We have assisted small and large cohort studies over the past 10 years from a few as 500 to over 75,000 patient samples. Our customers know we have the knowledge, skill and experience to do the job.
Our cohort services contain genomic and sample management services:
- Nucleic acid extraction
- Genotyping
- SNP discovery and testing for non-genetic markers
- Biobanking / sample management services

Nucleic acid extraction
Our DNA extraction service package includes several services required for cohort studies such as quantification, normalisation, backup storage and genotyping Quality Control (QC). With our proprietary extraction chemistries we can furthermore guarantee high quality and high yield very cost effectively.
Key benefits
- Full pilot project on 12–48 samples to ensure process integrity prior to implementation
- Pickup service (optional)
- DNA extraction on multiple sample types including: blood, saliva, buccal swabs, buffy coats, tissue, serum, and more
- Sample volumes up to 10 mL (higher volumes optional)
- KASP genotyping QC check assures the DNA is PCR ready
- Quantification (260/ 280 measurement standard; alternative methods optional)
- Normalisation at preferred concentration (< 1mL)
- Delivered and/or stored in 2D barcoded 96-well PCR plates
- Backup aliquot storage (optional)
- Convenient data delivery.
SNP Discovery
For Cohort studies that do not yet have a defined set of markers to analyse, we support SNP discovery efforts through our in-house DNA sequencing capabilities, or array-based genome wide analysis using an established partner.
Key benefits
- Full pilot project to ensure process integrity prior to implementation
- Pickup service (optional)
- Whole exome NextGen sequencing
- Array based genome wide analysis
- Convenient data delivery.
SNP Genotyping
Using our accurate and highly cost-effecient KASP genotyping chemistry, we design and validate genotyping assays for all SNPs and/ or InDels you wish to score and then proceed to screen your DNA samples for those markers. The data generated will then be run through our genotype scoring software (KlusterCaller™) and the scoring data will be provided to you in a convenient format.
Key benefits
- Full pilot project to ensure process integrity prior to implementation
- Pickup service optional
- Genotyping based on our unrivaled KASP assays
- Convenient data delivery-
For price enquiries or to make an appointment with your cohort manager today, please contact us via email:cohortstudies@lgcgroup.com