials. 2016
High ImpactNuclear Retention of mRNA in Mammalian Tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Cell Reports. 2015
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
Stapel et al. Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
X chromosome inactivation in human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells following prolonged passaging
Qi et al. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2015
High ImpactThe primate-specific noncoding RNA HPAT5 regulates pluripotency during human preimplantation development and nuclear reprogramming
Durruthy-Durruthy et al. Nature Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
p53 genes function to restrain mobile elements
Wylieet al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Quantitative gene expression analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans using single molecule RNA FISH
Bolkov'a et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA transcription modulates phase transition-driven nuclear body assembly
High ImpactSingle-cell messenger RNA sequencing reveals rare intestinal cell types
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesan et al. Oncotarget. 2015
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesanet al. Oncotarget. 2015
High ImpactRegulatory Logic of Pan-Neuronal Gene Expression in C. elegans
Stefanakis et al. Neuron Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Antagonist Xist and Tsix co-transcription during mouse oogenesis and maternal Xist expression during pre-implantation development calls into question the nature of the maternal imprint on the X chromosome
Deuve et al. Epigenetics. 2015
Following the intracellular localization of the iab-8ncRNA of the bithorax complex using the MS2-MCP-GFP system
Super Resolution, High ImpactDrosophila germ granules are structured and contain homotypic mRNA clusters
Trcek et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Niche appropriation by Drosophila intestinal stem cell tumours
Patel et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
piRNA-guided slicing of transposon transcripts enforces their transcriptional silencing via specifying the nuclear piRNA repertoire
Senti et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MED GATA factors promote robust development of the C. elegans endoderm
Maduroet al. Developmental Biology. 2015
Hypoxia Up-Regulates Galectin-3 in Mammary Tumor Progression and Metastasis
Oliveira et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Propionibacterium acnes Recovered from Atherosclerotic Human Carotid Arteries Undergoes Biofilm Dispersion and Releases Lipolytic and Proteolytic Enzymes in Response to Norepinephrine Challenge In Vitro
Lanter et al. Infection and Immunity. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mutant p53 accumulates in cycling and proliferating cells in the normal tissues of p53 R172H mutant mice
High ImpactG1/S Inhibitors and the SWI/SNF Complex Control Cell-Cycle Exit during Muscle Differentiation
Ruijtenberg et al. Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Paclitaxel inhibits mRNA transport in axons☆
Bobylev et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Combining protein and mRNA quantification to decipher transcriptional regulation
Xu et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional Coordination of Synaptogenesis and Neurotransmitter Signaling
Kratsios et al. Cell Current Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Asymmetric Transcript Discovery by RNA-seq in C. elegans Blastomeres Identifies neg-1, a Gene Important for Anterior Morphogenesis
Osborne Nishimura et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Independent and coordinate trafficking of single Drosophila germ plasm mRNAs
Little et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2015
High ImpactBursty Gene Expression in the Intact Mammalian Liver
Bahar Halpern et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CSR-1 and P granules suppress sperm-specific transcription in the C. elegans germline
Campbell et al. The Company of Biologists. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Voxel-based analysis of the immediate early gene, c-jun, in the honey bee brain after a sucrose stimulus
McNeill et al. Insect Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Licensing of Primordial Germ Cells for Gametogenesis Depends on Genital Ridge Signaling
The Bicoid Class Homeodomain Factors ceh-36/OTX and unc-30/PITX Cooperate in C. elegans Embryonic Progenitor Cells to Regulate Robust Development
Walton et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015
High ImpactWhole-mount single molecule FISH method for zebrafish embryo
High ImpactCell types in the mouse cortex and hippocampus revealed by single-cell RNA-seq
Coordinate post-transcriptional repression of Dpp-dependent transcription factors attenuates signal range during development
Newton et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd.. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Wild C. Elegans Strain Has Enhanced Epithelial Immunity to a Natural Microsporidian Parasite
Balla et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ascl2 Acts as an R-spondin/Wnt-Responsive Switch to Control Stemness in Intestinal Crypts
Schuijers et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
High ImpactA Long Noncoding RNA on the Ribosome Is Required for Lifespan Extension
Essers et al. Cell Reports. 2015
The Novel Small Leucine-rich Protein Chondroadherin-like (CHADL) Is Expressed in Cartilage and Modulates Chondrocyte Differentiation*
Tillgren et al. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mechanisms of translational repression of the Smcp mRNA in round spermatids
Cullinane et al. Reproduction Reserach. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule RNA In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) and Immunofl uorescence (IF) in the Drosophila Egg Chamber
Bayer et al. Protocol Drosophila Oogenesis. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The DREAM complex promotes gene body H2A.Z for target repression
Latorre et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
Microbe ScreenA metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts
De Clerck et al. Microbiome. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Novel Small Leucine-Rich Protein Chondroadherin-like (CHADL) is Expressed in Cartilage and Modulates Chondrocyte Differentiation*
High ImpactA Predictive Model of Bifunctional Transcription Factor Signaling during Embryonic Tissue Patterning
Junker et al. Cell, Developmental Cell. 2014
Chd1 is essential for the high transcriptional output and rapid growth of the mouse epiblast
Guzman-ayala et al. The Company of Biologists. 2014
High ImpactCell Intrinsic Modulation of Wnt Signaling Controls Neuroblast Migration in C. elegans
Mentink et al. Developmental Cell. 2014
The long noncoding RNA Neat1 is required for mammary gland development and lactation
Standaert et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: SMF-3010-1
Chemosensation of Bacterial Secondary Metabolites Modulates Neuroendocrine Signaling and Behavior of C. elegans
Meisel et al. Cell, Elsevier . 2014
Translational Control of the Oogenic Program by Components of OMA Ribonucleoprotein Particles in Caenorhabditis elegans
Spike et al. Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Rejuvenation of Meiotic Cohesion in Oocytes during Prophase I Is Required for Chiasma Maintenance and Accurate Chromosome Segregation
Weng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Gene Regulatory Network Controls the Binary Fate Decision of Rod and Bipolar Cells in the Vertebrate Retina
Wang et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cadherin-8 Expression, Synaptic Localization, and Molecular Control of Neuronal Form in Prefrontal Corticostriatal Circuits
Friedman et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hira-Mediated H3.3 Incorporation Is Required for DNA Replication and Ribosomal RNA Transcription in the Mouse Zygote
Lin et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
The Translational Regulators GCN-1 and ABCF-3 Act Together to Promote Apoptosis in C. elegans
Hirose et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014
High ImpactIdentification of genes in toxicity pathways of trinucleotide-repeat RNA in C. elegans
Garcia et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The exon junction complex controls transposable element activity by ensuring faithful splicing of the piwi transcript
Malone et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lgr5 marks stem/progenitor cells in ovary and tubal epithelia
Ng et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Rhino-Deadlock-Cutoff Complex Licenses Noncanonical Transcription of Dual-Strand piRNA Clusters in Drosophila
SUMV-1 antagonizes the activity of synthetic multivulva genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Yücel et al. Developmental Biology, Elsevier. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of intestinal tumor formation by deletion of the DNA methyltransferase 3a
Weis et al. Nature Oncogene. 2014
Spermatid Cyst Polarization in Drosophila Depends upon apkc and the CPEB Family Translational Regulator orb2
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Tumor endothelial marker 1–specific DNA vaccination targets tumor vasculature
Facciponte et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014
Differential Expression of Galectin-1 and Galectin-3 in Canine Nonmalignant and Malignant Mammary Tissues, and in Progression to Metastases in Mammary Tumours
Oliveira JT et al. Anticancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Receptor-interacting protein kinase 2 promotes triple-negative breast cancer cell migration and invasion via activation of nuclear factor-kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathways
Singel et al. Breast Cancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Expression of the Developmental Transcription Factor Fezf2 Identifies a Distinct Subpopulation of Layer 5 Intratelencephalic-Projection Neurons in Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. the Journal of Neuroscience. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Maternal bias and escape from X chromosome imprinting in the midgestation mouse placenta
Finn et al. Developmental Biology, Elsevier. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global discovery of erythroid long noncoding RNAs reveals novel regulators of red cell maturation
Alvarez-Dominguezet al. Blood Journal. 2014
High ImpactLuminal signalling links cell communication to tissue architecture during organogenesis
Durdu et al. Nature Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Histone Methylation Restrains the Expression of Subtype-Specific Genes during Terminal Neuronal Differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Zheng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Feedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
Orsay,Santeuil and LeBlancviruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of maternal Wnt mRNA translation in C. elegans embryos
High ImpactDampening of expression oscillations by synchronous regulation of a microRNA and its target
Kimet al. Nature Genetics. 2013
A dynamic population of stromal cells contributes to the follicle stem cell niche in the Drosophila ovary
Sahai-Hernandez et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Development. 2013
A deletion polymorphism in the Caenorhabditis elegans RIG-I homolog disables viral RNA dicing and antiviral immunity
Ashe et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orsay, Santeuil and Le Blanc viruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nonautonomous Regulation of Neuronal Migration by Insulin Signaling, DAF-16/FOXO, and PAK-1
Kennedy et al. Cell Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Tumour angiogenesis regulation by the miR-200 family
Peot et al. Nature Communications. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue
Lyubimova et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
Discovery of J Chain in African Lungfish (Protopterus dolloi, Sarcopterygii) Using High Throughput Transcriptome Sequencing: Implications in Mucosal Immunity
Injury-induced BMP signaling negatively regulates Drosophila midgut homeostasis
Guo et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2013
Sex-lethal promotes nuclear retention of msl2 mRNA via interactions with the STAR protein HOW
Graindorge et al. Genes & Development. 2013
High ImpactCircular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency
Memczak et al. Nature Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Both the Caspase CSP-1 and a Caspase-Independent Pathway Promote Programmed Cell Death in Parallel to the Canonical Pathway for Apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans
Denning et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013
Placental Specific mRNA in the Maternal Circulation Are Globally Dysregulated in Pregnancies Complicated by Fetal Growth Restriction
Whitehead et al. JCEM Online. 2013
High ImpactA versatile genome-scale PCR-based pipeline for high-definition DNA FIISH
Bienko et al. Nature Communications. 2013
High ImpactControl of somatic tissue differentiation by the long non-coding RNA TINCR
Kretz et al. Nature Research Letter. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Pint lincRNA connects the p53 pathway with epigenetic silencing by the Polycomb repressive complex 2
Marín-Béjar et al. Genome Biology. 2013
Deconvolving the roles of Wnt ligands and receptors in sensing and amplification
Tan et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garcia et al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garciaet al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The CPEB Protein Orb2 Has Multiple Functions during Spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Removal of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Makes C. elegans Germ Cells Susceptible to Direct Conversion into Specific Somatic Cell Types
Patelet al. Cell Reports. 2012
High ImpactLgr5+ve Stem/Progenitor Cells Contribute to Nephron Formation during Kidney Development
Barkeret al. Cell Reports. 2012
High ImpactExtradenticle and Homothorax Control Adult Muscle Fiber Identity in Drosophila
Bryantsevet al. Developmental Cell. 2012
High ImpactGlobal Analysis of RNA Secondary Structure in Two Metazoans
The P granule component PGL-1 promotes the localization and silencing activity of the PUF protein FBF-2 in germline stem cells
Voronina et al. Development and Stem Cells. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of molecular compartments and genetic circuitry in the developing mammalian kidney
Microglial Stimulation of Glioblastoma Invasion Involves Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) and Colony Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor (CSF-1R) Signaling
Coniglioet al. Molecular Medicine. 2012
High ImpactPredicting mutation outcome from early stochastic variation in genetic interaction partners
Burgaet al. Nature Letter. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Shared gene expression in distinct neurons expressing common selector genes
Topalidou et al. PNAS. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MAB-10/NAB acts with LIN-29/EGR to regulate terminal differentiation and the transition from larva to adult in C. elegans
Harriset al. Development. 2011
Genes methylated by DNA methyltransferase 3b are similar in mouse intestine and human colon cancer
Steineet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2011
Caenorhabditis elegans aristaless/Arx gene alr-1 restricts variable gene expression
High ImpactEGFR/Ras/MAPK Signaling Mediates Adult Midgut Epithelial Homeostasis and Regeneration in Drosophila
Jiang et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2011
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Rajet al. Nature Article. 2010
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
High ImpactMaking the message clear: visualizing mRNA localization
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
Structural and Functional Recovery of Sensory Cilia in C. elegans IFT Mutants upon Aging
Cornilset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A novel isoform of Drosophila non-muscle Tropomyosin interacts with Kinesin-1 and functions in mRNA localization
Veeranan-Karmegamet al. Journal of Cell Science. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-5010-1
Epigenetic inactivation of the p53-induced long noncoding RNA TP53 target 1 in human cancer
Diaz-Lagareset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
bicoid mRNA localises to the Drosophila oocyte anterior by random Dyneinmediated transport and anchoring
High ImpactA C. elegans Thermosensory Circuit Regulates Longevity through crh-1/CREB-Dependent flp-6 Neuropeptide Signaling
Chenet al. Developmental Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Temporal regulation of epithelium formation
Von-Stetinaet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic Kinetics of Nascent RNA
Xuet al. Physical kinetics of Nascent RNA. 2016
Meis/UNC-62 isoform dependent regulation of CoupTF-II/UNC-55 and GABAergic motor neuron subtype differentiation
Campbellet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Evolution of New cis-Regulatory Motifs Required for Cell-Specific Gene Expression in Caenorhabditis
Barkoulaset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Drosophila Wnt and STAT Define Apoptosis- Resistant Epithelial Cells for Tissue Regeneration after Irradiation
Vergheseet al. PLOS Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Mitochondria-Regulated Immune Pathway Activated in the C. elegans Intestine Is Neuroprotective
Chikkaet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell-to-cell spread of microsporidia causes Caenorhabditis elegans organs to form syncytia
Ballaet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromatin remodelling and antisense-mediated up-regulation of the developmental switch gene eud-1 control predatory feeding plasticity
Serobyanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of Lithium-Sensitive Phosphatase BPNT-1 Causes Selective Neuronal Dysfunction in C. elegans
Meiselet al. Curent Biology. 7-25
High ImpactAn Abundant Class of Non-coding DNA Can Prevent Stochastic Gene Silencing in the C. elegans Germline
Frokjaer-Jensenet al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidia intracellular development relies on Myc interaction network transcription factors in the host
Bottset al. G3. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Memory of cell shape biases stochastic fate decision-making despite mitotic rounding
Akanumaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule RNA detection at depth via hybridization chain reaction and tissue hydrogel embedding and clearing
High ImpactCentromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Caenorhabditis elegans Protein FIC-1 Is an AMPylase That Covalently Modifies Heat-Shock 70 Family Proteins, Translation Elongation Factors and Histones
Truttmannet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016
A simple and rapid method for combining fluorescent in situ RNA hybridization (FISH) and immunofluorescence in the C. elegans germline
Transposon Dysregulation Modulates dWnt4 Signaling to Control Germline Stem Cell Differentiation in Drosophila
Upadhyayet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fezf2 Expression in Layer 5 Projection Neurons of Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Overlapping cell population expression profiling and regulatory inference in C. elegans
Burdiket al. BMC Genomics. 2016
Mutagenesis of GATA motifs controlling the endoderm regulator elt-2 reveals distinct dominant and secondary cis-regulatory elements
Duet al. Developmental Biology. 2016
Germ Plasm Biogenesis—An Oskar-Centric Perspective
Lehmannet al. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 2016
CLARITY, High ImpactMultiplexed Intact-Tissue Transcriptional Analysis at Cellular Resolution
Unequal distribution of 16S mtrRNA at the 2-cell stage regulates cell lineage allocations in mouse embryos
Zheng et al. Reproduction. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Brain regions and molecular pathways responding to food reward type and value in honey bees
Matthew S McNeill et al. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
Stapel et al. Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA transcription modulates phase transition-driven nuclear body assembly
High ImpactRegulatory Logic of Pan-Neuronal Gene Expression in C. elegans
Stefanakis et al. Neuron Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Following the intracellular localization of the iab-8ncRNA of the bithorax complex using the MS2-MCP-GFP system
Super Resolution, High ImpactDrosophila germ granules are structured and contain homotypic mRNA clusters
Trcek et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
piRNA-guided slicing of transposon transcripts enforces their transcriptional silencing via specifying the nuclear piRNA repertoire
Senti et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MED GATA factors promote robust development of the C. elegans endoderm
Maduroet al. Developmental Biology. 2015
High ImpactG1/S Inhibitors and the SWI/SNF Complex Control Cell-Cycle Exit during Muscle Differentiation
Ruijtenberg et al. Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Combining protein and mRNA quantification to decipher transcriptional regulation
Xu et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An alternative pluripotent state confers interspecies chimaeric competency
Wu et al. Nature. 2015.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Transcriptional Coordination of Synaptogenesis and Neurotransmitter Signaling
Kratsios et al. Cell Current Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Asymmetric Transcript Discovery by RNA-seq in C. elegans Blastomeres Identifies neg-1, a Gene Important for Anterior Morphogenesis
Osborne Nishimura et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CSR-1 and P granules suppress sperm-specific transcription in the C. elegans germline
Campbell et al. The Company of Biologists. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Voxel-based analysis of the immediate early gene, c-jun, in the honey bee brain after a sucrose stimulus
McNeill et al. Insect Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Bicoid Class Homeodomain Factors ceh-36/OTX and unc-30/PITX Cooperate in C. elegans Embryonic Progenitor Cells to Regulate Robust Development
Walton et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015
High ImpactWhole-mount single molecule FISH method for zebrafish embryo
Coordinate post-transcriptional repression of Dpp-dependent transcription factors attenuates signal range during development
Newton et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd.. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Wild C. Elegans Strain Has Enhanced Epithelial Immunity to a Natural Microsporidian Parasite
Balla et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule RNA In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) and Immunofl uorescence (IF) in the Drosophila Egg Chamber
Bayer et al. Protocol Drosophila Oogenesis. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts
De Clerck et al. Microbiome. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The exon junction complex controls transposable element activity by ensuring faithful splicing of the piwi transcript
Malone et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
SUMV-1 antagonizes the activity of synthetic multivulva genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Yücel et al. Developmental Biology, Elsevier. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Spermatid Cyst Polarization in Drosophila Depends upon apkc and the CPEB Family Translational Regulator orb2
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Luminal signalling links cell communication to tissue architecture during organogenesis
Durdu et al. Nature Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Histone Methylation Restrains the Expression of Subtype-Specific Genes during Terminal Neuronal Differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Zheng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Feedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
Orsay,Santeuil and LeBlancviruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of maternal Wnt mRNA translation in C. elegans embryos
High ImpactDampening of expression oscillations by synchronous regulation of a microRNA and its target
Kimet al. Nature Genetics. 2013
Orsay, Santeuil and Le Blanc viruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nonautonomous Regulation of Neuronal Migration by Insulin Signaling, DAF-16/FOXO, and PAK-1
Kennedy et al. Cell Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Both the Caspase CSP-1 and a Caspase-Independent Pathway Promote Programmed Cell Death in Parallel to the Canonical Pathway for Apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans
Denning et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013
Deconvolving the roles of Wnt ligands and receptors in sensing and amplification
Tan et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garcia et al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garciaet al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global Analysis of RNA Secondary Structure in Two Metazoans
High ImpactPredicting mutation outcome from early stochastic variation in genetic interaction partners
Burgaet al. Nature Letter. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MAB-10/NAB acts with LIN-29/EGR to regulate terminal differentiation and the transition from larva to adult in C. elegans
Harriset al. Development. 2011
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
High ImpactMaking the message clear: visualizing mRNA localization
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
PRAME as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
Gezginet al. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017
Quantification of HER2 and estrogen receptor heterogeneity in breast cancer by single-molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization
Annaratoneet al. Oncotarget. 2017
Prognostic value of a newly identified MALAT1 alternatively spliced transcript in breast cancer
Meseureet al. British Journal of Cancer. 2016.
Products: SMF-2035-1
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesanet al. Oncotarget. 2015
Hypoxia Up-Regulates Galectin-3 in Mammary Tumor Progression and Metastasis
Oliveira et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Differential Expression of Galectin-1 and Galectin-3 in Canine Nonmalignant and Malignant Mammary Tissues, and in Progression to Metastases in Mammary Tumours
Oliveira JT et al. Anticancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Placental Specific mRNA in the Maternal Circulation Are Globally Dysregulated in Pregnancies Complicated by Fetal Growth Restriction
Whitehead et al. JCEM Online. 2013
Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization: Quantitative imaging of single RNA molecules
Microglial Stimulation of Glioblastoma Invasion Involves Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) and Colony Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor (CSF-1R) Signaling
Super-Resolution Single Molecule FISH at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
Titlowet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2018
Super Resolution, High Impactm6A RNA methylation promotes XISTmediated transcriptional repression
Patilet al. Nature Article. 2016.
