Licensing and trademarks

Review licensing, trademark, and IP information related to LGC Biosearch Technologies.

Biosearch Technologies Trademarks

Biosearch, the Biosearch Technologies logo, Black Hole Quencher, BHQ, BHQplus, CAL Fluor, Quasar, Pulsar, Stellaris and SuperRox are registered trademarks of Biosearch Technologies, Inc.

RealTimeDesign, RTD, ValuProbe, ValuPanel, ValuMix, and turboFISH are trademarks of Biosearch Technologies, Inc.

Advancing Nucleic Acid Technology, Chemistry for Genomics, The Inescapable Solution and PilotDx are service marks of Biosearch Technologies, Inc.

The Black Hole Quencher dye technology is protected in the United States and other countries by U.S. patents and continuations numbered 7,019,129, 7,019,129B1, 7,109,312B2, 7,582,432, 8,410,255B2 and 8,440,399B2 issued to Biosearch Technologies, Inc. The CAL Fluor technology is covered by U.S. patent number 7,344,701B2. The Quasar technology is covered by U.S. Patent numbers 7,705,150B2, 7,868, 157B2 and 8,436,153B2. The Pulsar technology is covered by U.S. Patent numbers 7,635,762B2 and 8,119,781B2. The BHQplus technology is protected by U.S. patent number 7,160,996B1 and 8,466,266.

Licensing Information
Black Hole Quencher (BHQ), CAL Fluor, Quasar and Pulsar dyes for incorporation into labeled fluorogenic probes are available only through Biosearch Technologies, Inc. and selected licensed vendors world-wide.

Molecular Beacons are manufactured for R&D applications only under license with Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Stellaris FISH Probes and turboFISH technology are sold under license from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and may be used under its patent rights for Research Use Only.

For further information, please contact Biosearch Technologies, Inc. at

Other Trademarks
Scorpions is a registered trademark of Qiagen Manchester, UK and Scorpions molecules are manufactured for R&D applications under license issued by Qiagen Manchester, UK to Biosearch Technologies, Inc.

Prism is a registered trademark of Applied Biosystems, Inc. StepOne and StepOnePlus are registered trademarks of Applied Biosystems, LLC.

MX3000P is a registered trademark of Agilent Technologies, Inc.

iCycler is a registered trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories. CFX96, iQ, Chromo4, and Opticon are trademarks of Bio-Rad Laboratories.

SmartCycler II is a trademark of Cepheid Corporation. Cepheid and SmartCycler are registered trademarks of Cepheid Corporation.

Mastercycler is a registered trademark of Eppendorf AG.

Cy, and CyDye are registered trademarks of GE Healthcare.

Luminex is a registered trademark of the company Luminex Corporation.

Alexa Fluor, BODIPY, Marina Blue, Oregon Green and Texas Red are registered trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc. Pacific Blue, Rhodamine Green, and Rhodamine Red are trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc.

Rotor-Gene is a registered trademark of Qiagen GmbH.

LightCycler and HybProbe are registered trademarks of Roche Diagnostics GmbH.

Vectashield is a registered trademark of Vector Laboratories, Inc.