There are multiple SNPs within 100 nt of my SNP of interest. Will the presence of these surrounding SNPs significantly impact oligonucleotide probe design? learn more
How are the parameters set to account for statistical significance or reliability of the SNP call when dealing with possible sequencing errors? learn more
Can Flex-Seq be used to detect off-target SNPs with CRISPR-Cas9, based on targeting regions of binding site homology (or similar)? learn more
I have already performed KASP on my samples. Can I use my KASP assays directly for a Flex-Seq project? learn more
I have a selection of SNPs I wish to test via Flex-Seq, but I am unsure how successful they will be in the design process. Will I be able to exchange my SNPs prior to library generation? learn more
Can Flex-Seq be used with SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), InDels (insertions and deletions) and repeats? learn more
Will LGC, Biosearch Technologies be able to provide any service or guidance for pre-submission bioinformatics, for example, assembly of the reference sequence or advice on which selection of markers would be most appropriate? learn more
I do not know the exact make-up of my SNPs, but I know their genomic location. Is this information sufficient for Flex-Seq? learn more
Can reference scaffolds be used in place of reference chromosome when submitting reference sequences? learn more
I do not have genomic sequence for my particular organism. Can I use a closely related organism/species for my reference sequences? learn more
My reference genome was assembled from fragment DNA sequencing, and is highly polymorphic (with possible unidentified SNPs in the flanking regions to my SNPs of interest). Would Flex-Seq work? learn more
Will a score be given to each designed probe to estimate its success prior to sequencing so I can select the desired SNPs for library generation? learn more
I have determined how many markers I wish to characterise using Flex-Seq. What is the recommended number of candidates to ensure successful probe design across all my markers? learn more
For the reference genome, will the name of reference sequence in a publically available database be sufficient (e.g. <a href="" target="_blank">GRCh38</a> from NCBI)? learn more