Products: SMF-2038-1
A method for detecting single mRNA molecules in Arabidopsis thaliana
Duncanet al. Plant Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Drosophila germ granules are structured and contain homotypic mRNA clusters
Trcek et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell systems biology by super-resolution imaging and combinatorial labeling
Rapid evolutionary turnover underlies conserved lncRNA–genome interactions
Quinn et al. Genes & Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
LncRNA-HIT Functions as an Epigenetic Regulator of Chondrogenesis through Its Recruitment of p100/CBP Complexes
Carlson et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Systematic Discovery of Xist RNA Binding Proteins
Functional Characterization of Long Noncoding RNA Lnc_bc060912 in Human Lung Carcinoma Cells
Luo et al. Biochemistry . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Genome-wide profiling of p53-regulated enhancer RNAs uncovers a subset of enhancers controlled by a lncRNA
RNA Target Type
Nucleolin-Mediated RNA Localization Regulates Neuron Growth and Cycling Cell Size
Perryet al. Cell Reports. 0216
High ImpactFull-length mRNA sequencing uncovers a widespread coupling between transcription initiation and mRNA processing
Anvaret al. Genome Biology. 2018
High ImpactRare Cell Detection by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing as Guided by Single-Molecule RNA FISH
Torreet al. Cell Systems. 2018
Estrogen-dependent control and cell-to-cell variability of transcriptional bursting
Fritzschet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2018
The lncRNA H19 positively affects the tumorigenic properties of glioblastoma cells and contributes to NKD1 repression through the recruitment of EZH2 on its promoter
High ImpactCardiac glycoside/aglycones inhibit HIV-1 gene expression by a mechanism requiring MEK1/2- ERK1/2 signaling
Wonget al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2018
High ImpactPixelated spatial gene expression analysis from tissue
Bashiret al. Nature Communications. 2018
High-throughput identification of RNA nuclear enrichment sequences
Shuklaet al. The EMBO Journal. 2018
LINE-1 protein localization and functional dynamics during the cell cycle
Super ResolutionSuper-Resolution Single Molecule FISH at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
Titlowet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2018
High ImpactRare cell variability and drug-induced reprogramming as a mode of cancer drug resistance
The Germline-Specific Factor OEF-1 Facilitates Coordinated Progression Through Germ Cell Development in Caenorhabditis elegans
High ImpactThe Stress Granule Transcriptome Reveals Principles of mRNA Accumulation in Stress Granules
Parkeret al. Molecular Cell. 2017
Changes in behavior and brain immediate early gene expression in male threespined sticklebacks as they become fathers
Bellet al. Hormones and Behavior. 2017
High ImpactAn improved MS 2 system for accurate reporting of the mRN A life cycle
Tutucciet al. Nature Methods. 2017
Monitoring of Dual crisPr/cas9- Mediated steroidogenic acute regulatory Protein gene Deletion and cholesterol accumulation Using high-resolution Fluorescence In Situ hybridization in a single cell
Jefcoateet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2017
High ImpactDynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
van-Oudenaardenet al. Nature Communications. 2017
Evaluation of fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques to study long non-coding RNA expression in cultured cells
Soareset al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
High ImpactTranscriptional Output Transiently Spikes Upon Mitotic Exit
Lanctotet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017
Fragile X granules are a family of axonal ribonucleoprotein particles with circuit-dependent protein composition and mRNA cargos
Akinset al. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2017
High ImpactA slow-cycling subpopulation of melanoma cells with highly invasive properties
mRNA detection in budding yeast with single fluorophores
Kimet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
High Impact, PlantCell-Size-Dependent Transcription of FLC and Its Antisense Long Non-coding RNA COOLAIR Explain Cell-to-Cell Expression Variation
Ietswaartet al. Cell Systems. 2017
High ImpactRare cell variability and drug-induced reprogramming as a mode of cancer drug resistance
Shafferet al. Nature Letter. 2017
Adenylyl cyclase mRNA localizes to the posterior of polarized DICTYOSTELIUM cells during chemotaxis
Parentet al. BMC Cell Biology. 2017
PRAME as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
Gezginet al. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017
Characterizing exogenous mRNA delivery, trafficking, cytoplasmic release and RNA–protein correlations at the level of single cells
Santangeloet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
PlantSingle Molecule RNA FISH in Arabidopsis Root Cells
Duncanet al. Bio-Protocol. 2017
Neutrophils and Ly6Chi monocytes collaborate in generating an optimal cytokine response that protects against pulmonary Legionella pneumophila infection
Cassonet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2017
High ImpactAn NS-segment exonic splicing enhancer regulates influenza A virus replication in mammalian cells
Huanget al. Nature Communications. 2017
Unique spectral signatures of the nucleic acid dye acridine orange can distinguish cell death by apoptosis and necroptosis
Plemelet al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2017
miRNAs cooperate in apoptosis regulation during C. elegans development
Sherrardet al. Genes and Development. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s)
A single cell level measurement of StAR expression and activity in adrenal cells
Leeet al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Neural Progenitor Cells Promote Axonal Growth and Alter Axonal mRNA Localization in Adult Neurons
Sexually dimorphic control of gene expression in sensory neurons regulates decision-making behavior in C. elegans
Hilbertet al. eLIFE. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Acquired CYP19A1 amplification is an early specific mechanism of aromatase inhibitor resistance in ERα metastatic breast cancer
Magnaniet al. Nature Genetics. 2017
Age-Dependent Neuroendocrine Signaling from Sensory Neurons Modulates the Effect of Dietary Restriction on Longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans
Fletcheret al. PLOS Genetics. 2017
High ImpactLong non-coding RNA Linc-RAM enhances myogenic differentiation by interacting with MyoD
Yuet al. Nature Communications. 2017
Homeodomain protein Otp affects developmental neuropeptide switching in oxytocin neurons associated with a long-term effect on social behavior
Imaging mRNA and protein interactions within neurons
Eliscovichet al. PNAS PLUS. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Extreme calorie restriction in yeast retentostats induces uniform non-quiescent growth arrest
Bisschopset al. BBA-Molecular Cell Research. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamic mRNA Transport and Local Translation in Radial Glial Progenitors of the Developing Brain
Pilazet al. Cell Current Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), SMF-3002-1
RNA Transport: From Head to Toe in Radial Glial Cells
Ehseset al. Cell Commentary. 2016
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Rahmanet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Zenklusenet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Flow cytometryMinimum-noise production of translation factor eIF4G maps to a mechanistically determined optimal rate control window for protein synthesis
Menget al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microbiota Diurnal Rhythmicity Programs Host Transcriptome Oscillations
High ImpactMacrophage-dependent tumor cell transendothelial migration is mediated by Notch1/MenaINVinitiated invadopodium formation
Pignatelliet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inferring Cell-State Transition Dynamics from Lineage Trees and Endpoint Single-Cell Measurements
Hormozet al. Cell Systems. 2016
High ImpactThe Chromatin Remodeler ISW1 Is a Quality Control Factor that Surveys Nuclear mRNP Biogenesis
Babouret al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualizing adenosine to inosine RNA editing in single mammalian cells
Cover ImageA novel isoform of Drosophila non-muscle Tropomyosin interacts with Kinesin-1 and functions in mRNA localization
Veeranan-Karmegamet al. Journal of Cell Science. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-5010-1
Intact NYN/PIN-Like Domain is Crucial for the Degradation of Inflammation-Related Transcripts by ZC3H12D
Wawroet al. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The UT family of MHC class I loci unique to non-eutherian mammals has limited polymorphism and tissue specific patterns of expression in the opossum
Krasnecet al. BMC Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Axonal ribosomes and mRNAs associate with fragile X granules in adult rodent and human brains
Akinset al. Human Molecular Genetics. 2016
High ImpactStabilizing mutations of KLHL24 ubiquitin ligase cause loss of keratin 14 and human skin fragility
Linet al. Nature Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
bicoid mRNA localises to the Drosophila oocyte anterior by random Dyneinmediated transport and anchoring
High Impact, Super-ResolutionSuper-resolution imaging of fluorescently labeled, endogenous RNA Polymerase II in living cells with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing
Choet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A C. elegans Thermosensory Circuit Regulates Longevity through crh-1/CREB-Dependent flp-6 Neuropeptide Signaling
Chenet al. Developmental Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Molecular Diversity of Midbrain Development in Mouse, Human, and Stem Cells
Size-Dependent Accumulation of the Mitotic Activator Cdc25 as a Mechanism of Size Control in Fission Yeast
Keifenheimet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
C. elegans GLP-1/Notch activates transcription in a probability gradient across the germline stem cell pool
Leeet al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DIGIT Is a Conserved Long Noncoding RNA that Regulates GSC Expression to Control Definitive Endoderm Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Daneshvaret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
ATPase activity of the DEAD-box protein Dhh1 controls processing body formation
Mugleret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Patched Receptors Sense, Interpret, and Establish an Epidermal Hedgehog Signaling Gradient
Adolpheet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2016
High-throughput single-cell gene-expression profiling with multiplexed error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization
Moffittet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Meis/UNC-62 isoform dependent regulation of CoupTF-II/UNC-55 and GABAergic motor neuron subtype differentiation
Campbellet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization of single endogenous polysomes reveals the dynamics of translation in live human cells
Pichonet al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2016
Drosophila Wnt and STAT Define Apoptosis- Resistant Epithelial Cells for Tissue Regeneration after Irradiation
Vergheseet al. PLOS Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Mitochondria-Regulated Immune Pathway Activated in the C. elegans Intestine Is Neuroprotective
Chikkaet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016
Conservation of context-dependent splicing activity in distant Muscleblind homologs
Oddoet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcription upregulation via force-induced direct stretching of chromatin
Tajiket al. Nature Materials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Role of mir-15a/16-1 in early B cell development in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Aire knockdown in medullary thymic epithelial cells affects Aire protein, deregulates cell adhesion genes and decreases thymocyte interaction
Pezziet al. Molecular Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-¬cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
Plant, Super ResolutionA method for detecting single mRNA molecules in Arabidopsis thaliana
Duncanet al. Plant Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of star by the n-terminal Domain and coinduction of siK1 and Tis11b/Znf36l1 in single cells
Leeet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of Lithium-Sensitive Phosphatase BPNT-1 Causes Selective Neuronal Dysfunction in C. elegans
Meiselet al. Curent Biology. 7-25
High ImpactAn Abundant Class of Non-coding DNA Can Prevent Stochastic Gene Silencing in the C. elegans Germline
Frokjaer-Jensenet al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Altered RNA processing and export lead to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites and nuclear pore complexes or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Absolute quantitative measurement of transcriptional kinetic parameters in vivo
Iyeret al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
High ImpactAltered RNA processing and export leads to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites, nuclear pore complexes, or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Memory of cell shape biases stochastic fate decision-making despite mitotic rounding
Akanumaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An Epstein-Barr Virus-Encoded Protein Complex Requires an Origin of Lytic Replication In Cis to Mediate Late Gene Transcription
Djavadianet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Wnt pathway limits BMP signaling outside of the germline stem cell niche in Drosophila ovaries
Mottier-Pavieet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule RNA detection at depth via hybridization chain reaction and tissue hydrogel embedding and clearing
Soluble calcium-binding proteins (SCBPs) of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris: molecular characterization and localization by FISH in muscle and neuronal tissue
Thiruketheeswaranet al. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2016
Perturbing HIV-1 genomic RNA subcellular location inhibits virus particle production
Beckeret al. bioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional enhancement of Smn levels in motoneurons is crucial for proper axon morphology in zebrafish
Spiroet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ebola virus does not induce stress granule formation during infection and sequesters stress granule proteins within viral inclusions
Nelsonet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization and analysis of gene expression in tissue sections by spatial transcriptomics
High ImpactInfluenza virus mRNA trafficking through host nuclear speckles
Moret al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule detection and tracking of RNA transcripts in living cells using phosphorothioate-optimized 2'-O-methyl RNA molecular beacons
Zhaoet al. Biomaterials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Spatial organization shapes the turnover of a bacterial transcriptome
Clustered nuclei maintain autonomy and nucleocytoplasmic ratio control in a syncytium
Dundonet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phenotypic heterogeneity driven by nutrient limitation promotes growth in fluctuating environments
Schreiberet al. . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phenotypic heterogeneity driven by nutrient limitation promotes growth in fluctuating environments
Schreiberet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Parkinson-associated risk variant in distal enhancer of α-synuclein modulates target gene expression
Soldneret al. Nature Letter. 2016
IF-combined smRNA FISH reveals interaction of MCPIP1 protein with IER3 mRNA
Kochanet al. Biology Open. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Wnt Ligands Secreted by Subepithelial Mesenchymal Cells Are Essential for the Survival of Intestinal Stem Cells and Gut Homeostasis
Valentaet al. Cell Reports. 2016
The Caenorhabditis elegans Protein FIC-1 Is an AMPylase That Covalently Modifies Heat-Shock 70 Family Proteins, Translation Elongation Factors and Histones
Truttmannet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016
CRISPR-Cas9 targeted deletion of the C9orf72 repeat expansion mutation corrects cellular phenotypes in patient-derived iPS cells
Pribadiet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2016
A simple and rapid method for combining fluorescent in situ RNA hybridization (FISH) and immunofluorescence in the C. elegans germline
Dissecting Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Pluripotency: Single Cell Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Guedeset al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
High ImpactEnhancer Regulation of Transcriptional Bursting Parameters Revealed by Forced Chromatin Looping
Bartmanet al. Molecular Cell. 2016
High ImpactProgrammable RNA Tracking in Live Cells with CRISPR/Cas9
Nelleset al. Cell. 2016.
Products: VSMF-2003-5, VSMF-2448-5, VSMF-2415-5
Characterization of a Novel Orthomyxo-like Virus Causing Mass Die-Offs of Tilapia
Bacharachet al. mBio. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Analysis of specific RNA in cultured cells through quantitative integration of q-PCR and N-SIM single cell FISH images: Application to hormonal stimulation of StAR transcription
Leeet al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2016
Deficiency of the Survival of Motor Neuron Protein Impairs mRNA Localization and Local Translation in the Growth Cone of Motor Neurons
Falliniet al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transposon Dysregulation Modulates dWnt4 Signaling to Control Germline Stem Cell Differentiation in Drosophila
Upadhyayet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of cell-to-cell variability in divergent gene expression
Yanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Localized Translation of gurken/TGF-a mRNA during Axis Specification Is Controlled by Access to Orb/ CPEB on Processing Bodies
Davidsonet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CD133 does not enrich for the stem cell activity in vivo in adult mouse prostates
Weiet al. Stem Cell Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1014-5
Single-cell differences in matrix gene expression do not predict matrix deposition
Coteet al. Nature Communications. 2016
Fezf2 Expression in Layer 5 Projection Neurons of Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualizing allele-specific expression in single cells reveals epigenetic mosaicism in an H19 loss-of-imprinting mutant
Ginartet al. Genes and Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-2161-5
Dynamics of CDKN1A in Single Cells Defined by an Endogenous Fluorescent Tagging Toolkit
Stewart-Ornstein et al. Cell Reports. 2016
Transcriptional pulsing of a nucleolar transgene
Hausnerovaet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2016.
Products: SMF-2026-1
Mutagenesis of GATA motifs controlling the endoderm regulator elt-2 reveals distinct dominant and secondary cis-regulatory elements
Duet al. Developmental Biology. 2016
CLARITY, High ImpactMultiplexed Intact-Tissue Transcriptional Analysis at Cellular Resolution
High ImpactReplacement of Lost Lgr5-Positive Stem Cells through Plasticity of Their Enterocyte-Lineage Daughters
Tettehet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016
Single-cell analysis of transcription kinetics across the cell cycle
Skinneret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fixed and live visualization of RNAs in Drosophila oocytes and embryos
Abbaszadeh et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2016
Brain regions and molecular pathways responding to food reward type and value in honey bees
Matthew S McNeill et al. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microstructural heterogeneity directs micromechanics and mechanobiology in native and engineered fibrocartilage
Han et al. Nature materials. 2016
Quadraplex multiplexLong Non-Coding RNAs
Post-transcriptional Modifications Contribute to the Upregulation of Cyclin D2 in Multiple Myeloma
Misiewicz-Krzeminska et al. Clinical Cancer Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nuclear Retention of mRNA in Mammalian Tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Cell Reports. 2015
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
Stapel et al. Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
In vivo single-particle imaging of nuclear mRNA export in budding yeast demonstrates an essential role for Mex67p
Smith et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
The nuclear basket mediates perinuclear mRNA scanning in budding yeast
Saroufim et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
Endoplasmic reticulum stress increases AT1R mRNA expression via TIA-1-dependent mechanism
Backlund et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell Cytokine Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells Correlates with Latent Tuberculosis Status
Quantitative spatial analysis of transcripts in multinucleate cells using single-molecule FISH
Lee et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Differential Regulation of Progesterone Receptor-Mediated Transcription by CDK2 and DNA-PK
Trevino et al. Molecular Endocrinology. 2015
Rate control in yeast protein synthesis at the population and single-cell levels
Dacheux et al. Biochemical Society Transactions. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Tandem Spinach Array for mRNA Imaging in Living Bacterial Cells
Zhang et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
p53 genes function to restrain mobile elements
Wylieet al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single molecule approaches for quantifying transcription and degradation rates in intact mammalian tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nonspreading Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection of Human Dendritic Cells Results in Downregulation of CD83 and Full Maturation of Bystander Cells
Oreshkova et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Netrin-1 Induces Local Translation of Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule in Axonal Growth Cones
Jain et al. Developmental Neurobiology. 2015
Identification of a Natural Viral RNA Motif That Optimizes Sensing of Viral RNA by RIG-I
Xu et al. The American Society for Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous detection of mRNA and protein in single cells using immunofluorescence-combined single-molecule RNA FISH
Kochan et al. BioTechniques. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Sphinx: modeling transcriptional heterogeneity in single-cell RNA-Seq
Gu et al. bioRxIV. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell messenger RNA sequencing reveals rare intestinal cell types
Female bias in systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with the differential expression of X-linked toll-like receptor 8
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesan et al. Oncotarget. 2015
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesanet al. Oncotarget. 2015
Regulation of mRNA translation during mitosis
DksA involvement in transcription fidelity buffers stochastic epigenetic change
Satory et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015
High ImpactWidespread Inducible Transcription Downstream of Human Genes
Vilborg et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Drosophila germ granules are structured and contain homotypic mRNA clusters
Trcek et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
mRNA encoding Sec61β, a tail-anchored protein, is localized on the endoplasmic reticulum
Cui et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Journal of Cell Science. 2015.
