PCR Past Present & Future Webinar
In this webinar Kary Mullis tells his story about his discovery of PCR, and is joined by expert panelists Stephen Bustin, and Reginald Beer who highlight current innovations in qPCR-based applications and next generation PCR technologies.
PCR: Past, Present & Future Webinar | September 11, 2013
Thirty years ago, in 1983, Kary B. Mullis conceived an experimental method for amplifying small quantities of DNA— the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)—that would go on to revolutionize the study of genetics, forensics, and biological anthropology. Over three decades, PCR techniques, fueled by advances in enzymology and automation, have continually improved and evolved to meet the changing needs and demands of life-science researchers. Today, armed with an arsenal of potent reagents, reliable software, and robust instrumentation, PCR will be a vital part of new applications of next-generation sequencing, clinical diagnostics, and drug discovery.
Download presentation slides provided by speakers Kary Mullis and Reginald Beer
Kary B. Mullis, Ph.D.
Nobel Laureate
Inventor of the PCR Process
Chief Scientific Officer of Altermune Technologies, Ltd.
Reginald Beer, Ph.D.
Medical Diagnostics Initiative Leader at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Main Topics:
- Conception of PCR from the inventor of the PCR process himself – Kary Mullis
- Current innovations used by your peers in real-time PCR
- And next-generation PCR technologies to anticipate

KARY B. MULLIS received a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1966, and he earned a PhD degree in biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1972. Mullis joined the Cetus Corporation in Emeryville, California, as a DNA chemist in 1979. During his 7 years there, he conducted research on oligonucleotide synthesis and invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). He is currently chief scientific officer of Altermune Technologies, Ltd, working on a method for pharmaceutically redirecting a ubiquitous human immunity intended for a trisaccharide known as the alpha-Gal epitope to some other site to which the patient could benefit from an immediate immunity. For his invention of the polymerase chain reaction, Mullis received the 1993 Nobel Prize in chemistry and the 1993 Japan Prize.

STEPHEN BUSTIN obtained his PhD in molecular genetics from Trinity College, University of Dublin in 1983. He is currently Professor of Allied Health and Medicine at Anglia Ruskin University in the U.K., having previously been Professor of Molecular Science at Queen Mary, University of London. Bustin is also a visiting professor of molecular biology at the University of Middlesex. He has had a long-standing interest in the polymerase chain reaction and real-time PCR (qPCR). His book “A-Z of quantitative PCR” (2004) is referred to as the “qPCR bible”, he has edited two further books “The PCR Revolution” (2011) and “PCR Technology” (2013, with Tania Nolan) and has published the first e-books dedicated to qPCR (www.qPCRexpert.com).

REGINALD BEER received a PhD in engineering from the University of California, Davis, in 2007 for his research demonstrating the first real-time digital PCR in monodisperse droplets. He is the Medical Diagnostics Initiative leader at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where he develops technologies for molecular diagnostics applications. Beer has numerous inventions supporting on-chip analyses including thermal cycling, droplet trapping, signal enhancement, and droplet digital PCR. His research in digital PCR, on-chip miniaturization, and selective microarray dehybridization focuses on improving existing diagnostics capabilities.
Webinar hosted by The-Scientist.com.