Search results for 'Nanog'
Stellaris® FISH Probes, Mouse Nanog with CAL Fluor® Red 590 Dye
Stellaris® FISH Probes, Mouse Nanog with CAL Fluor® Red 610 Dye
Stellaris® FISH Probes, Mouse Nanog with Quasar® 570 Dye
Stellaris® FISH Probes, Mouse Nanog with Quasar® 670 Dye
Stellaris® FISH Probes, Human NANOG | -P1 | -P8 with CAL Fluor® Red 590 Dye
Stellaris® FISH Probes, Human NANOG | -P1 | -P8 with CAL Fluor® Red 610 Dye
Stellaris® FISH Probes, Human NANOG | -P1 | -P8 with Quasar® 570 Dye
Stellaris® FISH Probes, Human NANOG | -P1 | -P8 with Quasar® 670 Dye
mag Nucleic Acid Purification Kits
High-throughput, cost-effective nucleic acid isolation from a broad range of sample materials such as animal and plant tissues, blood or forensic samples. The highly pure nucleic acids are suitable for many downstream applications including PCR, restriction enzyme analysis and sequencing/NGS.
Stellaris RNA FISH citation center
Find peer reviewed publications citing Stellaris™ RNA FISH probe sets sorted by product, application, model organism and more.
RNA FISH for stem cell research
Stem cells hold great promise for the treatment of various diseases due to their capacity for self-renewal and ability to differentiate. Stellaris™ RNA fluorescence in situ hybridisation offers a unique insight into the expression patterns of embryonic and adult stem cells.
RNA FISH for neuroscience
Visualisation and quantification of neuroscience-related single RNA transcripts, using Stellaris™ RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (RNA FISH) or smFISH, offers the unique ability to observe altered disease or region-specific expression in fixed cells or tissues, including an entire intact brain or organism.
RNA FISH for mouse
About 25% of publications citing Stellaris™ RNA FISH use mouse targets, making this the second most common target after humans.
Enzymes and reagents
Elution buffer BL (100 mL)
Wash buffer BL 2 (900 mL concentrate = 3000 mL ready-to-use buffer)
mag™ particle suspension N (500 mL)
Binding buffer BL (500 mL)
Wash buffer BL 1 (855 mL concentrate = 3000 mL ready-to-use buffer)
Lysis buffer BL (100 mL)
mag™ particle suspension BL (1 mL)
Lysis buffer BL + Debris capture beads (40 µL/mL; 500 mL)
mag™ nanogram kit (96 purifications)