Products: SMF-2026-1
Niche appropriation by Drosophila intestinal stem cell tumours
Patel et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MED GATA factors promote robust development of the C. elegans endoderm
Maduroet al. Developmental Biology. 2015
Hypoxia Up-Regulates Galectin-3 in Mammary Tumor Progression and Metastasis
Oliveira et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mutant p53 accumulates in cycling and proliferating cells in the normal tissues of p53 R172H mutant mice
Novel insights into RNP granules by employing the trypanosome’s microtubule skeleton as a molecular sieve
Fritz et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
G1/S Inhibitors and the SWI/SNF Complex Control Cell-Cycle Exit during Muscle Differentiation
Ruijtenberg et al. Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Paclitaxel inhibits mRNA transport in axons☆
Bobylev et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) DC-SCRIPT, a Specific Molecular Marker for Dendritic Cells in Fish
Zoccola et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Robust hematopoietic progenitor cell commitment in the presence of a conflicting cue
Shah et al. Journal of Cell Science. 2015
High ImpactCombining protein and mRNA quantification to decipher transcriptional regulation
Xu et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DAZL regulates Tet1 translation in murine embryonic stem cells
Wellinget al. EMBO reports. 2015
Single-cell polyadenylation site mapping reveals 3' isoform choice variability
Velten et al. Molecular systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Promoter-Autonomous Functioning in a Controlled Environment using Single Molecule FISH
Hocine et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional Coordination of Synaptogenesis and Neurotransmitter Signaling
Kratsios et al. Cell Current Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of PSD-95 mRNA Translation in Dendrites and Its Dysregulation in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome
Ifrim et al. The Journal of Neuorscience. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orthogonal control of expression mean and variance by epigenetic features at different genomic loci
Dey et al. Molecular Systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule analysis of myocyte differentiation reveals bimodal lineage commitment†
Gibson et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
High ImpactSingle Mammalian Cells Compensate for Differences in Cellular Volume and DNA Copy Number through Independent Global Transcriptional Mechanisms
Padovan-Merhar et al. Molecular Cell. 2015
Asymmetric Transcript Discovery by RNA-seq in C. elegans Blastomeres Identifies neg-1, a Gene Important for Anterior Morphogenesis
Osborne Nishimura et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Independent and coordinate trafficking of single Drosophila germ plasm mRNAs
Little et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2015
High ImpactBursty Gene Expression in the Intact Mammalian Liver
Bahar Halpern et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mining the Human Complexome Database Identifies RBM14 as an XPO1-Associated Protein Involved in HIV-1 Rev Function
Budhiraja et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Synonymous modification results in highfidelity gene expression of repetitive protein and nucleotide sequences
Wu et al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1019-5
An RNA biosensor for imaging the first round of translation from single cells to living animals
Halstead et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Determination of in vivo target search kinetics of regulatory noncoding RNA
CSR-1 and P granules suppress sperm-specific transcription in the C. elegans germline
Campbell et al. The Company of Biologists. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ploidy variation in multinucleate cells changes under stress
Andersonet al. Molecular Biology Cell. 2015
Voxel-based analysis of the immediate early gene, c-jun, in the honey bee brain after a sucrose stimulus
McNeill et al. Insect Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
PolyQ-dependent RNA–protein assemblies control symmetry breaking
Lee et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
Coordinate post-transcriptional repression of Dpp-dependent transcription factors attenuates signal range during development
Newton et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd.. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The volumes and transcript counts of single cells reveal concentration homeostasis and capture biological noise
Kempe et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell analysis shows that paracrine signaling by first responder cells shapes the interferon-b response to viral infection
Patil et al. Science Signaling. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stimulation of StAR expression by cAMP is controlled by inhibition of highly inducible SIK1 via CRTC2, a co-activator of CREB
Lee et al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ascl2 Acts as an R-spondin/Wnt-Responsive Switch to Control Stemness in Intestinal Crypts
Schuijers et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
High ImpactTemporal and spatial regulation of translation in the mammalian oocyte via the mTOR–eIF4F pathway
Susor et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Localization and abundance analysis of human lncRNAs at single-cell and single-molecule resolution
Cabili et al. GenomeBiology. 2015
Mechanisms of translational repression of the Smcp mRNA in round spermatids
Cullinane et al. Reproduction Reserach. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule RNA In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) and Immunofl uorescence (IF) in the Drosophila Egg Chamber
Bayer et al. Protocol Drosophila Oogenesis. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multi-Scale Imaging and Informatics Pipeline for In Situ Pluripotent Stem Cell Analysis
Regulation of RNA granule dynamics by phosphorylation of serine-rich, intrinsically-disordered proteins in C. elegans
Wang et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Profiling T Cell Activation Using Hybridization and Flow Cytometry Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ
Bushkin et al. The Journal of Immunology. 2014
Profiling T Cell Activation Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and Flow Cytometry
Bushkin et al. The Jornal of Immunology. 2014
Super-resolutionSecond Harmonic Super-resolution Microscopy for Quantification of mRNA at Single Copy Sensitivity
Liu et al. ACS Nano. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2102-5
RNA-directed remodeling of the HIV-1 protein Rev orchestrates assembly of the Rev–Rev response element complex
High ImpactA Predictive Model of Bifunctional Transcription Factor Signaling during Embryonic Tissue Patterning
Junker et al. Cell, Developmental Cell. 2014
Self-Digitization Microfluidic Chip for Absolute Quantification of mRNA in Single Cells
Thompson et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: SMF-2006-1
Distribution and Characterization of Rhogocyte Cell Types in the Mantle Tissue of Haliotis laevigata
Sairi et al. Marine Biotechnoloy. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Activation of the Chicken Type I Interferon Response by Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus
Kint et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell Intrinsic Modulation of Wnt Signaling Controls Neuroblast Migration in C. elegans
Mentink et al. Developmental Cell. 2014
High ImpactInter- and intratumoral heterogeneity of BCL2 correlates with IgH expression and prognosis in follicular lymphoma
Barreca et al. Nature Blood Cancer Journal. 2014
Removal of 8-oxo-GTP by MutT hydrolase is not a major contributor to transcriptional fidelity
Gordon et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014
Translational Control of the Oogenic Program by Components of OMA Ribonucleoprotein Particles in Caenorhabditis elegans
Spike et al. Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Using Amino-Labeled Nucleotide Probes for Simultaneous Single Molecule RNA-DNA FISH
The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response
Vera et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multifunctional Roles for the Protein Translocation Machinery in RNA Anchoring to the Endoplasmic Reticulum*
Jagannathan et al. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Rejuvenation of Meiotic Cohesion in Oocytes during Prophase I Is Required for Chiasma Maintenance and Accurate Chromosome Segregation
Weng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single yeast cells vary in transcription activity not in delay time after a metabolic shift
Schwabe et al. Nature Communications. 2014
Cadherin-8 Expression, Synaptic Localization, and Molecular Control of Neuronal Form in Prefrontal Corticostriatal Circuits
Friedman et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Translational Regulators GCN-1 and ABCF-3 Act Together to Promote Apoptosis in C. elegans
Hirose et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014
Benzyl butyl phthalate induces migration, invasion, and angiogenesis of Huh7 hepatocellular carcinoma cells through nongenomic AhR/G-protein signaling
Tsai et al. BMC Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The exon junction complex controls transposable element activity by ensuring faithful splicing of the piwi transcript
Malone et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Genetic basis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae biofilm in liquid medium
Andersen et al. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Defining Estrogenic Mechanisms of Bisphenol A Analogs through High Throughput Microscopy-Based Contextual Assays
Stossi et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The role of high cell density in the promotion of neuroendocrine transdifferentiation of prostate cancer cells
Pernicova et al. Molecular Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Spermatid Cyst Polarization in Drosophila Depends upon apkc and the CPEB Family Translational Regulator orb2
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic NANOG fluctuations allow mouse embryonic stem cells to explore pluripotency
Abranches et al. Development, The Company of Biologists. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MicroRNA binding to the HIV-1 Gag protein inhibits Gag assembly and virus production
Chen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional profiling of cells sorted by RNA abundance
Klemm et al. Nature Methods. 2014
High ImpactLabeling native bacterial RNA in live cells
Toran et al. Nature Cell Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell in situ RNA profiling by sequential hybridization
Lubeck et al. Nature Methods. 2014
Differential Expression of Galectin-1 and Galectin-3 in Canine Nonmalignant and Malignant Mammary Tissues, and in Progression to Metastases in Mammary Tumours
Oliveira JT et al. Anticancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fusion FISH Imaging: Single-Molecule Detection of Gene Fusion Transcripts In Situ
High ImpactFold Change of Nuclear NF-kB Determines TNF-Induced Transcription in Single Cells
Lee et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Receptor-interacting protein kinase 2 promotes triple-negative breast cancer cell migration and invasion via activation of nuclear factor-kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathways
Singel et al. Breast Cancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Expression of the Developmental Transcription Factor Fezf2 Identifies a Distinct Subpopulation of Layer 5 Intratelencephalic-Projection Neurons in Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. the Journal of Neuroscience. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
KIF14 Promotes AKT Phosphorylation and Contributes to Chemoresistance in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Singel et al. Neoplasia. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Small alveolar macrophages are infected preferentially by HIV and exhibit impaired phagocytic function
Jambo et al. Nature Mucosal Immunology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Systems level-based RNAi screening by high content analysis identifies UBR5 as a regulator of estrogen receptor-a protein levels and activity
Bolt et al. Nature Oncogene. 2014
A microRNA-based single-gene circuit buffers protein synthesis rates against perturbations
Strovas et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
N6-methyladenosine-dependent regulation of messenger RNA stability
Wang et al. Nature Research Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Luminal signalling links cell communication to tissue architecture during organogenesis
Durdu et al. Nature Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous Detection of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic RNA Variants Utilizing Stellaris ® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Adherent Cells
Coassin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2054-5, VSMF-2211-5
Nup98 promotes antiviral gene expression to restrict RNA viral infection in Drosophila
High ImpactMitochondria Coordinate Sites of Axon Branching through Localized Intra-axonal Protein Synthesis
Spillane et al. Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Defined Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture Enables Highly Efficient Neuroepithelium Derivation Without Small Molecule Inhibitors
Lippmann et al. Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Histone Methylation Restrains the Expression of Subtype-Specific Genes during Terminal Neuronal Differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Zheng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Feedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
High ImpactFeedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
Regulation of maternal Wnt mRNA translation in C. elegans embryos
High ImpactDampening of expression oscillations by synchronous regulation of a microRNA and its target
Kimet al. Nature Genetics. 2013
High ImpactDeterminants of robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signalling
Heinrich et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measurement and modeling of transcriptional noise in the cell cycle regulatory network
Translation- and SRP-independent mRNA targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kraut-Cohen et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nonautonomous Regulation of Neuronal Migration by Insulin Signaling, DAF-16/FOXO, and PAK-1
Kennedy et al. Cell Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Barriers to transmission of transcriptional noise in a c-fos c-jun pathway
Shah et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
High ImpactSingle-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue
Lyubimova et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
Transcription termination controls prophage maintenance in Escherichia coli genomes
Menouni et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Gene-Specific Transcriptional Mechanisms at the Histone Gene Cluster Revealed by Single-Cell Imaging
Guglielmi et al. Molecular Cell. 2013
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
Lee et al. Developmental Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcription-Factor-Mediated DNA Looping Probed by High-Resolution, Single-Molecule Imaging in Live E. coli Cells
Hensel et al. PLOS Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization and Analysis of mRNA Molecules Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
McIsaac et al. Jove. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Injury-induced BMP signaling negatively regulates Drosophila midgut homeostasis
Guo et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2013
High ImpactMeasuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
mRNA encoding WAVE–Arp2/3-associated proteins is co-localized with foci of active protein synthesis at the leading edge of MRC5 fibroblasts during cell migration
Willett et al. Biochem Journal. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Expanding the Diversity of Imaging-Based RNAi Screen Applications Using Cell Spot Microarrays
Rantala et al. Microarrays. 2013
Digoxin Suppresses HIV-1 Replication by Altering Viral RNA Processing
Wong et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-chromosome transcriptional profiling reveals chromosomal gene expression regulation
Levesque et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Placental Specific mRNA in the Maternal Circulation Are Globally Dysregulated in Pregnancies Complicated by Fetal Growth Restriction
Whitehead et al. JCEM Online. 2013
Depletion of cellular polyamines, spermidine and spermine, causes a total arrest in translation and growth in mammalian cells
Mandal et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell Analysis of Ribonucleotide Reductase Transcriptional and Translational Response to DNA Damage
Mazumder et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2013
Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization: Quantitative imaging of single RNA molecules
High ImpactSystematic Identification of Signal-Activated Stochastic Gene Regulation
Single-Molecule Resolution Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) in the Yeast S. cerevisiae
Rahman et al. Methods of Molecular Biology. 2013
The CPEB Protein Orb2 Has Multiple Functions during Spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Removal of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Makes C. elegans Germ Cells Susceptible to Direct Conversion into Specific Somatic Cell Types
Patelet al. Cell Reports. 2012
High ImpactAsymmetric Segregation of the Double-Stranded RNA Binding Protein Staufen2 during Mammalian Neural Stem Cell Divisions Promotes Lineage Progression
Kuseket al. Cell Stem Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Extradenticle and Homothorax Control Adult Muscle Fiber Identity in Drosophila
Bryantsevet al. Developmental Cell. 2012
High Impact, super resolutionSingle-cell systems biology by super-resolution imaging and combinatorial labeling
Lubecket al. Nature Methods. 2012
Neuronal mRNAs travel singly into dendrites
High ImpactSingle-mRNA counting using fluorescent in situ hybridization in budding yeast
Trceket al. Nature Protocol. 2012
High ImpactGlobal Analysis of RNA Secondary Structure in Two Metazoans
Concentration-Dependent Requirement for Local Protein Synthesis in Motor Neuron Subtype-Specific Response to Axon Guidance Cues
Nedelecet al. Journal of Neuorscience. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The P granule component PGL-1 promotes the localization and silencing activity of the PUF protein FBF-2 in germline stem cells
Voronina et al. Development and Stem Cells. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamics of protein noise can distinguish between alternate sources of gene-expression variability
Singh et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2012
Identification of molecular compartments and genetic circuitry in the developing mammalian kidney
Gene location and DNA density determine transcription factor distributions in Escherichia coli
Kuhlmanet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Shared gene expression in distinct neurons expressing common selector genes
Topalidou et al. PNAS. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of Transcriptionally Coupled and Uncoupled Splicing
Cell-to-cell variability of alternative RNA splicing
Wakset al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2011
RNA sequencing reveals two major classes of gene expression levels in metazoan cells
Hebenstreit et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2011
Visualization of single mRNAs reveals temporal association of proteins with microRNA-regulated mRNA
Shihet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011
Genes methylated by DNA methyltransferase 3b are similar in mouse intestine and human colon cancer
Steineet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2011
Neuroblast migration along the anteroposterior axis of C. elegans is controlled by opposing gradients of Wnts and a secreted Frizzled-related protein
Harterinket al. Development. 2011
Caenorhabditis elegans aristaless/Arx gene alr-1 restricts variable gene expression
High ImpactEGFR/Ras/MAPK Signaling Mediates Adult Midgut Epithelial Homeostasis and Regeneration in Drosophila
Jiang et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2011
Single Molecule Imaging of RNA In Situ
Batishet al. Methods Molecular Biology. 2011
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
High ImpactMaking the message clear: visualizing mRNA localization
Imaging single mRNA molecules in yeast
Youket al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
Single-Molecule Approaches to Stochastic Gene Expression
Rajet al. Annual Review of Biophysics. 2009
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
Rajet al. Nature Brief Communications. 2008
De novo translation initiation on membrane-bound ribosomes as a mechanism for localization of cytosolic protein mRNAs to the endoplasmic reticulum
An HDAC9-MALAT1-BRG1 complex mediates smooth muscle dysfunction in thoracic aortic aneurysm
Cardenaset al. Nature Communications. 2018
High ImpactCRTC1-MAML2 fusion-induced lncRNA LINC00473 expression maintains the growth and survival of human mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells
Wuet al. Nature Oncogene. 2018
High-throughput identification of RNA nuclear enrichment sequences
Shuklaet al. The EMBO Journal. 2018
High ImpactOncogenic Role of THOR, a Conserved Cancer/Testis Long Non-coding RNA
MALAT1: A regulator of inflammatory cytokines in diabetic complications
Gordonet al. Endrocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. 2017
Evaluation of fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques to study long non-coding RNA expression in cultured cells
Soareset al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
High ImpactThe long noncoding RNA SPRIGHTLY acts as an intranuclear organizing hub for pre-mRNA molecules
Pereraet al. Science Advances. 2017
Gene activation of SMN by selective disruption of lncRNA-mediated recruitment of PRC2 for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy
ANRIL: A Regulator of VEGF in Diabetic Retinopathy
Thomaset al. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2017
High ImpactLong non-coding RNA Linc-RAM enhances myogenic differentiation by interacting with MyoD
Yuet al. Nature Communications. 2017
High ImpactThe long non-coding RNA NEAT1 is responsive to neuronal activity and is associated with hyperexcitability states
Barryet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: SMF-2026-1, SMF-2036-1
Potential of long non-coding RNAs in cancer patients: From biomarkers to therapeutic targets
Guptaet al. IJC International Journal of Cancer. 2016
High ImpactLncBRM initiates YAP1 signalling activation to drive self-renewal of liver cancer stem cells
Zhuet al. Nature Communications. 2016
Primate-specific oestrogen-responsive long non-coding RNAs regulate proliferation and viability of human breast cancer cells
Linet al. Open Biology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Epigenetic inactivation of the p53-induced long noncoding RNA TP53 target 1 in human cancer
Diaz-Lagareset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA ZEB1-AS1 acts as an oncogene in osteosarcoma by epigenetically activating ZEB1
Liuet al. American Journal of Translational Research. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
NEAT1 modulates herpes simplex virus-1 replication by regulating viral gene transcription
Wanget al. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2016.
Products: SMF-2037-1
Long noncoding RNA Tug1 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics in diabetic nephropathy
Longet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Long noncoding RNA Tug1 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics in diabetic nephropathy
Longet al. JCI. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
The long noncoding RNA Tug1 connects metabolic changes with kidney disease in podocytes
Liet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016
RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation
Mikiet al. Genes to Cells. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation
Mikiet al. Genes to Cells. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Non-coding RNA Malat1 Regulates Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Chronic Diabetic Complications
High ImpactThe lncRNA landscape of breast cancer reveals a role for DSCAM-AS1 in breast cancer progression
Niknafset al. Nature Communications. 2016
Visualization of Enhancer-Derived Noncoding RNA
Shibayamaet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Understanding RNA-Chromatin Interactions Using Ch romatin I solation by R NA P urifi cation (ChIRP)
Chuet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Long Noncoding RNA lncCAMTA1 Promotes Proliferation and Cancer Stem Cell-Like Properties of Liver Cancer by Inhibiting CAMTA1
Dinget al. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Tankyrase inhibition promotes a stable human naïve pluripotent state with improved functionality
Zimmerlinet al. Development. 2016.
Products: SMF-2038-1
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Lineage and X Chromosome Dynamics in Human Preimplantation Embryos
Super Resolution, High Impactm6A RNA methylation promotes XISTmediated transcriptional repression
Patilet al. Nature Article. 2016.
Products: SMF-2038-1
The emerging role of long non-coding RNAs in cutaneous melanoma
Leucciet al. Pigment Cell Melanoma. 2016
High ImpactLinking Long Noncoding RNA Localization and Function
Chenet al. Cell Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 2016
Single-cell analyses of X Chromosome inactivation dynamics and pluripotency during differentiation
Chenet al. Genome Research. 2016.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Circadian RNA expression elicited by 3’- UTR IRAlu-paraspeckle associated elements
Torreset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cellular identity at the single-cell level
Coskunet al. Molecular BioSystems. 2016
High ImpactLncSox4 promotes the self-renewal of liver tumour-initiating cells through Stat3-mediated Sox4 expression
Chenet al. Nature Communications. 2016
Long noncoding RNA GIHCG promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression through epigenetically regulating miR-200b/a/429
Suiet al. Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
p53 induces formation of NEAT1 lncRNA-containing paraspeckles that modulate replication stress response and chemosensitivity
Adriaenset al. Nature Medicine. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1, SMF-3010-1
Psip1/p52 regulates distal Hoxa genes through activation of lncRNA Hottip
Pradeppaet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2016
ChIRPPsip1/p52 regulates distal Hoxa genes through activation of lncRNA Hottip
Emerging roles for long noncoding RNAs in skeletal biology and disease
Huynhet al. Connective Tissue Research. 2016
FRI0247 The Involvement of The Long Noncoding H19x in tGFβ Signaling and Its Profibrotic Effects in Systemic Sclerosis and Other Fibrotic Diseases
Pacheraet al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2016
High ImpactSallamet al. Nature Letter. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
‘‘Cat’s Cradling’’ the 3D Genome by the Act of LncRNA Transcription
meleet al. Molecular Cell. 2016
High Impactlnc-β-Catm elicits EZH2-dependent β-catenin stabilization and sustains liver CSC self-renewal
Zhuet al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2016
High ImpactCentromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Centromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016
Prognostic value of a newly identified MALAT1 alternatively spliced transcript in breast cancer
Meseureet al. British Journal of Cancer. 2016.
Products: SMF-2035-1
Divergent lncRNAs Regulate Gene Expression and Lineage Differentiation in Pluripotent Cells
Luoet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long non-coding RNA C2dat1 regulates CaMKIIδ expression to promote neuronal survival through the NF-κB signaling pathway following cerebral ischemia
cAMP/CREB-regulated LINC00473 marks LKB1- inactivated lung cancer and mediates tumor growth
Chenet al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cytoplasmic long noncoding RNAs are frequently bound to and degraded at ribosomes in human cells
High ImpactTranscriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Natural antisense RNA promotes 3 end processing and maturation of MALAT1 lncRNA
Zong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Quadraplex multiplexLong Non-Coding RNAs
High ImpactStellaris® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for the Simultaneous Detection of Immature and Mature Long Noncoding RNAs in Adherent Cells
Identifying Centromeric RNAs Involved in Histone Dynamics In Vivo
Quénetet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1
X chromosome inactivation in human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells following prolonged passaging
Qi et al. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2015
LncRNA-HIT Functions as an Epigenetic Regulator of Chondrogenesis through Its Recruitment of p100/CBP Complexes
Carlson et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A conserved abundant cytoplasmic long noncoding RNA modulates repression of mRNAs by PUM2 in human cells
Tichon et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
High ImpactThe primate-specific noncoding RNA HPAT5 regulates pluripotency during human preimplantation development and nuclear reprogramming
Durruthy-Durruthy et al. Nature Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chacko et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chackoet al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A BRCA1-interacting lncRNA regulates homologous recombination
Sharma et al. EMBO reports. 2015
High ImpactHeterogeneous lineage marker expression in naive embryonic stem cells is mostly due to spontaneous differentiation
Nair et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
Antagonist Xist and Tsix co-transcription during mouse oogenesis and maternal Xist expression during pre-implantation development calls into question the nature of the maternal imprint on the X chromosome
Deuve et al. Epigenetics. 2015
New Noncoding Lytic Transcripts Derived from the Epstein-Barr Virus Latency Origin of Replication, oriP, Are Hyperedited, Bind the Paraspeckle Protein, NONO/p54nrb, and Support Viral Lytic Transcription
Cao et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Non-coding RNAs: Epigenetic regulators of bone development and homeostasis
High ImpactAn alternative pluripotent state confers interspecies chimaeric competency
Wu et al. Nature. 2015.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Head-to-head antisense transcription and R-loop formation promotes transcriptional activation
Boque-Sastre et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Systematic Discovery of Xist RNA Binding Proteins
Functional Characterization of Long Noncoding RNA Lnc_bc060912 in Human Lung Carcinoma Cells
Luo et al. Biochemistry . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Noncoding RNA lncTCF7 Promotes Self-Renewal of Human Liver Cancer Stem Cells through Activation of Wnt Signaling
Wang et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
Single-Cell XIST Expression in Human Preimplantation Embryos and Newly Reprogrammed Female Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Briggs et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Long Noncoding RNA on the Ribosome Is Required for Lifespan Extension
Essers et al. Cell Reports. 2015
Knockdown of Nuclear-Retained Long Noncoding RNAs Using Modifi ed DNA Antisense Oligonucleotides
lncRNA probe set validationLocalization and abundance analysis of human lncRNAs at single-cell and single-molecule resolution
Cabili et al. GenomeBiology. 2015
Non-coding RNAs: Epigenetic regulators of bone development and homeostasis
Hassan et al. Elsevier, Bone. 2015
RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Cultured Mammalian Cells
Tripathi et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Visualization of lncRNA by Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization
Dunagin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology Springer Protocols. 2015
High ImpactGenome-wide analysis of the human p53 transcriptional network unveils a lncRNA tumour suppressor signature
S'anchez et al. Nature Communications. 2014
The long noncoding RNA Neat1 is required for mammary gland development and lactation
Standaert et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: SMF-3010-1
Using Amino-Labeled Nucleotide Probes for Simultaneous Single Molecule RNA-DNA FISH
High ImpactRegulation of pri-miRNA Processing by a Long Noncoding RNA Transcribed from an Ultraconserved Region
Liz et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The STAT3-Binding Long Noncoding RNA lnc-DC Controls Human Dendritic Cell Differentiation
The functional characterization of long noncoding RNA SPRY4-IT1 in human melanoma cells
Mazar et al. Oncotarget. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Aberrant Patterns of X Chromosome Inactivation in a New Line of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Established in Physiological Oxygen Concentrations
Oliveira Georges et al. Stem Cell Rev and Rep. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lineage and species-specific long noncoding RNAs during erythro-megakaryocytic development
Paralkar et al. Red Cells, Iron, and Erythropoiesis. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topological organization of multichromosomal regions by the long intergenic noncoding RNA Firre
Hacisuleyman et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global discovery of erythroid long noncoding RNAs reveals novel regulators of red cell maturation
Alvarez-Dominguezet al. Blood Journal. 2014
Long noncoding RNA-mediated intrachromosomal interactions promote imprinting at the Kcnq1 locus
Zhang et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2014
High ImpactSimultaneous Detection of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic RNA Variants Utilizing Stellaris ® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Adherent Cells
Coassin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2054-5, VSMF-2211-5
Scaffold function of long non-coding RNA HOTAIR in protein ubiquitination
Yoon et al. Nature Communications. 2013
linc-HOXA1 is a noncoding RNA that represses Hoxa1 transcription in cis
Maamar et al. Genes & Development. 2013
High ImpactControl of somatic tissue differentiation by the long non-coding RNA TINCR
Kretz et al. Nature Research Letter. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Many human large intergenic noncoding RNAs associate with chromatin-modifying complexes and affect gene expression
An NS-segment exonic splicing enhancer regulates influenza A virus replication in mammalian cells
Huanget al. Nature Communications. 2017
High ImpactPrimary Human Placental Trophoblasts are Permissive for Zika Virus (ZIKV) Replication
Aagaardet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), VSMF-9579-5
NES masking regulates HIV-1 Rev trafficking and viral RNA nuclear export
Behrenset al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Experimental Approaches to Study Genome Packaging of Influenza A Viruses
Intercellular Transmission of Viral Populations with Vesicles
Human metapneumovirus Induces Reorganization of the Actin Cytoskeleton for Direct Cell-to-Cell Spread
El-Najjaret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Multicomponent Animal Virus Isolated from Mosquitoes
Ladneret al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule FISH Reveals Non-selective Packaging of Rift Valley Fever Virus Genome Segments
Schreuret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016
FLOW-FISHHeterogeneous loss of HIV transcription and proviral DNA from 8E5/LAV lymphoblastic leukemia cells revealed by RNA FISH:FLOW analyses
Wilburnet al. Retrovirology. 2016
New World and Old World Alphaviruses Have Evolved to Exploit Different Components of Stress Granules, FXR and G3BP Proteins, for Assembly of Viral Replication Complexes
YoungKimet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
NXT1, a Novel Influenza A NP Binding Protein, Promotes the Nuclear Export of NP via a CRM1-Dependent Pathway
Chutiwitoonchaiet al. Viruses. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hepatitis B virus polymerase localizes to the mitochondria and its terminal protein domain contains the mitochondrial-targeting signal
Unchwaniwalaet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Influenza virus mRNA trafficking through host nuclear speckles
Moret al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Viral genome imaging of hepatitis C virus to probe heterogeneous viral infection and responses to antiviral therapies
DDX3 Interacts with Influenza A Virus NS1 and NP Proteins and Exerts Antiviral Function through Regulation of Stress Granule Formation
Thulasi-Ramanet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus utilizes nanotubes for intercellular spread
Guoet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DDX3 interacts with influenza A NS1 and NP proteins and exerts antiviral function through regulation of stress granule formation
Thulasi Raman et al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Differential Effects of Tra2ß Isoforms on HIV-1 RNA Processing and Expression
Platt et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Phosphatidylserine Vesicles Enable Efficient En Bloc Transmission of Enteroviruses
Global Bidirectional Transcription of the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome 1 During Reactivation
O’Grady et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of a novel multiple kinase inhibitor with potent antiviral activity against influenza virus by reducing viral polymerase activity
Sasaki et al. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2014
Orsay,Santeuil and LeBlancviruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Characterization of novel inhibitors of HIV-1 replication that function via alteration of viral RNA processing and rev function
Wong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nuclear import of APOBEC3F-labeled HIV-1 preintegration complexes
Burdick et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A deletion polymorphism in the Caenorhabditis elegans RIG-I homolog disables viral RNA dicing and antiviral immunity
Ashe et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orsay, Santeuil and Le Blanc viruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
IFI16 senses DNA forms of the lentiviral replication cycle and controls HIV-1 replication
Jakobsen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013
Colocalization of Different Influenza Viral RNA Segments in the Cytoplasm before Viral Budding as Shown by Single-molecule Sensitivity FISH Analysis
Chou et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Digoxin Suppresses HIV-1 Replication by Altering Viral RNA Processing
Wong et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Influenza A Virus PB2, PA, NP, and M Segments Play a Pivotal Role during Genome Packaging
One influenza virus particle packages eight unique viral RNAs as shown by FISH analysis
Transgenerational dynamics of rDNA copy number in Drosophila male germline stem cells
Pathogen loadMicrosporidia intracellular development relies on Myc interaction network transcription factors in the host
Bottset al. G3. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Unequal distribution of 16S mtrRNA at the 2-cell stage regulates cell lineage allocations in mouse embryos
Zheng et al. Reproduction. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA transcription modulates phase transition-driven nuclear body assembly
A Novel Antiviral Target Structure Involved in the RNA Binding, Dimerization, and Nuclear Export Functions of the Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein
Kakisaka et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Propionibacterium acnes Recovered from Atherosclerotic Human Carotid Arteries Undergoes Biofilm Dispersion and Releases Lipolytic and Proteolytic Enzymes in Response to Norepinephrine Challenge In Vitro
Lanter et al. Infection and Immunity. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single Mammalian Cells Compensate for Differences in Cellular Volume and DNA Copy Number through Independent Global Transcriptional Mechanisms
Padovan-Merhar et al. Molecular Cell. 2015
A Wild C. Elegans Strain Has Enhanced Epithelial Immunity to a Natural Microsporidian Parasite
Balla et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts
De Clerck et al. Microbiome. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hira-Mediated H3.3 Incorporation Is Required for DNA Replication and Ribosomal RNA Transcription in the Mouse Zygote
Lin et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garcia et al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ultraconserved element uc.372 drives hepatic lipid accumulation by suppressing miR-195/miR4668 maturation
Guoet al. Nature Communications. 2018
High ImpactSingle-Molecule Imaging Reveals a Switch between Spurious and Functional ncRNA Transcription
Lenstra et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Analysis of dynamic changes in retinoid-induced transcription and epigenetic profiles of murine Hox clusters in ES cells
Kumar et al. Genome Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Determination of in vivo target search kinetics of regulatory noncoding RNA
The structure of human SFPQ reveals a coiled-coil mediated polymer essential for functional aggregation in gene regulation
Lee et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Topologically associated domains enriched for lineage specific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis
Neemset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topologically associated domains enriched for lineagespecific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis
Neemset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Structure–function analysis of myomaker domains\ required for myoblast fusion
Millayet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1014-5
Transcriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Female bias in systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with the differential expression of X-linked toll-like receptor 8
Following the intracellular localization of the iab-8ncRNA of the bithorax complex using the MS2-MCP-GFP system
High ImpactWidespread Inducible Transcription Downstream of Human Genes
Vilborg et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Stochastic promoter activation affects Nanog expression variability in mouse embryonic stem cells
Ochiai et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Most Human Proteins Made in Both Nucleus and Cytoplasm Turn Over within Minutes
High ImpactChromosomal Contact Permits Transcription between Coregulated Genes
High ImpactSingle-chromosome transcriptional profiling reveals chromosomal gene expression regulation
Transcriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stellaris® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for the Simultaneous Detection of Immature and Mature Long Noncoding RNAs in Adherent Cells
Female bias in systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with the differential expression of X-linked toll-like receptor 8
Up-regulation of ceRNA TINCR by SP1 contributes to tumorigenesis in breast cancer
High ImpactFull-length mRNA sequencing uncovers a widespread coupling between transcription initiation and mRNA processing
Anvaret al. Genome Biology. 2018
High ImpactRare Cell Detection by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing as Guided by Single-Molecule RNA FISH
Torreet al. Cell Systems. 2018
Estrogen-dependent control and cell-to-cell variability of transcriptional bursting
Fritzschet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2018
LINE-1 protein localization and functional dynamics during the cell cycle
High ImpactOncogenic Role of THOR, a Conserved Cancer/Testis Long Non-coding RNA
High ImpactAn improved MS 2 system for accurate reporting of the mRN A life cycle
Tutucciet al. Nature Methods. 2017
Monitoring of Dual crisPr/cas9- Mediated steroidogenic acute regulatory Protein gene Deletion and cholesterol accumulation Using high-resolution Fluorescence In Situ hybridization in a single cell
Jefcoateet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2017
High ImpactDynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
van-Oudenaardenet al. Nature Communications. 2017
PRAME as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
Gezginet al. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017
Neutrophils and Ly6Chi monocytes collaborate in generating an optimal cytokine response that protects against pulmonary Legionella pneumophila infection
Cassonet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2017
Quantification of HER2 and estrogen receptor heterogeneity in breast cancer by single-molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization
Annaratoneet al. Oncotarget. 2017
Gene activation of SMN by selective disruption of lncRNA-mediated recruitment of PRC2 for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy
miRNAs cooperate in apoptosis regulation during C. elegans development
Sherrardet al. Genes and Development. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s)
Primary Human Placental Trophoblasts are Permissive for Zika Virus (ZIKV) Replication
Aagaardet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), VSMF-9579-5
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Rahmanet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
High ImpactInferring Cell-State Transition Dynamics from Lineage Trees and Endpoint Single-Cell Measurements
Hormozet al. Cell Systems. 2016
Visualizing adenosine to inosine RNA editing in single mammalian cells
The UT family of MHC class I loci unique to non-eutherian mammals has limited polymorphism and tissue specific patterns of expression in the opossum
Krasnecet al. BMC Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Axonal ribosomes and mRNAs associate with fragile X granules in adult rodent and human brains
Akinset al. Human Molecular Genetics. 2016
High ImpactA C. elegans Thermosensory Circuit Regulates Longevity through crh-1/CREB-Dependent flp-6 Neuropeptide Signaling
Chenet al. Developmental Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Molecular Diversity of Midbrain Development in Mouse, Human, and Stem Cells
Size-Dependent Accumulation of the Mitotic Activator Cdc25 as a Mechanism of Size Control in Fission Yeast
Keifenheimet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DIGIT Is a Conserved Long Noncoding RNA that Regulates GSC Expression to Control Definitive Endoderm Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Daneshvaret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Lineage and X Chromosome Dynamics in Human Preimplantation Embryos
High ImpactA Multicomponent Animal Virus Isolated from Mosquitoes
Ladneret al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization of single endogenous polysomes reveals the dynamics of translation in live human cells
Pichonet al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2016
A systematic view on influenza induced host shutoff
Bercovich-Kinoriet al. eLIFE. 2016
Role of mir-15a/16-1 in early B cell development in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Dynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-¬cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
Plant, Super ResolutionA method for detecting single mRNA molecules in Arabidopsis thaliana
Duncanet al. Plant Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromatin remodelling and antisense-mediated up-regulation of the developmental switch gene eud-1 control predatory feeding plasticity
Serobyanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Altered RNA processing and export lead to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites and nuclear pore complexes or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Absolute quantitative measurement of transcriptional kinetic parameters in vivo
Iyeret al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
High ImpactAltered RNA processing and export leads to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites, nuclear pore complexes, or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule RNA detection at depth via hybridization chain reaction and tissue hydrogel embedding and clearing
High ImpactInfluenza virus mRNA trafficking through host nuclear speckles
Moret al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Centromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016
High Impact, TriplexWnt Ligands Secreted by Subepithelial Mesenchymal Cells Are Essential for the Survival of Intestinal Stem Cells and Gut Homeostasis
Valentaet al. Cell Reports. 2016
Viral genome imaging of hepatitis C virus to probe heterogeneous viral infection and responses to antiviral therapies
Single-Gene Dual-Color Reporter Cell Line to Analyze RNA Synthesis in vivo
High ImpactRegulation of cell-to-cell variability in divergent gene expression
Yanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualizing allele-specific expression in single cells reveals epigenetic mosaicism in an H19 loss-of-imprinting mutant
Ginartet al. Genes and Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-2161-5
Overlapping cell population expression profiling and regulatory inference in C. elegans
Burdiket al. BMC Genomics. 2016
Mutagenesis of GATA motifs controlling the endoderm regulator elt-2 reveals distinct dominant and secondary cis-regulatory elements
Duet al. Developmental Biology. 2016
Germ Plasm Biogenesis—An Oskar-Centric Perspective
Lehmannet al. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 2016
High ImpactReplacement of Lost Lgr5-Positive Stem Cells through Plasticity of Their Enterocyte-Lineage Daughters
Tettehet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016
High ImpactTranscriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Natural antisense RNA promotes 3 end processing and maturation of MALAT1 lncRNA
Zong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Single-cell analysis of transcription kinetics across the cell cycle
Skinneret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fixed and live visualization of RNAs in Drosophila oocytes and embryos
Abbaszadeh et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2016
Unequal distribution of 16S mtrRNA at the 2-cell stage regulates cell lineage allocations in mouse embryos
Zheng et al. Reproduction. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Brain regions and molecular pathways responding to food reward type and value in honey bees
Matthew S McNeill et al. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long Non-Coding RNAs
High ImpactStellaris® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for the Simultaneous Detection of Immature and Mature Long Noncoding RNAs in Adherent Cells
Post-transcriptional Modifications Contribute to the Upregulation of Cyclin D2 in Multiple Myeloma
Misiewicz-Krzeminska et al. Clinical Cancer Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
Stapel et al. Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Cell Cytokine Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells Correlates with Latent Tuberculosis Status
High ImpactSingle-Molecule Imaging Reveals a Switch between Spurious and Functional ncRNA Transcription
Lenstra et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Quantitative gene expression analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans using single molecule RNA FISH
Bolkov'a et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Netrin-1 Induces Local Translation of Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule in Axonal Growth Cones
Jain et al. Developmental Neurobiology. 2015
Identification of a Natural Viral RNA Motif That Optimizes Sensing of Viral RNA by RIG-I
Xu et al. The American Society for Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell messenger RNA sequencing reveals rare intestinal cell types
Female bias in systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with the differential expression of X-linked toll-like receptor 8
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesan et al. Oncotarget. 2015
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesanet al. Oncotarget. 2015
Application of an RNA amplification method for reliable single-cell transcriptome analysis
Suslov et al. BioTechniques. 2015
High ImpactHeterogeneous lineage marker expression in naive embryonic stem cells is mostly due to spontaneous differentiation
Nair et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
Analysis of dynamic changes in retinoid-induced transcription and epigenetic profiles of murine Hox clusters in ES cells
Kumar et al. Genome Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Widespread Inducible Transcription Downstream of Human Genes
Vilborg et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Drosophila germ granules are structured and contain homotypic mRNA clusters
Trcek et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
mRNA encoding Sec61β, a tail-anchored protein, is localized on the endoplasmic reticulum
Cui et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Journal of Cell Science. 2015.
Products: SMF-2026-1
Single Cell Analysis Reveals Concomitant Transcription of Pluripotent and Lineage Markers During the Early Steps of Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Lanctôt et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
G1/S Inhibitors and the SWI/SNF Complex Control Cell-Cycle Exit during Muscle Differentiation
Ruijtenberg et al. Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DAZL regulates Tet1 translation in murine embryonic stem cells
Wellinget al. EMBO reports. 2015
Single-cell polyadenylation site mapping reveals 3' isoform choice variability
Velten et al. Molecular systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Promoter-Autonomous Functioning in a Controlled Environment using Single Molecule FISH
Hocine et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of PSD-95 mRNA Translation in Dendrites and Its Dysregulation in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome
Ifrim et al. The Journal of Neuorscience. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Head-to-head antisense transcription and R-loop formation promotes transcriptional activation
Boque-Sastre et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multiplexed single-cell in situ RNA analysis by reiterative hybridization†
Xiao et al. Analytical Methods. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single Mammalian Cells Compensate for Differences in Cellular Volume and DNA Copy Number through Independent Global Transcriptional Mechanisms
Padovan-Merhar et al. Molecular Cell. 2015
Synonymous modification results in highfidelity gene expression of repetitive protein and nucleotide sequences
Wu et al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1019-5
An RNA biosensor for imaging the first round of translation from single cells to living animals
Halstead et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Voxel-based analysis of the immediate early gene, c-jun, in the honey bee brain after a sucrose stimulus
McNeill et al. Insect Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Licensing of Primordial Germ Cells for Gametogenesis Depends on Genital Ridge Signaling
High ImpactWhole-mount single molecule FISH method for zebrafish embryo
PolyQ-dependent RNA–protein assemblies control symmetry breaking
Lee et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
High ImpactCell types in the mouse cortex and hippocampus revealed by single-cell RNA-seq
Stimulation of StAR expression by cAMP is controlled by inhibition of highly inducible SIK1 via CRTC2, a co-activator of CREB
Lee et al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Heritable capture of heterochromatin dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Dodson et al. eLife. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Localization and abundance analysis of human lncRNAs at single-cell and single-molecule resolution
Cabili et al. GenomeBiology. 2015
RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Cultured Mammalian Cells
Tripathi et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Single-Molecule RNA In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) and Immunofl uorescence (IF) in the Drosophila Egg Chamber
Bayer et al. Protocol Drosophila Oogenesis. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The DREAM complex promotes gene body H2A.Z for target repression
Latorre et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
Microbe ScreenA metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts
De Clerck et al. Microbiome. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Distribution and Characterization of Rhogocyte Cell Types in the Mantle Tissue of Haliotis laevigata
Sairi et al. Marine Biotechnoloy. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Activation of the Chicken Type I Interferon Response by Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus
Kint et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inter- and intratumoral heterogeneity of BCL2 correlates with IgH expression and prognosis in follicular lymphoma
Barreca et al. Nature Blood Cancer Journal. 2014
Kinetic competition during the transcription cycle results in stochastic RNA processing
Coulon et al. eLIFE, Biophysics and structural biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Gene Regulatory Network Controls the Binary Fate Decision of Rod and Bipolar Cells in the Vertebrate Retina
Wang et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Genetic basis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae biofilm in liquid medium
Andersen et al. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lgr5 marks stem/progenitor cells in ovary and tubal epithelia
Ng et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
LincRNA-p21 Activates p21 In cis to Promote Polycomb Target Gene Expression and to Enforce the G1/S Checkpoint
Dimitrova et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topological organization of multichromosomal regions by the long intergenic noncoding RNA Firre
Hacisuleyman et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous Detection of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic RNA Variants Utilizing Stellaris ® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Adherent Cells
Coassin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2054-5, VSMF-2211-5
Defined Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture Enables Highly Efficient Neuroepithelium Derivation Without Small Molecule Inhibitors
Lippmann et al. Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Feedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
Regulation of maternal Wnt mRNA translation in C. elegans embryos
High ImpactBimodal expression of PHO84 is modulated by early termination of antisense transcription
Castelnuovo et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2013
Visualization and Analysis of mRNA Molecules Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
McIsaac et al. Jove. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
Colocalization of Different Influenza Viral RNA Segments in the Cytoplasm before Viral Budding as Shown by Single-molecule Sensitivity FISH Analysis
Chou et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Depletion of cellular polyamines, spermidine and spermine, causes a total arrest in translation and growth in mammalian cells
Mandal et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization: Quantitative imaging of single RNA molecules
High ImpactEmbryonic Priming of a miRNA Locus Predetermines Postmitotic Neuronal Left/Right Asymmetry in C. elegans
Cochellaet al. Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A continuum of transcriptional identities visualized by combinatorial fluorescent in situ hybridization
High ImpactSingle-Cell Expression Analyses during Cellular Reprogramming Reveal an Early Stochastic and a Late Hierarchic Phase
High ImpactTPP1 OB-Fold Domain Controls Telomere Maintenance by Recruiting Telomerase to Chromosome Ends
Zhonget al. Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Influenza A Virus PB2, PA, NP, and M Segments Play a Pivotal Role during Genome Packaging
One influenza virus particle packages eight unique viral RNAs as shown by FISH analysis
Neuronal mRNAs travel singly into dendrites
High ImpactSingle-Molecule Imaging of Transcriptionally Coupled and Uncoupled Splicing
High ImpactStellaris™ fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes: a powerful tool for mRNA detection
Orjalo et al. Nature Methods. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Genes methylated by DNA methyltransferase 3b are similar in mouse intestine and human colon cancer
Steineet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2011
Neuroblast migration along the anteroposterior axis of C. elegans is controlled by opposing gradients of Wnts and a secreted Frizzled-related protein
Harterinket al. Development. 2011
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Rajet al. Nature Article. 2010
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
Nucleolin-Mediated RNA Localization Regulates Neuron Growth and Cycling Cell Size
Perryet al. Cell Reports. 0216
High ImpactAn HDAC9-MALAT1-BRG1 complex mediates smooth muscle dysfunction in thoracic aortic aneurysm
Cardenaset al. Nature Communications. 2018
LINE-1 protein localization and functional dynamics during the cell cycle
High ImpactThe Stress Granule Transcriptome Reveals Principles of mRNA Accumulation in Stress Granules
Parkeret al. Molecular Cell. 2017
High ImpactAn NS-segment exonic splicing enhancer regulates influenza A virus replication in mammalian cells
Huanget al. Nature Communications. 2017
High ImpactLong noncoding RNA lncKdm2b is required for ILC3 maintenance by initiation of Zfp292 expression
Liuet al. Nature Immunology. 2017
Neural Progenitor Cells Promote Axonal Growth and Alter Axonal mRNA Localization in Adult Neurons
Imaging mRNA and protein interactions within neurons
Eliscovichet al. PNAS PLUS. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamic mRNA Transport and Local Translation in Radial Glial Progenitors of the Developing Brain
Pilazet al. Cell Current Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), SMF-3002-1
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Rahmanet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Flow-FISHCombined Single-Cell Measurement of Cells with Persistent Effector Function Cytokine mRNA and Protein Identifies T
Nicoletet al. The Journal of Immunology. 2016
High ImpactMicrobiota Diurnal Rhythmicity Programs Host Transcriptome Oscillations
High ImpactLncBRM initiates YAP1 signalling activation to drive self-renewal of liver cancer stem cells
Zhuet al. Nature Communications. 2016
Intact NYN/PIN-Like Domain is Crucial for the Degradation of Inflammation-Related Transcripts by ZC3H12D
Wawroet al. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Axonal ribosomes and mRNAs associate with fragile X granules in adult rodent and human brains
Akinset al. Human Molecular Genetics. 2016
High ImpactStabilizing mutations of KLHL24 ubiquitin ligase cause loss of keratin 14 and human skin fragility
Linet al. Nature Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mutually exclusive sense–antisense transcription at FLC facilitates environmentally induced gene repression
Rosaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
C. elegans GLP-1/Notch activates transcription in a probability gradient across the germline stem cell pool
Leeet al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
ATPase activity of the DEAD-box protein Dhh1 controls processing body formation
Mugleret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Non-coding RNA Malat1 Regulates Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Chronic Diabetic Complications
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016
New World and Old World Alphaviruses Have Evolved to Exploit Different Components of Stress Granules, FXR and G3BP Proteins, for Assembly of Viral Replication Complexes
YoungKimet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of star by the n-terminal Domain and coinduction of siK1 and Tis11b/Znf36l1 in single cells
Leeet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
NXT1, a Novel Influenza A NP Binding Protein, Promotes the Nuclear Export of NP via a CRM1-Dependent Pathway
Chutiwitoonchaiet al. Viruses. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global transcript structure resolution of high gene density genomes through multi-platform data integration
O’Gradyet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional enhancement of Smn levels in motoneurons is crucial for proper axon morphology in zebrafish
Spiroet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ebola virus does not induce stress granule formation during infection and sequesters stress granule proteins within viral inclusions
Nelsonet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nuclear speckles are detention centers for transcripts containing expanded CAG repeats
High ImpactInfluenza virus mRNA trafficking through host nuclear speckles
Moret al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016
High ImpactCentromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Clustered nuclei maintain autonomy and nucleocytoplasmic ratio control in a syncytium
Dundonet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
IF-combined smRNA FISH reveals interaction of MCPIP1 protein with IER3 mRNA
Kochanet al. Biology Open. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Wnt Ligands Secreted by Subepithelial Mesenchymal Cells Are Essential for the Survival of Intestinal Stem Cells and Gut Homeostasis
Valentaet al. Cell Reports. 2016
A simple and rapid method for combining fluorescent in situ RNA hybridization (FISH) and immunofluorescence in the C. elegans germline
High ImpactTh17 Cells Are Preferentially Infected Very Early after Vaginal Transmission of SIV in Macaques
Stiehet al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DDX3 Interacts with Influenza A Virus NS1 and NP Proteins and Exerts Antiviral Function through Regulation of Stress Granule Formation
Thulasi-Ramanet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Deficiency of the Survival of Motor Neuron Protein Impairs mRNA Localization and Local Translation in the Growth Cone of Motor Neurons
Falliniet al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Distal Alternative Last Exons Localize mRNAs to Neural Projections
Taliaferroet al. Molecular Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus utilizes nanotubes for intercellular spread
Guoet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fixed and live visualization of RNAs in Drosophila oocytes and embryos
Abbaszadeh et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2016
DDX3 interacts with influenza A NS1 and NP proteins and exerts antiviral function through regulation of stress granule formation
Thulasi Raman et al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identifying Centromeric RNAs Involved in Histone Dynamics In Vivo
Quénetet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Endoplasmic reticulum stress increases AT1R mRNA expression via TIA-1-dependent mechanism
Backlund et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Polyadenylation-Dependent 3' End Maturation Pathway Is Required for the Synthesis of the Human Telomerase RNA
Nguyen et al. Cell . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
X chromosome inactivation in human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells following prolonged passaging
Qi et al. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2015
FLOW-FISHSingle-Cell Cytokine Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells Correlates with Latent Tuberculosis Status
Quantitative spatial analysis of transcripts in multinucleate cells using single-molecule FISH
Lee et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Differential Regulation of Progesterone Receptor-Mediated Transcription by CDK2 and DNA-PK
Trevino et al. Molecular Endocrinology. 2015
RNA FISH for detecting expanded repeats in human diseases
Urbanek et al. Methods. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Mitotic Transcriptional Activation: Clearance of Actively Engaged Pol II via Transcriptional Elongation Control in Mitosis
Liang et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of a Natural Viral RNA Motif That Optimizes Sensing of Viral RNA by RIG-I
Xu et al. The American Society for Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous detection of mRNA and protein in single cells using immunofluorescence-combined single-molecule RNA FISH
Kochan et al. BioTechniques. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
RNA transcription modulates phase transition-driven nuclear body assembly
High ImpactSingle-cell messenger RNA sequencing reveals rare intestinal cell types
Prion-like domains in RNA binding proteins are essential for building subnuclear paraspeckles
Hennig et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: VSMF-2250-5
Following the intracellular localization of the iab-8ncRNA of the bithorax complex using the MS2-MCP-GFP system
Paclitaxel inhibits mRNA transport in axons☆
Bobylev et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) DC-SCRIPT, a Specific Molecular Marker for Dendritic Cells in Fish
Zoccola et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
New Noncoding Lytic Transcripts Derived from the Epstein-Barr Virus Latency Origin of Replication, oriP, Are Hyperedited, Bind the Paraspeckle Protein, NONO/p54nrb, and Support Viral Lytic Transcription
Cao et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Combining protein and mRNA quantification to decipher transcriptional regulation
Xu et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Alternative 39UTRs act as scaffolds to regulate membrane protein localization
Berkovits et al. Nature Research Letter. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DAZL regulates Tet1 translation in murine embryonic stem cells
Wellinget al. EMBO reports. 2015
High ImpactTranscriptional Coordination of Synaptogenesis and Neurotransmitter Signaling
Kratsios et al. Cell Current Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Zinc-Finger Antiviral Protein ZAP Inhibits LINE and Alu Retrotransposition
Moldovan et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CArG-driven GADD45α activated by resveratrol inhibits lung cancer cells
Shi et al. Genes & Cancer. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Ubiquitin Proteasome System Plays a Role in Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infection
Amaya et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule analysis of myocyte differentiation reveals bimodal lineage commitment†
Gibson et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
High ImpactSystematic Discovery of Xist RNA Binding Proteins
High ImpactBursty Gene Expression in the Intact Mammalian Liver
Bahar Halpern et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An RNA biosensor for imaging the first round of translation from single cells to living animals
Halstead et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CSR-1 and P granules suppress sperm-specific transcription in the C. elegans germline
Campbell et al. The Company of Biologists. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Myosin VI regulates gene pairing and transcriptional pause release in T cells
Licensing of Primordial Germ Cells for Gametogenesis Depends on Genital Ridge Signaling
Coordinate post-transcriptional repression of Dpp-dependent transcription factors attenuates signal range during development
Newton et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd.. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stimulation of StAR expression by cAMP is controlled by inhibition of highly inducible SIK1 via CRTC2, a co-activator of CREB
Lee et al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ascl2 Acts as an R-spondin/Wnt-Responsive Switch to Control Stemness in Intestinal Crypts
Schuijers et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
Transcriptional Expression of Myelin Basic Protein in Oligodendrocytes Depends on Functional Syntaxin 4: a Potential Correlation with Autocrine Signaling
Bijlardet al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2015
RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Cultured Mammalian Cells
Tripathi et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Single-Molecule RNA In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) and Immunofl uorescence (IF) in the Drosophila Egg Chamber
Bayer et al. Protocol Drosophila Oogenesis. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA-directed remodeling of the HIV-1 protein Rev orchestrates assembly of the Rev–Rev response element complex
High ImpactProteostatic Control of Telomerase Function through TRiC-Mediated Folding of TCAB1
Freund et al. Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Distribution and Characterization of Rhogocyte Cell Types in the Mantle Tissue of Haliotis laevigata
Sairi et al. Marine Biotechnoloy. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Activation of the Chicken Type I Interferon Response by Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus
Kint et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Autophagy supports genomic stability by degrading retrotransposon RNA
Guo et al. Nature Communications. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell Intrinsic Modulation of Wnt Signaling Controls Neuroblast Migration in C. elegans
Mentink et al. Developmental Cell. 2014
The long noncoding RNA Neat1 is required for mammary gland development and lactation
Standaert et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: SMF-3010-1
Rejuvenation of Meiotic Cohesion in Oocytes during Prophase I Is Required for Chiasma Maintenance and Accurate Chromosome Segregation
Weng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Most Human Proteins Made in Both Nucleus and Cytoplasm Turn Over within Minutes
Spermatid Cyst Polarization in Drosophila Depends upon apkc and the CPEB Family Translational Regulator orb2
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MicroRNA binding to the HIV-1 Gag protein inhibits Gag assembly and virus production
Chen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The STAT3-Binding Long Noncoding RNA lnc-DC Controls Human Dendritic Cell Differentiation
Tumor endothelial marker 1–specific DNA vaccination targets tumor vasculature
Facciponte et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014
Expression of the Developmental Transcription Factor Fezf2 Identifies a Distinct Subpopulation of Layer 5 Intratelencephalic-Projection Neurons in Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. the Journal of Neuroscience. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Aberrant Patterns of X Chromosome Inactivation in a New Line of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Established in Physiological Oxygen Concentrations
Oliveira Georges et al. Stem Cell Rev and Rep. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
N6-methyladenosine-dependent regulation of messenger RNA stability
Wang et al. Nature Research Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mitochondria Coordinate Sites of Axon Branching through Localized Intra-axonal Protein Synthesis
Spillane et al. Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Scaffold function of long non-coding RNA HOTAIR in protein ubiquitination
Yoon et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Nuclear import of APOBEC3F-labeled HIV-1 preintegration complexes
Burdick et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromosomal Contact Permits Transcription between Coregulated Genes
IFI16 senses DNA forms of the lentiviral replication cycle and controls HIV-1 replication
Jakobsen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013
High ImpactSingle-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue
Lyubimova et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
High ImpactGene-Specific Transcriptional Mechanisms at the Histone Gene Cluster Revealed by Single-Cell Imaging
Guglielmi et al. Molecular Cell. 2013
Stochastic Cytokine Expression Induces Mixed T Helper Cell States
Fang et al. PLOS Biology. 2013
Colocalization of Different Influenza Viral RNA Segments in the Cytoplasm before Viral Budding as Shown by Single-molecule Sensitivity FISH Analysis
Chou et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Expanding the Diversity of Imaging-Based RNAi Screen Applications Using Cell Spot Microarrays
Rantala et al. Microarrays. 2013
Single-Cell Analysis of Ribonucleotide Reductase Transcriptional and Translational Response to DNA Damage
Mazumder et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2013
Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization: Quantitative imaging of single RNA molecules
Inducible Control of Subcellular RNA Localization Using a Synthetic Protein-RNA Aptamer Interaction
Belmontet al. PLOS ONE. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
TPP1 OB-Fold Domain Controls Telomere Maintenance by Recruiting Telomerase to Chromosome Ends
Zhonget al. Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization of single mRNAs reveals temporal association of proteins with microRNA-regulated mRNA
Shihet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011
De novo translation initiation on membrane-bound ribosomes as a mechanism for localization of cytosolic protein mRNAs to the endoplasmic reticulum
Cell-Size-Dependent Transcription of FLC and Its Antisense Long Non-coding RNA COOLAIR Explain Cell-to-Cell Expression Variation
Ietswaartet al. Cell Systems. 2017
NEAT1 modulates herpes simplex virus-1 replication by regulating viral gene transcription
Wanget al. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2016.
Products: SMF-2037-1
Mutually exclusive sense–antisense transcription at FLC facilitates environmentally induced gene repression
Rosaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization and analysis of gene expression in tissue sections by spatial transcriptomics
Natural antisense RNA promotes 3 end processing and maturation of MALAT1 lncRNA
Zong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Simultaneous RNA–DNA FISH
Lai et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Antagonist Xist and Tsix co-transcription during mouse oogenesis and maternal Xist expression during pre-implantation development calls into question the nature of the maternal imprint on the X chromosome
Deuve et al. Epigenetics. 2015
Myosin VI regulates gene pairing and transcriptional pause release in T cells
Using Amino-Labeled Nucleotide Probes for Simultaneous Single Molecule RNA-DNA FISH
High ImpactThe Rhino-Deadlock-Cutoff Complex Licenses Noncanonical Transcription of Dual-Strand piRNA Clusters in Drosophila
Long noncoding RNA-mediated intrachromosomal interactions promote imprinting at the Kcnq1 locus
Zhang et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2014
High ImpactSingle-chromosome transcriptional profiling reveals chromosomal gene expression regulation
Levesque et al. Nature Communications. 2013
High ImpactA versatile genome-scale PCR-based pipeline for high-definition DNA FIISH
Bienko et al. Nature Communications. 2013
High ImpactTPP1 OB-Fold Domain Controls Telomere Maintenance by Recruiting Telomerase to Chromosome Ends
The primate-specific noncoding RNA HPAT5 regulates pluripotency during human preimplantation development and nuclear reprogramming
Durruthy-Durruthy et al. Nature Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization: Quantitative imaging of single RNA molecules
Nucleolin-Mediated RNA Localization Regulates Neuron Growth and Cycling Cell Size
Perryet al. Cell Reports. 0216
Spatial organization of the somatosensory cortex revealed by cyclic smFISH
Linnarssonet al. bioRxiv. 2018
Up-regulation of ceRNA TINCR by SP1 contributes to tumorigenesis in breast cancer
High ImpactFull-length mRNA sequencing uncovers a widespread coupling between transcription initiation and mRNA processing
Anvaret al. Genome Biology. 2018
High ImpactAn HDAC9-MALAT1-BRG1 complex mediates smooth muscle dysfunction in thoracic aortic aneurysm
Cardenaset al. Nature Communications. 2018
Decomposing spatially dependent and cell type specific contributions to cellular heterogeneity
High ImpactRare Cell Detection by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing as Guided by Single-Molecule RNA FISH
Torreet al. Cell Systems. 2018
Estrogen-dependent control and cell-to-cell variability of transcriptional bursting
Fritzschet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2018
The lncRNA H19 positively affects the tumorigenic properties of glioblastoma cells and contributes to NKD1 repression through the recruitment of EZH2 on its promoter
Transgenerational dynamics of rDNA copy number in Drosophila male germline stem cells
Long Non-coding MIR205HG Depletes Hsa-miR-590-3p Leading to Unrestrained Proliferation in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
DiAgostinoet al. Theranostics. 2018
High ImpactUltraconserved element uc.372 drives hepatic lipid accumulation by suppressing miR-195/miR4668 maturation
Guoet al. Nature Communications. 2018
High ImpactCRTC1-MAML2 fusion-induced lncRNA LINC00473 expression maintains the growth and survival of human mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells
Wuet al. Nature Oncogene. 2018
High ImpactCardiac glycoside/aglycones inhibit HIV-1 gene expression by a mechanism requiring MEK1/2- ERK1/2 signaling
Wonget al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2018
High ImpactPixelated spatial gene expression analysis from tissue
Bashiret al. Nature Communications. 2018
High-throughput identification of RNA nuclear enrichment sequences
Shuklaet al. The EMBO Journal. 2018
LINE-1 protein localization and functional dynamics during the cell cycle
Super ResolutionSuper-Resolution Single Molecule FISH at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
Titlowet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2018
High ImpactpiRNA-mediated regulation of transposon alternative splicing in the soma and germ line
Teixeiraet al. Nature Letter. 2017
High ImpactOncogenic Role of THOR, a Conserved Cancer/Testis Long Non-coding RNA
High ImpactRare cell variability and drug-induced reprogramming as a mode of cancer drug resistance
MALAT1: A regulator of inflammatory cytokines in diabetic complications
Gordonet al. Endrocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. 2017
The Germline-Specific Factor OEF-1 Facilitates Coordinated Progression Through Germ Cell Development in Caenorhabditis elegans
High ImpactThe Stress Granule Transcriptome Reveals Principles of mRNA Accumulation in Stress Granules
Parkeret al. Molecular Cell. 2017
Changes in behavior and brain immediate early gene expression in male threespined sticklebacks as they become fathers
Bellet al. Hormones and Behavior. 2017
High ImpactAn improved MS 2 system for accurate reporting of the mRN A life cycle
Tutucciet al. Nature Methods. 2017
PlantGaining insight into plant gene transcription using smFISH
Duncanet al. Transcription. 2017
Monitoring of Dual crisPr/cas9- Mediated steroidogenic acute regulatory Protein gene Deletion and cholesterol accumulation Using high-resolution Fluorescence In Situ hybridization in a single cell
Jefcoateet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2017
High ImpactDynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
van-Oudenaardenet al. Nature Communications. 2017
Evaluation of fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques to study long non-coding RNA expression in cultured cells
Soareset al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
Fluctuation localization imaging-based fluorescence in situ hybridization (fliFISH) for accurate detection and counting of RNA copies in single cells
Orret al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
High ImpactTranscriptional Output Transiently Spikes Upon Mitotic Exit
Lanctotet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017
Fragile X granules are a family of axonal ribonucleoprotein particles with circuit-dependent protein composition and mRNA cargos
Akinset al. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2017
High ImpactA slow-cycling subpopulation of melanoma cells with highly invasive properties
The circRNA interactome–innovative hallmarks of the intra- and extracellular radiation response
Atkinsonet al. Oncotarget. 2017
mRNA detection in budding yeast with single fluorophores
Kimet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
High Impact, PlantCell-Size-Dependent Transcription of FLC and Its Antisense Long Non-coding RNA COOLAIR Explain Cell-to-Cell Expression Variation
Ietswaartet al. Cell Systems. 2017
High ImpactRare cell variability and drug-induced reprogramming as a mode of cancer drug resistance
Shafferet al. Nature Letter. 2017
Adenylyl cyclase mRNA localizes to the posterior of polarized DICTYOSTELIUM cells during chemotaxis
Parentet al. BMC Cell Biology. 2017
High ImpactThe long noncoding RNA SPRIGHTLY acts as an intranuclear organizing hub for pre-mRNA molecules
Pereraet al. Science Advances. 2017
PRAME as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
Gezginet al. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017
Characterizing exogenous mRNA delivery, trafficking, cytoplasmic release and RNA–protein correlations at the level of single cells
Santangeloet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017
PlantSingle Molecule RNA FISH in Arabidopsis Root Cells
Duncanet al. Bio-Protocol. 2017
Neutrophils and Ly6Chi monocytes collaborate in generating an optimal cytokine response that protects against pulmonary Legionella pneumophila infection
Cassonet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2017
High ImpactMicroRNA filters Hox temporal transcription noise to confer boundary formation in the spinal cord
Liet al. Nature Communications. 2017
High ImpactAn NS-segment exonic splicing enhancer regulates influenza A virus replication in mammalian cells
Huanget al. Nature Communications. 2017
High ImpactLong noncoding RNA lncKdm2b is required for ILC3 maintenance by initiation of Zfp292 expression
Liuet al. Nature Immunology. 2017
Unique spectral signatures of the nucleic acid dye acridine orange can distinguish cell death by apoptosis and necroptosis
Plemelet al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2017
Quantification of HER2 and estrogen receptor heterogeneity in breast cancer by single-molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization
Annaratoneet al. Oncotarget. 2017
Gene activation of SMN by selective disruption of lncRNA-mediated recruitment of PRC2 for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy
miRNAs cooperate in apoptosis regulation during C. elegans development
Sherrardet al. Genes and Development. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s)
A single cell level measurement of StAR expression and activity in adrenal cells
Leeet al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
ANRIL: A Regulator of VEGF in Diabetic Retinopathy
Thomaset al. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2017
High ImpactPrimary Human Placental Trophoblasts are Permissive for Zika Virus (ZIKV) Replication
Aagaardet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), VSMF-9579-5
Neural Progenitor Cells Promote Axonal Growth and Alter Axonal mRNA Localization in Adult Neurons
Sexually dimorphic control of gene expression in sensory neurons regulates decision-making behavior in C. elegans
Hilbertet al. eLIFE. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Acquired CYP19A1 amplification is an early specific mechanism of aromatase inhibitor resistance in ERα metastatic breast cancer
Magnaniet al. Nature Genetics. 2017
Age-Dependent Neuroendocrine Signaling from Sensory Neurons Modulates the Effect of Dietary Restriction on Longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans
Fletcheret al. PLOS Genetics. 2017
High ImpactLong non-coding RNA Linc-RAM enhances myogenic differentiation by interacting with MyoD
Yuet al. Nature Communications. 2017
Imaging Transcriptional Regulation of Eukaryotic mRNA Genes: Advances and Outlook
Yaoet al. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2017
High ImpactThe long non-coding RNA NEAT1 is responsive to neuronal activity and is associated with hyperexcitability states
Barryet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017.
Products: SMF-2026-1, SMF-2036-1
Synthetic recording and in situ readout of lineage information in single cells
Friedaet al. Nature Letter. 2017
High ImpactMolecular memoirs of a cellular family
Becket al. Nature Commentary. 2017
Temporal and spatial regulation of mRNA export: Single particle RNA-imaging provides new tools and insights
Heinrichet al. Bioessays. 2017
Homeodomain protein Otp affects developmental neuropeptide switching in oxytocin neurons associated with a long-term effect on social behavior
Imaging mRNA and protein interactions within neurons
Eliscovichet al. PNAS PLUS. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Extreme calorie restriction in yeast retentostats induces uniform non-quiescent growth arrest
Bisschopset al. BBA-Molecular Cell Research. 2017.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
sm“FISH”ing for Hedgehog
Drummondet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2017
Quantitative approaches for investigating the spatial context of gene expression
Leeet al. WIREs Syst Biol Med. 2016
High ImpactDynamic mRNA Transport and Local Translation in Radial Glial Progenitors of the Developing Brain
Pilazet al. Cell Current Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Probe Set(s), SMF-3002-1
High-performance multiplexed fluorescence in situ hybridization in culture and tissue with matrix imprinting and clearing
High ImpactRNA Transport: From Head to Toe in Radial Glial Cells
Ehseset al. Cell Commentary. 2016
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Rahmanet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Single-cell profiling reveals that eRNA accumulation at enhancer–promoter loops is not required to sustain transcription
Zenklusenet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Flow cytometryMinimum-noise production of translation factor eIF4G maps to a mechanistically determined optimal rate control window for protein synthesis
Menget al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Combined Single-Cell Measurement of Cells with Persistent Effector Function Cytokine mRNA and Protein Identifies T
Nicoletet al. The Journal of Immunology. 2016
Potential of long non-coding RNAs in cancer patients: From biomarkers to therapeutic targets
Guptaet al. IJC International Journal of Cancer. 2016
Structural and Functional Recovery of Sensory Cilia in C. elegans IFT Mutants upon Aging
Cornilset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microbiota Diurnal Rhythmicity Programs Host Transcriptome Oscillations
High ImpactLncBRM initiates YAP1 signalling activation to drive self-renewal of liver cancer stem cells
Zhuet al. Nature Communications. 2016
High ImpactMacrophage-dependent tumor cell transendothelial migration is mediated by Notch1/MenaINVinitiated invadopodium formation
Pignatelliet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inferring Cell-State Transition Dynamics from Lineage Trees and Endpoint Single-Cell Measurements
Hormozet al. Cell Systems. 2016
Primate-specific oestrogen-responsive long non-coding RNAs regulate proliferation and viability of human breast cancer cells
Linet al. Open Biology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Chromatin Remodeler ISW1 Is a Quality Control Factor that Surveys Nuclear mRNP Biogenesis
Babouret al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
NES masking regulates HIV-1 Rev trafficking and viral RNA nuclear export
Behrenset al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualizing adenosine to inosine RNA editing in single mammalian cells
Cover ImageA novel isoform of Drosophila non-muscle Tropomyosin interacts with Kinesin-1 and functions in mRNA localization
Veeranan-Karmegamet al. Journal of Cell Science. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-5010-1
Transient transcription in the early embryo sets an epigenetic state that programs postnatal growth
Greenberget al. Nature Genetics. 2016
Intact NYN/PIN-Like Domain is Crucial for the Degradation of Inflammation-Related Transcripts by ZC3H12D
Wawroet al. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The UT family of MHC class I loci unique to non-eutherian mammals has limited polymorphism and tissue specific patterns of expression in the opossum
Krasnecet al. BMC Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Epigenetic inactivation of the p53-induced long noncoding RNA TP53 target 1 in human cancer
Diaz-Lagareset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Beyond quantification: in situ analysis of transcriptome and premRNA alternative splicing at the nanoscale
Cuiet al. WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol. 2016
Axonal ribosomes and mRNAs associate with fragile X granules in adult rodent and human brains
Akinset al. Human Molecular Genetics. 2016
High ImpactStabilizing mutations of KLHL24 ubiquitin ligase cause loss of keratin 14 and human skin fragility
Linet al. Nature Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA ZEB1-AS1 acts as an oncogene in osteosarcoma by epigenetically activating ZEB1
Liuet al. American Journal of Translational Research. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
bicoid mRNA localises to the Drosophila oocyte anterior by random Dyneinmediated transport and anchoring
High Impact, Super-ResolutionSuper-resolution imaging of fluorescently labeled, endogenous RNA Polymerase II in living cells with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing
Choet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
NEAT1 modulates herpes simplex virus-1 replication by regulating viral gene transcription
Wanget al. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2016.
Products: SMF-2037-1
Heat FLiPs a Hormonal Switch for Longevity
Artanet al. Developmental Cell. 2016
High ImpactA C. elegans Thermosensory Circuit Regulates Longevity through crh-1/CREB-Dependent flp-6 Neuropeptide Signaling
Chenet al. Developmental Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromatin decondensation is accompanied by a transient increase in transcriptional output
Hausnerovaet al. Biology of the Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
ATAC-see reveals the accessible genome by transposase-mediated imaging and sequencing
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Long noncoding RNA Tug1 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics in diabetic nephropathy
Longet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Long noncoding RNA Tug1 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics in diabetic nephropathy
Longet al. JCI. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
The long noncoding RNA Tug1 connects metabolic changes with kidney disease in podocytes
Liet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016
High ImpactMassive and parallel expression profiling using microarrayed single-cell sequencing
Vickovicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: SMF-2026-1
RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation
Mikiet al. Genes to Cells. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA decay systems enhance reciprocal switching of sense and antisense transcripts in response to glucose starvation
Mikiet al. Genes to Cells. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Experimental Approaches to Study Genome Packaging of Influenza A Viruses
Contribution of Bistability and Noise to Cell Fate Transitions Determined by Feedback Opening
Hsuet al. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2016
seqFISH, High ImpactIn Situ Transcription Profiling of Single Cells Reveals Spatial Organization of Cells in the Mouse Hippocampus
High Impact, PlantMutually exclusive sense–antisense transcription at FLC facilitates environmentally induced gene repression
Rosaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Molecular Diversity of Midbrain Development in Mouse, Human, and Stem Cells
Size-Dependent Accumulation of the Mitotic Activator Cdc25 as a Mechanism of Size Control in Fission Yeast
Keifenheimet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
C. elegans GLP-1/Notch activates transcription in a probability gradient across the germline stem cell pool
Leeet al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DIGIT Is a Conserved Long Noncoding RNA that Regulates GSC Expression to Control Definitive Endoderm Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Daneshvaret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
ATPase activity of the DEAD-box protein Dhh1 controls processing body formation
Mugleret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Non-coding RNA Malat1 Regulates Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Chronic Diabetic Complications
Intercellular Transmission of Viral Populations with Vesicles
Human metapneumovirus Induces Reorganization of the Actin Cytoskeleton for Direct Cell-to-Cell Spread
El-Najjaret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA landscape of breast cancer reveals a role for DSCAM-AS1 in breast cancer progression
Niknafset al. Nature Communications. 2016
Visualization of Enhancer-Derived Noncoding RNA
Shibayamaet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Visualization of Enhancer-Derived Noncoding RNA
Shibayamaet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Understanding RNA-Chromatin Interactions Using Ch romatin I solation by R NA P urifi cation (ChIRP)
Chuet al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
Long Noncoding RNA lncCAMTA1 Promotes Proliferation and Cancer Stem Cell-Like Properties of Liver Cancer by Inhibiting CAMTA1
Dinget al. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Tankyrase inhibition promotes a stable human naïve pluripotent state with improved functionality
Zimmerlinet al. Development. 2016.
Products: SMF-2038-1
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Lineage and X Chromosome Dynamics in Human Preimplantation Embryos
Temporal regulation of epithelium formation
Von-Stetinaet al. BioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic Kinetics of Nascent RNA
Xuet al. Physical kinetics of Nascent RNA. 2016
Patched Receptors Sense, Interpret, and Establish an Epidermal Hedgehog Signaling Gradient
Adolpheet al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2016
Super Resolution, High Impactm6A RNA methylation promotes XISTmediated transcriptional repression
Patilet al. Nature Article. 2016.
Products: SMF-2038-1
A Multicomponent Animal Virus Isolated from Mosquitoes
Ladneret al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Discriminating RNA variants with single-molecule allele-specific FISH
Urbaneket al. Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research . 2016
High-throughput single-cell gene-expression profiling with multiplexed error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization
Moffittet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Meis/UNC-62 isoform dependent regulation of CoupTF-II/UNC-55 and GABAergic motor neuron subtype differentiation
Campbellet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The long non-coding RNA Morrbid regulates Bim and short-lived myeloid cell lifespan
Kotzinet al. Nature Letter. 2016
The emerging role of long non-coding RNAs in cutaneous melanoma
Leucciet al. Pigment Cell Melanoma. 2016
smiFISH and FISH-quant – a flexible single RNA detection approach with super-resolution capability
Tsanovet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Visualization of single endogenous polysomes reveals the dynamics of translation in live human cells
Pichonet al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2016
Fluorescence In situ Hybridization: Cell-Based Genetic Diagnostic and Research Applications
Cuiet al. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2016
Evolution of New cis-Regulatory Motifs Required for Cell-Specific Gene Expression in Caenorhabditis
Barkoulaset al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Drosophila Wnt and STAT Define Apoptosis- Resistant Epithelial Cells for Tissue Regeneration after Irradiation
Vergheseet al. PLOS Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Linking Long Noncoding RNA Localization and Function
Chenet al. Cell Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 2016
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Mitochondria-Regulated Immune Pathway Activated in the C. elegans Intestine Is Neuroprotective
Chikkaet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Profiling stem cell states in three-dimensional biomaterial niches using high content image informatics
Dhaliwalet al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016
Conservation of context-dependent splicing activity in distant Muscleblind homologs
Oddoet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule FISH Reveals Non-selective Packaging of Rift Valley Fever Virus Genome Segments
Schreuret al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016
High ImpactCell-to-cell spread of microsporidia causes Caenorhabditis elegans organs to form syncytia
Ballaet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcription upregulation via force-induced direct stretching of chromatin
Tajiket al. Nature Materials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Modulation of long noncoding RNAs by risk SNPs underlying genetic predispositions to prostate cancer
Haiyang Guo et al. Nature Genetcs. 2016
What have single-molecule studies taught us about gene expression?
Chenet al. Genes & Development. 2016
A systematic view on influenza induced host shutoff
Bercovich-Kinoriet al. eLIFE. 2016
Role of mir-15a/16-1 in early B cell development in a mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
FLOW-FISHHeterogeneous loss of HIV transcription and proviral DNA from 8E5/LAV lymphoblastic leukemia cells revealed by RNA FISH:FLOW analyses
Wilburnet al. Retrovirology. 2016
New World and Old World Alphaviruses Have Evolved to Exploit Different Components of Stress Granules, FXR and G3BP Proteins, for Assembly of Viral Replication Complexes
YoungKimet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell analyses of X Chromosome inactivation dynamics and pluripotency during differentiation
Chenet al. Genome Research. 2016.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Excitability in the p53 network mediates robust signaling with tunable activation thresholds in single cells
Moenkeet al. bioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Aire knockdown in medullary thymic epithelial cells affects Aire protein, deregulates cell adhesion genes and decreases thymocyte interaction
Pezziet al. Molecular Immunology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamics of lineage commitment revealed by single-¬cell transcriptomics of differentiating embryonic stem cells
Plant, Super ResolutionA method for detecting single mRNA molecules in Arabidopsis thaliana
Duncanet al. Plant Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Chromatin remodelling and antisense-mediated up-regulation of the developmental switch gene eud-1 control predatory feeding plasticity
Serobyanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Subnuclear positioning and interchromosomal clustering of the GAL1-10 locus are controlled by separable, interdependent mechanisms
Garvey-Brickneret al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of star by the n-terminal Domain and coinduction of siK1 and Tis11b/Znf36l1 in single cells
Leeet al. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Extracting structural and functional features of widely distributed biological circuits with single cell resolution via tissue clearing and delivery vectors
Treweeket al. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 2016
NXT1, a Novel Influenza A NP Binding Protein, Promotes the Nuclear Export of NP via a CRM1-Dependent Pathway
Chutiwitoonchaiet al. Viruses. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of Lithium-Sensitive Phosphatase BPNT-1 Causes Selective Neuronal Dysfunction in C. elegans
Meiselet al. Curent Biology. 7-25
STORM, Super-ResolutionCircadian RNA expression elicited by 3’- UTR IRAlu-paraspeckle associated elements
Torreset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hepatitis B virus polymerase localizes to the mitochondria and its terminal protein domain contains the mitochondrial-targeting signal
Unchwaniwalaet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cellular identity at the single-cell level
Coskunet al. Molecular BioSystems. 2016
Large-Scale Image-Based Screening and Profiling of Cellular Phenotypes
Bougen-Zhukovet al. Cytometry. 2016
High ImpactAn Abundant Class of Non-coding DNA Can Prevent Stochastic Gene Silencing in the C. elegans Germline
Frokjaer-Jensenet al. Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
LncSox4 promotes the self-renewal of liver tumour-initiating cells through Stat3-mediated Sox4 expression
Chenet al. Nature Communications. 2016
Global transcript structure resolution of high gene density genomes through multi-platform data integration
O’Gradyet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidia intracellular development relies on Myc interaction network transcription factors in the host
Bottset al. G3. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Altered RNA processing and export lead to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites and nuclear pore complexes or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA GIHCG promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression through epigenetically regulating miR-200b/a/429
Suiet al. Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2016.
Products: ChIRP
Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy
Chenet al. Nature Methods. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
p53 induces formation of NEAT1 lncRNA-containing paraspeckles that modulate replication stress response and chemosensitivity
Adriaenset al. Nature Medicine. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1, SMF-3010-1
Absolute quantitative measurement of transcriptional kinetic parameters in vivo
Iyeret al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
High ImpactAltered RNA processing and export leads to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites, nuclear pore complexes, or within the nucleolus
Paulet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Memory of cell shape biases stochastic fate decision-making despite mitotic rounding
Akanumaet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Psip1/p52 regulates distal Hoxa genes through activation of lncRNA Hottip
Pradeppaet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2016
Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways
Simset al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Psip1/p52 regulates distal Hoxa genes through activation of lncRNA Hottip
An Epstein-Barr Virus-Encoded Protein Complex Requires an Origin of Lytic Replication In Cis to Mediate Late Gene Transcription
Djavadianet al. PLOS Pathogens. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Wnt pathway limits BMP signaling outside of the germline stem cell niche in Drosophila ovaries
Mottier-Pavieet al. Developmental Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule RNA detection at depth via hybridization chain reaction and tissue hydrogel embedding and clearing
Soluble calcium-binding proteins (SCBPs) of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris: molecular characterization and localization by FISH in muscle and neuronal tissue
Thiruketheeswaranet al. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2016
Emerging roles for long noncoding RNAs in skeletal biology and disease
Huynhet al. Connective Tissue Research. 2016
FRI0247 The Involvement of The Long Noncoding H19x in tGFβ Signaling and Its Profibrotic Effects in Systemic Sclerosis and Other Fibrotic Diseases
Pacheraet al. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2016
Perturbing HIV-1 genomic RNA subcellular location inhibits virus particle production
Beckeret al. bioRxiv. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional enhancement of Smn levels in motoneurons is crucial for proper axon morphology in zebrafish
Spiroet al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dense transcript profiling in single cells by image correlation decoding
Coskunet al. Nature Methods. 2016
High ImpactSallamet al. Nature Letter. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
‘‘Cat’s Cradling’’ the 3D Genome by the Act of LncRNA Transcription
meleet al. Molecular Cell. 2016
High ImpactWhat’s Luck Got to Do with It: Single Cells, Multiple Fates, and Biological Nondeterminism
Symmonset al. Molecular Cell. 2016
High ImpactA small molecule improves Cas9 specificity
Rusket al. Nature Methods. 2016
Ebola virus does not induce stress granule formation during infection and sequesters stress granule proteins within viral inclusions
Nelsonet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization and analysis of gene expression in tissue sections by spatial transcriptomics
Oligonucleotide-based label-free detection with optical microresonators: strategies and challenges
Torenet al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2016
High Impactlnc-β-Catm elicits EZH2-dependent β-catenin stabilization and sustains liver CSC self-renewal
Zhuet al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2016
Nuclear speckles are detention centers for transcripts containing expanded CAG repeats
High ImpactInfluenza virus mRNA trafficking through host nuclear speckles
Moret al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A system to study mechanisms of neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
Vilmontet al. Development. 2016
High ImpactCentromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule detection and tracking of RNA transcripts in living cells using phosphorothioate-optimized 2'-O-methyl RNA molecular beacons
Zhaoet al. Biomaterials. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Centromeric Transcription Regulates Aurora-B Localization and Activation
Bloweret al. Cell Reports. 2016
Spatial organization shapes the turnover of a bacterial transcriptome
RNA LOCALIZATION Finding FISH in a small pond
Lights, camera, action! Capturing the spliceosome and pre-mRNA splicing with single-molecule fluorescence microscopy
Microfluidic Approaches to Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for Detecting RNA Targets in Single Cells
Meagheret al. Microfluidic Methods for Molecular Biology. 2016
Prognostic value of a newly identified MALAT1 alternatively spliced transcript in breast cancer
Meseureet al. British Journal of Cancer. 2016.
Products: SMF-2035-1
Clustered nuclei maintain autonomy and nucleocytoplasmic ratio control in a syncytium
Dundonet al. MBoC. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phenotypic heterogeneity driven by nutrient limitation promotes growth in fluctuating environments
Schreiberet al. . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phenotypic heterogeneity driven by nutrient limitation promotes growth in fluctuating environments
Schreiberet al. Nature Microbiology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Parkinson-associated risk variant in distal enhancer of α-synuclein modulates target gene expression
Soldneret al. Nature Letter. 2016
High ImpactDivergent lncRNAs Regulate Gene Expression and Lineage Differentiation in Pluripotent Cells
Luoet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
IF-combined smRNA FISH reveals interaction of MCPIP1 protein with IER3 mRNA
Kochanet al. Biology Open. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Wnt Ligands Secreted by Subepithelial Mesenchymal Cells Are Essential for the Survival of Intestinal Stem Cells and Gut Homeostasis
Valentaet al. Cell Reports. 2016
The Caenorhabditis elegans Protein FIC-1 Is an AMPylase That Covalently Modifies Heat-Shock 70 Family Proteins, Translation Elongation Factors and Histones
Truttmannet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016
CRISPR-Cas9 targeted deletion of the C9orf72 repeat expansion mutation corrects cellular phenotypes in patient-derived iPS cells
Pribadiet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2016
A simple and rapid method for combining fluorescent in situ RNA hybridization (FISH) and immunofluorescence in the C. elegans germline
Viral genome imaging of hepatitis C virus to probe heterogeneous viral infection and responses to antiviral therapies
Dissecting Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Pluripotency: Single Cell Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Guedeset al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dissecting Transcriptional Heterogeneity in Pluripotency: Single Cell Analysis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Guedeset al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
High ImpactEnhancer Regulation of Transcriptional Bursting Parameters Revealed by Forced Chromatin Looping
Bartmanet al. Molecular Cell. 2016
High ImpactTh17 Cells Are Preferentially Infected Very Early after Vaginal Transmission of SIV in Macaques
Stiehet al. Cell Host & Microbe. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Gene Dual-Color Reporter Cell Line to Analyze RNA Synthesis in vivo
High ImpactProgrammable RNA Tracking in Live Cells with CRISPR/Cas9
Nelleset al. Cell. 2016.
Products: VSMF-2003-5, VSMF-2448-5, VSMF-2415-5
Characterization of a Novel Orthomyxo-like Virus Causing Mass Die-Offs of Tilapia
Bacharachet al. mBio. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Analysis of specific RNA in cultured cells through quantitative integration of q-PCR and N-SIM single cell FISH images: Application to hormonal stimulation of StAR transcription
Leeet al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2016
DDX3 Interacts with Influenza A Virus NS1 and NP Proteins and Exerts Antiviral Function through Regulation of Stress Granule Formation
Thulasi-Ramanet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Methods for studying RNA localization in bacteria
High ImpactLong non-coding RNA C2dat1 regulates CaMKIIδ expression to promote neuronal survival through the NF-κB signaling pathway following cerebral ischemia
Deficiency of the Survival of Motor Neuron Protein Impairs mRNA Localization and Local Translation in the Growth Cone of Motor Neurons
Falliniet al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transposon Dysregulation Modulates dWnt4 Signaling to Control Germline Stem Cell Differentiation in Drosophila
Upadhyayet al. PLOS Genetics. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of cell-to-cell variability in divergent gene expression
Yanet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Distal Alternative Last Exons Localize mRNAs to Neural Projections
Taliaferroet al. Molecular Cell. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus utilizes nanotubes for intercellular spread
Guoet al. Journal of Virology. 2016.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Localized Translation of gurken/TGF-a mRNA during Axis Specification Is Controlled by Access to Orb/ CPEB on Processing Bodies
Davidsonet al. Cell Reports. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CD133 does not enrich for the stem cell activity in vivo in adult mouse prostates
Weiet al. Stem Cell Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1014-5
CD133 does not enrich for the stem cell activity in vivo in adult mouse prostates
Weiet al. Stem Cell Research. 2016.
Products: VSMF-1014-5
cAMP/CREB-regulated LINC00473 marks LKB1- inactivated lung cancer and mediates tumor growth
Chenet al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topologically associated domains enriched for lineage specific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis
Neemset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topologically associated domains enriched for lineagespecific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis
Neemset al. PNAS PLUS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell differences in matrix gene expression do not predict matrix deposition
Coteet al. Nature Communications. 2016
Fezf2 Expression in Layer 5 Projection Neurons of Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualizing allele-specific expression in single cells reveals epigenetic mosaicism in an H19 loss-of-imprinting mutant
Ginartet al. Genes and Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-2161-5
Cytoplasmic long noncoding RNAs are frequently bound to and degraded at ribosomes in human cells
Overlapping cell population expression profiling and regulatory inference in C. elegans
Burdiket al. BMC Genomics. 2016
High ImpactDynamics of CDKN1A in Single Cells Defined by an Endogenous Fluorescent Tagging Toolkit
Stewart-Ornstein et al. Cell Reports. 2016
Structure–function analysis of myomaker domains\ required for myoblast fusion
Millayet al. PNAS. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1014-5
Transcriptional pulsing of a nucleolar transgene
Hausnerovaet al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 2016.
Products: SMF-2026-1
A continuum model of transcriptional bursting
Corriganet al. Genes and Chromosomes. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Optical Clearing Delivers Ultrasensitive Hyperspectral Dark-Field Imaging for Single- Cell Evaluation
Irudayarajet al. ACS Nano. 2016
Mutagenesis of GATA motifs controlling the endoderm regulator elt-2 reveals distinct dominant and secondary cis-regulatory elements
Duet al. Developmental Biology. 2016
Germ Plasm Biogenesis—An Oskar-Centric Perspective
Lehmannet al. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 2016
CLARITY, High ImpactMultiplexed Intact-Tissue Transcriptional Analysis at Cellular Resolution
High ImpactReplacement of Lost Lgr5-Positive Stem Cells through Plasticity of Their Enterocyte-Lineage Daughters
Tettehet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2016
RNase P Protein Subunit, Rpp29, Represses Histone H3.3 Nucleosome Deposition
Newhart et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojic et al. Nature Communications. 2016
High ImpactTranscriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions
Stojicet al. Nature Communications. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Natural antisense RNA promotes 3 end processing and maturation of MALAT1 lncRNA
Zong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016
Single-cell analysis of transcription kinetics across the cell cycle
Skinneret al. eLIFE. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fixed and live visualization of RNAs in Drosophila oocytes and embryos
Abbaszadeh et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2016
High ImpactRNase P protein subunit Rpp29 represses histone H3.3 nucleosome deposition
Newhartet al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2016
DDX3 interacts with influenza A NS1 and NP proteins and exerts antiviral function through regulation of stress granule formation
Thulasi Raman et al. JVI. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Rapid evolutionary turnover underlies conserved lncRNA–genome interactions
Quinn et al. Genes & Development. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Unequal distribution of 16S mtrRNA at the 2-cell stage regulates cell lineage allocations in mouse embryos
Zheng et al. Reproduction. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Brain regions and molecular pathways responding to food reward type and value in honey bees
Matthew S McNeill et al. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microstructural heterogeneity directs micromechanics and mechanobiology in native and engineered fibrocartilage
Han et al. Nature materials. 2016
Quadraplex multiplexLong Non-Coding RNAs
Simultaneous RNA–DNA FISH
Lai et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016
High ImpactStellaris® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for the Simultaneous Detection of Immature and Mature Long Noncoding RNAs in Adherent Cells
Post-transcriptional Modifications Contribute to the Upregulation of Cyclin D2 in Multiple Myeloma
Misiewicz-Krzeminska et al. Clinical Cancer Research. 2016.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identifying Centromeric RNAs Involved in Histone Dynamics In Vivo
Quénetet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2016.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Nuclear Retention of mRNA in Mammalian Tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Cell Reports. 2015
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
Stapel et al. Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
In vivo single-particle imaging of nuclear mRNA export in budding yeast demonstrates an essential role for Mex67p
Smith et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
The nuclear basket mediates perinuclear mRNA scanning in budding yeast
Saroufim et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
Endoplasmic reticulum stress increases AT1R mRNA expression via TIA-1-dependent mechanism
Backlund et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Methods for studying RNA localization in bacteria
High ImpactA Polyadenylation-Dependent 3' End Maturation Pathway Is Required for the Synthesis of the Human Telomerase RNA
Nguyen et al. Cell . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
X chromosome inactivation in human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells following prolonged passaging
Qi et al. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2015
FLOW-FISHSingle-Cell Cytokine Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Cells Correlates with Latent Tuberculosis Status
Quantitative spatial analysis of transcripts in multinucleate cells using single-molecule FISH
Lee et al. Methods, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Studying epigenomics in single cells: what is feasible and what can we learn?
Wills et al. Epigenetics. 2015
Differential Regulation of Progesterone Receptor-Mediated Transcription by CDK2 and DNA-PK
Trevino et al. Molecular Endocrinology. 2015
LncRNA-HIT Functions as an Epigenetic Regulator of Chondrogenesis through Its Recruitment of p100/CBP Complexes
Carlson et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A conserved abundant cytoplasmic long noncoding RNA modulates repression of mRNAs by PUM2 in human cells
Tichon et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
Rate control in yeast protein synthesis at the population and single-cell levels
Dacheux et al. Biochemical Society Transactions. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Gene essentially and synthetic lethality in haploid human cells
Blomen et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Tandem Spinach Array for mRNA Imaging in Living Bacterial Cells
Zhang et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
RNA FISH for detecting expanded repeats in human diseases
Urbanek et al. Methods. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
The primate-specific noncoding RNA HPAT5 regulates pluripotency during human preimplantation development and nuclear reprogramming
Durruthy-Durruthy et al. Nature Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
p53 genes function to restrain mobile elements
Wylieet al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chacko et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The lncRNA RZE1 Controls Cryptococcal Morphological Transition
Chackoet al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Engineering Duplex RNAs for Challenging Targets: Recognition of GGGGCC/CCCCGG Repeats at the ALS/FTD C9orf72 Locus
Hu et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2015
Single molecule approaches for quantifying transcription and degradation rates in intact mammalian tissues
Bahar Halpern et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging Reveals a Switch between Spurious and Functional ncRNA Transcription
Lenstra et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Can we observe changes in mRNA “state”? Overview of methods to study mRNA interactions with regulatory proteins relevant in cancer related
Nonspreading Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection of Human Dendritic Cells Results in Downregulation of CD83 and Full Maturation of Bystander Cells
Oreshkova et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Quantitative gene expression analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans using single molecule RNA FISH
Bolkov'a et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mitotic Transcriptional Activation: Clearance of Actively Engaged Pol II via Transcriptional Elongation Control in Mitosis
Liang et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Netrin-1 Induces Local Translation of Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule in Axonal Growth Cones
Jain et al. Developmental Neurobiology. 2015
High ImpactWhole-body tissue stabilization and selective extractions via tissue-hydrogel hybrids for high-resolution intact circuit mapping and phenotyping
Treweeket al. Nature Protocol. 2015
Identification of a Natural Viral RNA Motif That Optimizes Sensing of Viral RNA by RIG-I
Xu et al. The American Society for Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous detection of mRNA and protein in single cells using immunofluorescence-combined single-molecule RNA FISH
Kochan et al. BioTechniques. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Sphinx: modeling transcriptional heterogeneity in single-cell RNA-Seq
Gu et al. bioRxIV. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Nihal Altan-Bonnet: Tracking viruses that hijack membranes
Powellet al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
A BRCA1-interacting lncRNA regulates homologous recombination
Sharma et al. EMBO reports. 2015
RNA transcription modulates phase transition-driven nuclear body assembly
High ImpactSingle-cell messenger RNA sequencing reveals rare intestinal cell types
Female bias in systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with the differential expression of X-linked toll-like receptor 8
Telomerase RNA stem terminus element affects template boundary element function, telomere sequence, and shelterin binding
Webb et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesan et al. Oncotarget. 2015
Dclk1+ small intestinal epithelial tuft cells display the hallmarks of quiescence and self-renewal
Chandrakesanet al. Oncotarget. 2015
Application of an RNA amplification method for reliable single-cell transcriptome analysis
Suslov et al. BioTechniques. 2015
Regulation of mRNA translation during mitosis
DksA involvement in transcription fidelity buffers stochastic epigenetic change
Satory et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015
High ImpactHeterogeneous lineage marker expression in naive embryonic stem cells is mostly due to spontaneous differentiation
Nair et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015
High ImpactRegulatory Logic of Pan-Neuronal Gene Expression in C. elegans
Stefanakis et al. Neuron Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Prion-like domains in RNA binding proteins are essential for building subnuclear paraspeckles
Hennig et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: VSMF-2250-5
Antagonist Xist and Tsix co-transcription during mouse oogenesis and maternal Xist expression during pre-implantation development calls into question the nature of the maternal imprint on the X chromosome
Deuve et al. Epigenetics. 2015
Following the intracellular localization of the iab-8ncRNA of the bithorax complex using the MS2-MCP-GFP system
Analysis of dynamic changes in retinoid-induced transcription and epigenetic profiles of murine Hox clusters in ES cells
Kumar et al. Genome Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Widespread Inducible Transcription Downstream of Human Genes
Vilborg et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Drosophila germ granules are structured and contain homotypic mRNA clusters
Trcek et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
mRNA encoding Sec61β, a tail-anchored protein, is localized on the endoplasmic reticulum
Cui et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Journal of Cell Science. 2015.
Products: SMF-2026-1
Niche appropriation by Drosophila intestinal stem cell tumours
Patel et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
piRNA-guided slicing of transposon transcripts enforces their transcriptional silencing via specifying the nuclear piRNA repertoire
Senti et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MED GATA factors promote robust development of the C. elegans endoderm
Maduroet al. Developmental Biology. 2015
A Novel Antiviral Target Structure Involved in the RNA Binding, Dimerization, and Nuclear Export Functions of the Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein
Kakisaka et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Hypoxia Up-Regulates Galectin-3 in Mammary Tumor Progression and Metastasis
Oliveira et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Propionibacterium acnes Recovered from Atherosclerotic Human Carotid Arteries Undergoes Biofilm Dispersion and Releases Lipolytic and Proteolytic Enzymes in Response to Norepinephrine Challenge In Vitro
Lanter et al. Infection and Immunity. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mutant p53 accumulates in cycling and proliferating cells in the normal tissues of p53 R172H mutant mice
Novel insights into RNP granules by employing the trypanosome’s microtubule skeleton as a molecular sieve
Fritz et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single Cell Analysis Reveals Concomitant Transcription of Pluripotent and Lineage Markers During the Early Steps of Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Lanctôt et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
G1/S Inhibitors and the SWI/SNF Complex Control Cell-Cycle Exit during Muscle Differentiation
Ruijtenberg et al. Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Paclitaxel inhibits mRNA transport in axons☆
Bobylev et al. Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) DC-SCRIPT, a Specific Molecular Marker for Dendritic Cells in Fish
Zoccola et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Robust hematopoietic progenitor cell commitment in the presence of a conflicting cue
Shah et al. Journal of Cell Science. 2015
MERFISHing for spatial context
Shalek et al. Trends in Immunology. 2015
New Noncoding Lytic Transcripts Derived from the Epstein-Barr Virus Latency Origin of Replication, oriP, Are Hyperedited, Bind the Paraspeckle Protein, NONO/p54nrb, and Support Viral Lytic Transcription
Cao et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Combining protein and mRNA quantification to decipher transcriptional regulation
Xu et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Alternative 39UTRs act as scaffolds to regulate membrane protein localization
Berkovits et al. Nature Research Letter. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Pervasive transcription read-through promotes aberrant expression of oncogenes and RNA chimeras in renal carcinoma
Grosso et al. eLife. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
DAZL regulates Tet1 translation in murine embryonic stem cells
Wellinget al. EMBO reports. 2015
Single-cell polyadenylation site mapping reveals 3' isoform choice variability
Velten et al. Molecular systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multiplexed detection of viral infections using rapid in situ RNA analysis on a chip†
Shaffer et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
Non-coding RNAs: Epigenetic regulators of bone development and homeostasis
High ImpactPromoter-Autonomous Functioning in a Controlled Environment using Single Molecule FISH
Hocine et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
An alternative pluripotent state confers interspecies chimaeric competency
Wu et al. Nature. 2015.
Products: SMF-3011-1
Transcriptional Coordination of Synaptogenesis and Neurotransmitter Signaling
Kratsios et al. Cell Current Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Differential Effects of Tra2ß Isoforms on HIV-1 RNA Processing and Expression
Platt et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Putting transcriptomics in its place
Burgess et al. Nature Research Highlights. 2015
The Zinc-Finger Antiviral Protein ZAP Inhibits LINE and Alu Retrotransposition
Moldovan et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of PSD-95 mRNA Translation in Dendrites and Its Dysregulation in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome
Ifrim et al. The Journal of Neuorscience. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Head-to-head antisense transcription and R-loop formation promotes transcriptional activation
Boque-Sastre et al. PNAS. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Orthogonal control of expression mean and variance by epigenetic features at different genomic loci
Dey et al. Molecular Systems biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
CArG-driven GADD45α activated by resveratrol inhibits lung cancer cells
Shi et al. Genes & Cancer. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Tuning noise in gene expression
Tyagi et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2015
The Ubiquitin Proteasome System Plays a Role in Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infection
Amaya et al. PLOS ONE. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multiplexed single-cell in situ RNA analysis by reiterative hybridization†
Xiao et al. Analytical Methods. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-molecule analysis of myocyte differentiation reveals bimodal lineage commitment†
Gibson et al. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015
High ImpactSpatially resolved, highly multiplexed RNA profiling in single cells
Chen et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single Mammalian Cells Compensate for Differences in Cellular Volume and DNA Copy Number through Independent Global Transcriptional Mechanisms
Padovan-Merhar et al. Molecular Cell. 2015
Asymmetric Transcript Discovery by RNA-seq in C. elegans Blastomeres Identifies neg-1, a Gene Important for Anterior Morphogenesis
Osborne Nishimura et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Calcium-responsive transactivator (CREST) protein shares a set of structural and functional traits with other proteins associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Kukharsky et al. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 2015.
Products: SMF-2035-1, SMF-2036-1
Systematic Discovery of Xist RNA Binding Proteins
Functional Characterization of Long Noncoding RNA Lnc_bc060912 in Human Lung Carcinoma Cells
Luo et al. Biochemistry . 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Noisy Tug of War: The Battle between Transcript Production and Degradation in the Liver
High ImpactIndependent and coordinate trafficking of single Drosophila germ plasm mRNAs
Little et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2015
High ImpactBursty Gene Expression in the Intact Mammalian Liver
Bahar Halpern et al. Molecular Cell. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Long Noncoding RNA lncTCF7 Promotes Self-Renewal of Human Liver Cancer Stem Cells through Activation of Wnt Signaling
Wang et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
Mining the Human Complexome Database Identifies RBM14 as an XPO1-Associated Protein Involved in HIV-1 Rev Function
Budhiraja et al. Journal of Virology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Synonymous modification results in highfidelity gene expression of repetitive protein and nucleotide sequences
Wu et al. Genes & Development. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), VSMF-1019-5
Aro: a machine learning approach to identifying single molecules and estimating classification error in fluorescence microscopy images
Wu et al. BMC Bioinformatics. 2015
High ImpactGenome-wide profiling of p53-regulated enhancer RNAs uncovers a subset of enhancers controlled by a lncRNA
High ImpactAn RNA biosensor for imaging the first round of translation from single cells to living animals
Halstead et al. Science. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Determination of in vivo target search kinetics of regulatory noncoding RNA
CSR-1 and P granules suppress sperm-specific transcription in the C. elegans germline
Campbell et al. The Company of Biologists. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ploidy variation in multinucleate cells changes under stress
Andersonet al. Molecular Biology Cell. 2015
Voxel-based analysis of the immediate early gene, c-jun, in the honey bee brain after a sucrose stimulus
McNeill et al. Insect Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Myosin VI regulates gene pairing and transcriptional pause release in T cells
Expanded GAA repeats impair FXN gene expression and reposition the FXN locus to the nuclear lamina in single cells
Silva et al. Human Molecular Genetics, Oxford. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The structure of human SFPQ reveals a coiled-coil mediated polymer essential for functional aggregation in gene regulation
Lee et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015.
Products: SMF-2036-1
Single-Cell XIST Expression in Human Preimplantation Embryos and Newly Reprogrammed Female Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Briggs et al. Stem Cells. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Licensing of Primordial Germ Cells for Gametogenesis Depends on Genital Ridge Signaling
The Bicoid Class Homeodomain Factors ceh-36/OTX and unc-30/PITX Cooperate in C. elegans Embryonic Progenitor Cells to Regulate Robust Development
Walton et al. PLOS Genetics. 2015
High ImpactWhole-mount single molecule FISH method for zebrafish embryo
PolyQ-dependent RNA–protein assemblies control symmetry breaking
Lee et al. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2015
High ImpactCell types in the mouse cortex and hippocampus revealed by single-cell RNA-seq
Coordinate post-transcriptional repression of Dpp-dependent transcription factors attenuates signal range during development
Newton et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd.. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The volumes and transcript counts of single cells reveal concentration homeostasis and capture biological noise
Kempe et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s), Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Wild C. Elegans Strain Has Enhanced Epithelial Immunity to a Natural Microsporidian Parasite
Balla et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Phosphatidylserine Vesicles Enable Efficient En Bloc Transmission of Enteroviruses
High ImpactSingle-cell analysis shows that paracrine signaling by first responder cells shapes the interferon-b response to viral infection
Patil et al. Science Signaling. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stimulation of StAR expression by cAMP is controlled by inhibition of highly inducible SIK1 via CRTC2, a co-activator of CREB
Lee et al. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Elsevier. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Ascl2 Acts as an R-spondin/Wnt-Responsive Switch to Control Stemness in Intestinal Crypts
Schuijers et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2015
Regulation of Mechanosensation in C. elegans through Ubiquitination of the MEC-4 Mechanotransduction Channel
Chen et al. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2015
Transcriptional Expression of Myelin Basic Protein in Oligodendrocytes Depends on Functional Syntaxin 4: a Potential Correlation with Autocrine Signaling
Bijlardet al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2015
High ImpactTemporal and spatial regulation of translation in the mammalian oocyte via the mTOR–eIF4F pathway
Susor et al. Nature Communications. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Long Noncoding RNA on the Ribosome Is Required for Lifespan Extension
Essers et al. Cell Reports. 2015
Heritable capture of heterochromatin dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Dodson et al. eLife. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Novel Small Leucine-rich Protein Chondroadherin-like (CHADL) Is Expressed in Cartilage and Modulates Chondrocyte Differentiation*
Tillgren et al. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Genome-Wide Analysis of Protein and mRNA Copy Numbers in Single Escherichia coli Cells with Single- Molecule Sensitivity
Taniguchi et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2015
Knockdown of Nuclear-Retained Long Noncoding RNAs Using Modifi ed DNA Antisense Oligonucleotides
lncRNA probe set validationLocalization and abundance analysis of human lncRNAs at single-cell and single-molecule resolution
Cabili et al. GenomeBiology. 2015
Mechanisms of translational repression of the Smcp mRNA in round spermatids
Cullinane et al. Reproduction Reserach. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Molekulárna cytogenetika v problematike familiárnych malignít
Konečný et al. Hlavná téma. 2015
Non-coding RNAs: Epigenetic regulators of bone development and homeostasis
Hassan et al. Elsevier, Bone. 2015
RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Cultured Mammalian Cells
Tripathi et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2015.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
Single-Molecule RNA In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) and Immunofl uorescence (IF) in the Drosophila Egg Chamber
Bayer et al. Protocol Drosophila Oogenesis. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The DREAM complex promotes gene body H2A.Z for target repression
Latorre et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2015
Visualization of lncRNA by Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization
Dunagin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology Springer Protocols. 2015
Microbe ScreenA metagenomic approach from aphid’s hemolymph sheds light on the potential roles of co-existing endosymbionts
De Clerck et al. Microbiome. 2015.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Labelling and imaging of single endogenous messenger RNA particles in vivo
Spilleet al. Journal of Cell Science. 2015
Multi-Scale Imaging and Informatics Pipeline for In Situ Pluripotent Stem Cell Analysis
Regulation of RNA granule dynamics by phosphorylation of serine-rich, intrinsically-disordered proteins in C. elegans
Wang et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Genome-wide analysis of the human p53 transcriptional network unveils a lncRNA tumour suppressor signature
S'anchez et al. Nature Communications. 2014
High ImpactPromoter architecture dictates cell-to-cell variability in gene expression
Self-digitization microfluidic chip for absolute quantification of mRNA in single cells
Thompson et al. Analytical Chemistry. 2014
Profiling T Cell Activation Using Hybridization and Flow Cytometry Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ
Bushkin et al. The Journal of Immunology. 2014
Profiling T Cell Activation Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and Flow Cytometry
Bushkin et al. The Jornal of Immunology. 2014
Super-resolutionSecond Harmonic Super-resolution Microscopy for Quantification of mRNA at Single Copy Sensitivity
Liu et al. ACS Nano. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2102-5
RNA-directed remodeling of the HIV-1 protein Rev orchestrates assembly of the Rev–Rev response element complex
High ImpactProteostatic Control of Telomerase Function through TRiC-Mediated Folding of TCAB1
Freund et al. Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Novel Small Leucine-Rich Protein Chondroadherin-like (CHADL) is Expressed in Cartilage and Modulates Chondrocyte Differentiation*
PlantLignin and lignans in plant defence: Insight from expression profiling of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase genes during development and following fungal infection in Populus
Bagniewska-Zadworna et al. Plant Science. 2014
Inside single cells: quantitative analysis with advanced optics and nanomaterials
Cui et al. WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology. 2014
High ImpactA Predictive Model of Bifunctional Transcription Factor Signaling during Embryonic Tissue Patterning
Junker et al. Cell, Developmental Cell. 2014
High ImpactStochastic promoter activation affects Nanog expression variability in mouse embryonic stem cells
Ochiai et al. Nature Scientific Reports. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Self-Digitization Microfluidic Chip for Absolute Quantification of mRNA in Single Cells
Thompson et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: SMF-2006-1
Distribution and Characterization of Rhogocyte Cell Types in the Mantle Tissue of Haliotis laevigata
Sairi et al. Marine Biotechnoloy. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Activation of the Chicken Type I Interferon Response by Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus
Kint et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Autophagy supports genomic stability by degrading retrotransposon RNA
Guo et al. Nature Communications. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Autophagy supports genomic stability by degrading retrotransposon RNA
Guo et al. Nature Communications. 2014
Chd1 is essential for the high transcriptional output and rapid growth of the mouse epiblast
Guzman-ayala et al. The Company of Biologists. 2014
Quantification of pre-mRNA escape rate and synergy in splicing
Bonde et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Cell Intrinsic Modulation of Wnt Signaling Controls Neuroblast Migration in C. elegans
Mentink et al. Developmental Cell. 2014
The role of antisense long noncoding RNA in small RNA-triggered gene activation
Zhang et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014
The long noncoding RNA Neat1 is required for mammary gland development and lactation
Standaert et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: SMF-3010-1
Inter- and intratumoral heterogeneity of BCL2 correlates with IgH expression and prognosis in follicular lymphoma
Barreca et al. Nature Blood Cancer Journal. 2014
High ImpactChemosensation of Bacterial Secondary Metabolites Modulates Neuroendocrine Signaling and Behavior of C. elegans
Meisel et al. Cell, Elsevier . 2014
Removal of 8-oxo-GTP by MutT hydrolase is not a major contributor to transcriptional fidelity
Gordon et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014
Kinetic competition during the transcription cycle results in stochastic RNA processing
Coulon et al. eLIFE, Biophysics and structural biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Translational Control of the Oogenic Program by Components of OMA Ribonucleoprotein Particles in Caenorhabditis elegans
Spike et al. Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Using Amino-Labeled Nucleotide Probes for Simultaneous Single Molecule RNA-DNA FISH
The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response
Vera et al. eLIFE. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multifunctional Roles for the Protein Translocation Machinery in RNA Anchoring to the Endoplasmic Reticulum*
Jagannathan et al. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Rejuvenation of Meiotic Cohesion in Oocytes during Prophase I Is Required for Chiasma Maintenance and Accurate Chromosome Segregation
Weng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A Gene Regulatory Network Controls the Binary Fate Decision of Rod and Bipolar Cells in the Vertebrate Retina
Wang et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single yeast cells vary in transcription activity not in delay time after a metabolic shift
Schwabe et al. Nature Communications. 2014
High ImpactSingle yeast cells vary in transcription activity not in delay time after a metabolic shift
Schwabe et al. Nature Communications. 2014
Cadherin-8 Expression, Synaptic Localization, and Molecular Control of Neuronal Form in Prefrontal Corticostriatal Circuits
Friedman et al. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
SUMV-1 antagonizes the activity of synthetic multivulva genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Yucel et al. Developmental Biology. 2014
PACT Clearing, High ImpactSingle-Cell Phenotyping within Transparent Intact Tissue through Whole-Body Clearing
Yang et al. Cell Resource. 2014
High ImpactHira-Mediated H3.3 Incorporation Is Required for DNA Replication and Ribosomal RNA Transcription in the Mouse Zygote
Lin et al. Developmental Cell. 2014.
Products: Stellaris Buffer(s)
The Translational Regulators GCN-1 and ABCF-3 Act Together to Promote Apoptosis in C. elegans
Hirose et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014
Benzyl butyl phthalate induces migration, invasion, and angiogenesis of Huh7 hepatocellular carcinoma cells through nongenomic AhR/G-protein signaling
Tsai et al. BMC Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Identification of genes in toxicity pathways of trinucleotide-repeat RNA in C. elegans
Garcia et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamic Heterogeneity and DNA Methylation in Embryonic Stem Cells
Singer et al. Molecular Cell. 2014
The exon junction complex controls transposable element activity by ensuring faithful splicing of the piwi transcript
Malone et al. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Genetic basis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae biofilm in liquid medium
Andersen et al. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lgr5 marks stem/progenitor cells in ovary and tubal epithelia
Ng et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of pri-miRNA Processing by a Long Noncoding RNA Transcribed from an Ultraconserved Region
Liz et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The embryo as a laboratory: Quantifying transcription in Drosophila
Gregor et al. Cell Trends in Genetics. 2014
High ImpactDefining Estrogenic Mechanisms of Bisphenol A Analogs through High Throughput Microscopy-Based Contextual Assays
Stossi et al. Cell Chemistry & Biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Therapeutic implications of activation of the host gene (Dleu2) promoter for miR-15a/16-1 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Most Human Proteins Made in Both Nucleus and Cytoplasm Turn Over within Minutes
High ImpactLincRNA-p21 Activates p21 In cis to Promote Polycomb Target Gene Expression and to Enforce the G1/S Checkpoint
Dimitrova et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Rhino-Deadlock-Cutoff Complex Licenses Noncanonical Transcription of Dual-Strand piRNA Clusters in Drosophila
SUMV-1 antagonizes the activity of synthetic multivulva genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Yücel et al. Developmental Biology, Elsevier. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
RNA sequencing in situ
Ginart et al. Nature Biotechnology. 2014
High ImpactValidation of noise models for single-cell transcriptomics
Grün et al. Nature Methods. 2014
Maternal bias and escape from X chromosome imprinting in the midgestation mouse placenta
Finn et al. Developmental Biology. 2014
The role of high cell density in the promotion of neuroendocrine transdifferentiation of prostate cancer cells
Pernicova et al. Molecular Cancer. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Inhibition of intestinal tumor formation by deletion of the DNA methyltransferase 3a
Weis et al. Nature Oncogene. 2014
Spermatid Cyst Polarization in Drosophila Depends upon apkc and the CPEB Family Translational Regulator orb2
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic NANOG fluctuations allow mouse embryonic stem cells to explore pluripotency
Abranches et al. Development, The Company of Biologists. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
MicroRNA binding to the HIV-1 Gag protein inhibits Gag assembly and virus production
Chen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcriptional profiling of cells sorted by RNA abundance
Klemm et al. Nature Methods. 2014
High ImpactThe STAT3-Binding Long Noncoding RNA lnc-DC Controls Human Dendritic Cell Differentiation
High ImpactLabeling native bacterial RNA in live cells
Toran et al. Nature Cell Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell in situ RNA profiling by sequential hybridization
Lubeck et al. Nature Methods. 2014
Tumor endothelial marker 1–specific DNA vaccination targets tumor vasculature
Facciponte et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014
Tumor endothelial marker 1-specific DNA vaccination targets tumor vasculature
Facciponte et al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2014
Differential Expression of Galectin-1 and Galectin-3 in Canine Nonmalignant and Malignant Mammary Tissues, and in Progression to Metastases in Mammary Tumours
Oliveira JT et al. Anticancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fusion FISH Imaging: Single-Molecule Detection of Gene Fusion Transcripts In Situ
High ImpactEvery Cell Is Special: Genome-wide Studies Add a New Dimension to Single-Cell Biology
Junkeret al. Cell Minireview. 2014
The functional characterization of long noncoding RNA SPRY4-IT1 in human melanoma cells
Mazar et al. Oncotarget. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Fold Change of Nuclear NF-kB Determines TNF-Induced Transcription in Single Cells
Lee et al. Molecular Cell. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lineage and species-specific long noncoding RNAs during erythro-megakaryocytic development
Receptor-interacting protein kinase 2 promotes triple-negative breast cancer cell migration and invasion via activation of nuclear factor-kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathways
Singel et al. Breast Cancer Research. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Expression of the Developmental Transcription Factor Fezf2 Identifies a Distinct Subpopulation of Layer 5 Intratelencephalic-Projection Neurons in Mature Mouse Motor Cortex
Tantirigama et al. the Journal of Neuroscience. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Aberrant Patterns of X Chromosome Inactivation in a New Line of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Established in Physiological Oxygen Concentrations
Oliveira Georges et al. Stem Cell Rev and Rep. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Influenza A Virus Assembly Intermediates Fuse in the Cytoplasm
Maternal bias and escape from X chromosome imprinting in the midgestation mouse placenta
Finn et al. Developmental Biology, Elsevier. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
KIF14 Promotes AKT Phosphorylation and Contributes to Chemoresistance in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Singel et al. Neoplasia. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lineage and species-specific long noncoding RNAs during erythro-megakaryocytic development
Paralkar et al. Red Cells, Iron, and Erythropoiesis. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global Bidirectional Transcription of the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome during Reactivation
O'Grady et al. JVI, Journal of Virology. 2014
Global Bidirectional Transcription of the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome 1 During Reactivation
O’Grady et al. Journal of Virology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Small alveolar macrophages are infected preferentially by HIV and exhibit impaired phagocytic function
Jambo et al. Nature Mucosal Immunology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Topological organization of multichromosomal regions by the long intergenic noncoding RNA Firre
Hacisuleyman et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Global discovery of erythroid long noncoding RNAs reveals novel regulators of red cell maturation
Alvarez-Dominguezet al. Blood Journal. 2014
High ImpactSystems level-based RNAi screening by high content analysis identifies UBR5 as a regulator of estrogen receptor-a protein levels and activity
Bolt et al. Nature Oncogene. 2014
High ImpactRNAi Factors Are Present and Active in Human Cell Nuclei
Gagnon et al. Cell Reports. 2014.
Products: SMF-2035-1
A microRNA-based single-gene circuit buffers protein synthesis rates against perturbations
Strovas et al. American Chemical Society. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Long noncoding RNA-mediated intrachromosomal interactions promote imprinting at the Kcnq1 locus
Zhang et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2014
High ImpactN6-methyladenosine-dependent regulation of messenger RNA stability
Wang et al. Nature Research Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Luminal signalling links cell communication to tissue architecture during organogenesis
Durdu et al. Nature Letter. 2014.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Simultaneous Detection of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic RNA Variants Utilizing Stellaris ® RNA Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Adherent Cells
Coassin et al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2014.
Products: VSMF-2054-5, VSMF-2211-5
Nup98 promotes antiviral gene expression to restrict RNA viral infection in Drosophila
Identification of a novel multiple kinase inhibitor with potent antiviral activity against influenza virus by reducing viral polymerase activity
Sasaki et al. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2014
KO lncRNAMultiple knockout mouse models reveal lincRNAs are required for life and brain development
Sauvageau et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Mitochondria Coordinate Sites of Axon Branching through Localized Intra-axonal Protein Synthesis
Spillane et al. Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Defined Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture Enables Highly Efficient Neuroepithelium Derivation Without Small Molecule Inhibitors
Lippmann et al. Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Histone Methylation Restrains the Expression of Subtype-Specific Genes during Terminal Neuronal Differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Zheng et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Scaffold function of long non-coding RNA HOTAIR in protein ubiquitination
Yoon et al. Nature Communications. 2013
High ImpactFeedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
High ImpactFeedback Control of Gene Expression Variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt Pathway
Orsay,Santeuil and LeBlancviruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Regulation of maternal Wnt mRNA translation in C. elegans embryos
Characterization of novel inhibitors of HIV-1 replication that function via alteration of viral RNA processing and rev function
Wong et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dampening of expression oscillations by synchronous regulation of a microRNA and its target
Kimet al. Nature Genetics. 2013
Nuclear import of APOBEC3F-labeled HIV-1 preintegration complexes
Burdick et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Determinants of robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signalling
Heinrich et al. Nature Cell Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Stochastic Responses Are Not Left to Pure ‘‘Chance’’
High ImpactChromosomal Contact Permits Transcription between Coregulated Genes
A dynamic population of stromal cells contributes to the follicle stem cell niche in the Drosophila ovary
Sahai-Hernandez et al. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Development. 2013
Identifying Division Symmetry of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells: Negative Impact of DNA Methyltransferases on Symmetric Self-Renewal
Jasnos et al. Stem Cell Reports. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A deletion polymorphism in the Caenorhabditis elegans RIG-I homolog disables viral RNA dicing and antiviral immunity
Ashe et al. eLIFE. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Image-based transcriptomics in thousands of single human cells at single-molecule resolution
Battich et al. Nature Methods. 2013
High ImpactMeasurement and modeling of transcriptional noise in the cell cycle regulatory network
Orsay, Santeuil and Le Blanc viruses primarily infect intestinal cells in Caenorhabditis nematodes
Franz et al. Virology, Elsevier. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
IFI16 senses DNA forms of the lentiviral replication cycle and controls HIV-1 replication
Jakobsen et al. PNAS PLUS. 2013
Translation- and SRP-independent mRNA targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kraut-Cohen et al. Molecular Biology Cell . 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Turbo FISH: A Method for Rapid Single Molecule RNA FISH
High ImpactNonautonomous Regulation of Neuronal Migration by Insulin Signaling, DAF-16/FOXO, and PAK-1
Kennedy et al. Cell Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Tumour angiogenesis regulation by the miR-200 family
Peot et al. Nature Communications. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Barriers to transmission of transcriptional noise in a c-fos c-jun pathway
Shah et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
Single Molecule Fluorescence Approaches Shed Light on Intracellular RNAs
Pitchiaya et al. Chemical Reviews. 2013
SNP-FISH, High ImpactAllele-specific detection of single mRNA molecules in situ
Hansen et al. Nature Communications. 2013
High ImpactVisualizing SN Vs toquantify allele-specific expression in single cells
Levesque et al. Nature Communications. 2013
High ImpactSingle-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue
Lyubimova et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
Transcription termination controls prophage maintenance in Escherichia coli genomes
Menouni et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Gene-Specific Transcriptional Mechanisms at the Histone Gene Cluster Revealed by Single-Cell Imaging
Guglielmi et al. Molecular Cell. 2013
Discovery of J Chain in African Lungfish (Protopterus dolloi, Sarcopterygii) Using High Throughput Transcriptome Sequencing: Implications in Mucosal Immunity
Stochastic Cytokine Expression Induces Mixed T Helper Cell States
Fang et al. PLOS Biology. 2013
High ImpactSingle-Cell Analysis Reveals that Expression of Nanog Is Biallelic and Equally Variable as that of Other Pluripotency Factors in Mouse ESCs
Faddahet al. Cell Stem Cell. 2013
High ImpactBimodal expression of PHO84 is modulated by early termination of antisense transcription
Castelnuovo et al. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2013
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
High ImpactProtein Aggregation Behavior Regulates Cyclin Transcript Localization and Cell-Cycle Control
Lee et al. Developmental Cell. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Transcription-Factor-Mediated DNA Looping Probed by High-Resolution, Single-Molecule Imaging in Live E. coli Cells
Hensel et al. PLOS Biology. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Visualization and Analysis of mRNA Molecules Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
McIsaac et al. Jove. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Injury-induced BMP signaling negatively regulates Drosophila midgut homeostasis
Guo et al. Journal of Cell Biology. 2013
linc-HOXA1 is a noncoding RNA that represses Hoxa1 transcription in cis
Maamar et al. Genes & Development. 2013
Sex-lethal promotes nuclear retention of msl2 mRNA via interactions with the STAR protein HOW
Graindorge et al. Genes & Development. 2013
High ImpactMeasuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Measuring mRNA copy number in individual Escherichia coli cells using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization
Skinner et al. Nature Protocol. 2013
mRNA encoding WAVE–Arp2/3-associated proteins is co-localized with foci of active protein synthesis at the leading edge of MRC5 fibroblasts during cell migration
Willett et al. Biochem Journal. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Colocalization of Different Influenza Viral RNA Segments in the Cytoplasm before Viral Budding as Shown by Single-molecule Sensitivity FISH Analysis
Chou et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Counting Small RNA in Pathogenic Bacteria
Shepherd et al. Analytical Chemistry. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Expanding the Diversity of Imaging-Based RNAi Screen Applications Using Cell Spot Microarrays
Rantala et al. Microarrays. 2013
Single-cell gene expression profiling reveals functional heterogeneity of undifferentiated human epidermal cells
Tan et al. Development and Stem Cells. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
Digoxin Suppresses HIV-1 Replication by Altering Viral RNA Processing
Wong et al. PLOS Pathogens. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Circular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency
Memczak et al. Nature Article. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Both the Caspase CSP-1 and a Caspase-Independent Pathway Promote Programmed Cell Death in Parallel to the Canonical Pathway for Apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans
Denning et al. PLOS Genetics. 2013
High ImpactSingle-chromosome transcriptional profiling reveals chromosomal gene expression regulation
Levesque et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Placental Specific mRNA in the Maternal Circulation Are Globally Dysregulated in Pregnancies Complicated by Fetal Growth Restriction
Whitehead et al. JCEM Online. 2013
Coactivators enable glucocorticoid receptor recruitment to fine-tune estrogen receptor transcriptional responses
Bolt et al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013.
Products: VSMF-1011-5
Depletion of cellular polyamines, spermidine and spermine, causes a total arrest in translation and growth in mammalian cells
Mandal et al. PNAS. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
A versatile genome-scale PCR-based pipeline for high-definition DNA FIISH
Bienko et al. Nature Communications. 2013
Single-Cell Analysis of Ribonucleotide Reductase Transcriptional and Translational Response to DNA Damage
Mazumder et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 2013
Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization: Quantitative imaging of single RNA molecules
High ImpactSystematic Identification of Signal-Activated Stochastic Gene Regulation
Investigating transcriptional states at single-cell-resolution
Tischler et al. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 2013
High ImpactControl of somatic tissue differentiation by the long non-coding RNA TINCR
Kretz et al. Nature Research Letter. 2013.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Pint lincRNA connects the p53 pathway with epigenetic silencing by the Polycomb repressive complex 2
Marín-Béjar et al. Genome Biology. 2013
Using variability in gene expression as a tool for studying gene regulation
Padovan-Merhar et al. WIREs Syst Biol Med. 2013
Single-Molecule Resolution Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (smFISH) in the Yeast S. cerevisiae
Rahman et al. Methods of Molecular Biology. 2013
Deconvolving the roles of Wnt ligands and receptors in sensing and amplification
Tan et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2013
High ImpactEmbryonic Priming of a miRNA Locus Predetermines Postmitotic Neuronal Left/Right Asymmetry in C. elegans
Cochellaet al. Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garcia et al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Microsporidian Infection in a Free-Living Marine Nematode
Ardila-Garciaet al. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The CPEB Protein Orb2 Has Multiple Functions during Spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Xu et al. PLOS Genetics. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Removal of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Makes C. elegans Germ Cells Susceptible to Direct Conversion into Specific Somatic Cell Types
Patelet al. Cell Reports. 2012
Quadraplex MultiplexA continuum of transcriptional identities visualized by combinatorial fluorescent in situ hybridization
Inducible Control of Subcellular RNA Localization Using a Synthetic Protein-RNA Aptamer Interaction
Belmontet al. PLOS ONE. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Asymmetric Segregation of the Double-Stranded RNA Binding Protein Staufen2 during Mammalian Neural Stem Cell Divisions Promotes Lineage Progression
Kuseket al. Cell Stem Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Lgr5+ve Stem/Progenitor Cells Contribute to Nephron Formation during Kidney Development
Barkeret al. Cell Reports. 2012
High ImpactSingle-Cell Expression Analyses during Cellular Reprogramming Reveal an Early Stochastic and a Late Hierarchic Phase
High ImpactExtradenticle and Homothorax Control Adult Muscle Fiber Identity in Drosophila
Bryantsevet al. Developmental Cell. 2012
High ImpactRNA imaging in situ
Bakeret al. Nature Methods. 2012
High ImpactTPP1 OB-Fold Domain Controls Telomere Maintenance by Recruiting Telomerase to Chromosome Ends
Zhonget al. Cell. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The Influenza A Virus PB2, PA, NP, and M Segments Play a Pivotal Role during Genome Packaging
High Impact, super resolutionSingle-cell systems biology by super-resolution imaging and combinatorial labeling
Lubecket al. Nature Methods. 2012
One influenza virus particle packages eight unique viral RNAs as shown by FISH analysis
Neuronal mRNAs travel singly into dendrites
High ImpactSingle-mRNA counting using fluorescent in situ hybridization in budding yeast
Trceket al. Nature Protocol. 2012
High ImpactGlobal Analysis of RNA Secondary Structure in Two Metazoans
Concentration-Dependent Requirement for Local Protein Synthesis in Motor Neuron Subtype-Specific Response to Axon Guidance Cues
Nedelecet al. Journal of Neuorscience. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
The P granule component PGL-1 promotes the localization and silencing activity of the PUF protein FBF-2 in germline stem cells
Voronina et al. Development and Stem Cells. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Dynamics of protein noise can distinguish between alternate sources of gene-expression variability
Singh et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2012
Identification of molecular compartments and genetic circuitry in the developing mammalian kidney
Microglial Stimulation of Glioblastoma Invasion Involves Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) and Colony Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor (CSF-1R) Signaling
Coniglioet al. Molecular Medicine. 2012
Evaluating Individual mRNA Molecules Detection Techniques in Microscope Images
Khutlandet al. Conference Paper. 2012
Gene location and DNA density determine transcription factor distributions in Escherichia coli
Kuhlmanet al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2012.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Multicolor 3D Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for Imaging Interphase Chromosomes
Cremeret al. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2012
High ImpactPredicting mutation outcome from early stochastic variation in genetic interaction partners
Burgaet al. Nature Letter. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-cell analysis: The Deepest Differences
Shared gene expression in distinct neurons expressing common selector genes
Topalidou et al. PNAS. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s)
Single-Molecule Imaging of Transcriptionally Coupled and Uncoupled Splicing
High ImpactncRNA- and Pc2 Methylation-Dependent GeneRelocationbetween NuclearStructures Mediates Gene Activation Programs
High ImpactStellaris™ fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes: a powerful tool for mRNA detection
Orjalo et al. Nature Methods. 2011.
Products: Custom Stellaris Set(s), SMF-2026-1
MAB-10/NAB acts with LIN-29/EGR to regulate terminal differentiation and the transition from larva to adult in C. elegans
Harriset al. Development. 2011
Cell-to-cell variability of alternative RNA splicing
Wakset al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2011
RNA sequencing reveals two major classes of gene expression levels in metazoan cells
Hebenstreit et al. Molecular Systems Biology. 2011
Visualization of single mRNAs reveals temporal association of proteins with microRNA-regulated mRNA
Shihet al. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011
Genes methylated by DNA methyltransferase 3b are similar in mouse intestine and human colon cancer
Steineet al. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2011
Neuroblast migration along the anteroposterior axis of C. elegans is controlled by opposing gradients of Wnts and a secreted Frizzled-related protein
Harterinket al. Development. 2011
High ImpactValidating transcripts with probes and imaging technology
Itzkovitzet al. Nature Methods. 2011
Caenorhabditis elegans aristaless/Arx gene alr-1 restricts variable gene expression
High ImpactEGFR/Ras/MAPK Signaling Mediates Adult Midgut Epithelial Homeostasis and Regeneration in Drosophila
Jiang et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2011
Single Molecule Imaging of RNA In Situ
Batishet al. Methods Molecular Biology. 2011
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Rajet al. Nature Article. 2010
High ImpactVariability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance
Detection of Individual Endogenous RNA Transcripts In Situ Using Multiple Singly Labeled Probes
Rajet al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
High ImpactMaking the message clear: visualizing mRNA localization
Imaging single mRNA molecules in yeast
Youket al. Methods in Enzymology. 2010
Many human large intergenic noncoding RNAs associate with chromatin-modifying complexes and affect gene expression
Single-Molecule Approaches to Stochastic Gene Expression
Rajet al. Annual Review of Biophysics. 2009
High ImpactImaging individual mRNA molecules using multiple singly labeled probes
Rajet al. Nature Brief Communications. 2008
Are genes switched on when they kiss?
De novo translation initiation on membrane-bound ribosomes as a mechanism for localization of cytosolic protein mRNAs to the endoplasmic reticulum
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Custom Stellaris™ FISH Probes were designed against <your RNA of interest (include NM# and nucleotides covered if relevant> by utilising the Stellaris RNA FISH Probe Designer (Biosearch Technologies, Inc., Petaluma, CA) available online at (version #). The <your RNA of interest> were hybridised with the <your dye of choice> Stellaris RNA FISH Probe set labelled with (Biosearch Technologies, Inc.), following the manufacturer’s instructions available online at <Describe any deviations from the published protocol or short summary of what was actually performed>.
Stellaris™ FISH Probes recognizing <catalogued gene set name> and labelled with<your dye of choice> (Catalog #, Biosearch Technologies, Inc., Petaluma, CA) were hybridised to <samples>, following the manufacturer’s instructions available online at <Describe any deviations from the published protocol or short summary of what was actually performed>.
Custom Stellaris™ FISH Probes recognising <your RNA of interest (include NM# and nucleotides covered if relevant)>and labeled with <your dye of choice>, were purchased from Biosearch Technologies, Inc. (Petaluma, CA). Probe set sequences utilised in the experiments have been previously described <cite published manuscript>. The <samples> were hybridised with the <your RNA of interest> Stellaris FISH Probe set, following the manufacturer’s instructions available online at <Describe any deviations from the published protocol or short summary of what was actually performed>.
Custom 3' amine oligos in plates were designed against <your RNA of interest (include NM# and nucleotides covered if relevant)> by utilising the Stellaris™ RNA FISH Probe Designer (Biosearch Technologies, Inc., Petaluma, CA) available online at (version #). Probes were labeled with <your dye of choice>using <insert your labeling protocol or citation of previously published labeling protocol>. The<samples> were hybridised with <your RNA of interest> the oligonucleotides (Biosearch Technologies, Inc.), following the manufacturer’s instructions available online at <Describe any deviations from the published protocol or short summary of what was actually performed>.
Custom 3' amine oligos in plates recognising <your RNA of interest (include NM# and nucleotides covered if relevant)> were purchased from Biosearch Technologies, Inc. (Petaluma, CA). Probe set sequences utilized in the experiments have been previously described in <cite published manuscript>. Probes were labeled using <your dye of choice>. The <samples> were hybridised with <your RNA of interest> the oligonucleotides (Biosearch Technologies, Inc.), following the manufacturer’s instructions available online at (access date). <Describe any deviations from the published protocol or short summary of what was actually performed>.