Discover the difference of sbeadex technology


Experience sbeadex nucleic acid purification kits, where advanced technology meets seamless user-friendly operation. All of our sbeadex nucleic acid purification kits leverage the power of magnetic bead technology by utilising superparamagnetic particles coated with sbeadex surface chemistry. A novel binding mechanism ensures high-quality DNA or RNA, removing impurities from your sample matrix, and preparing it for PCR, sequencing and other downstream applications. Our kits are optimised for high-throughput automation and are compatible with popular robotic platforms including KingFisher, Hamilton, Tecan, Beckman-Coulter, and our fully automated nucleic acid extraction platform oKtopure™.


Explore our sbeadex nucleic acid purification kits


Save time and streamline your workflow with our new sbeadex Lightning Nucleic Acid Purification Kits

Our new sbeadex™ Lightning product line provides a revolutionary approach to nucleic acid isolation with a superfast and simple 3-step protocol, typically purifying nucleic acids in just 5 minutes from a variety of lysed plant and animal sample materials. This patent pending magnetic bead technology significantly reduces the extraction workflow saving up to 40 minutes per sample and increasing sample throughput by as much as 10 times versus competitors. Reductions in liquid waste (by an average of 60%) and plastic waste (by an average of 50%) are achievable compared to magnetic bead-based and spin column-based competitor kits whilst boasting the simplest and fastest nucleic acid purification workflow in the market.



sbeadex Lightning at a glance

sbeadex Lightning has brought game-changing innovative solutions to traditional nucleic acid purification. Our cutting-edge technology delivers high-quality DNA in high yield, all within a simple, ultrafast 3-step/5-minute protocol designed to save time and costs. With fewer protocol steps, the error probability is lower, ensuring reliable and consistent results for every purification.


Transforming the traditional, time-consuming steps of nucleic acid purification – sbeadex Lightning revolutionises your workflow, reducing it to just 3 steps and 5 minutes


How sbeadex Lightning works

Live demo of DNA purification in under 5 minutes


Powered by superparamagnetic particles and a novel one-step binding mechanism, sbeadex Lightning efficiently binds and purifies nucleic acids. Combined with a single water washing step, this unique process effectively removes impurities and potential inhibitors of enzymatic reactions, preparing nucleic acids for a wide range of downstream applications, including PCR, RT-PCR, sequencing/NGS and restriction analysis.

  • Superfast, simplified, and convenient, our 3-step/5-minute protocol saves time and money, and is easily adaptable to high-throughput automation
  • Highly purified DNA suitable for many downstream applications
  • No potential PCR inhibitors (e.g. organic solvents/ethanol, salts) in final wash step and eluate
  • Environmentally friendly kits and reagents: reduces plastics, packaging, shipping costs and hazardous waste
  • Ready-to-use reagents with high stability at room temperature
  • Compatible with most popular robotic platforms (e.g. KingFisher, Hamilton, Tecan, Beckman-Coulter or our high-throughput oKtopure™ instrument)
sbeadex lightning kits

New product highlight: sbeadex Lightning

Our innovative sbeadex Lightning technology revolutionises conventional nucleic acid purification methods, condensing the workflow to 3 protocol steps and significantly boosting sample throughput regardless of manual or automated processes.

  • Purify a variety of plant and animal DNA sample materials in as little as 5 minutes
  • An optimised chemistry with a novel binding mechanism allows stronger binding of nucleic acids and requires only a single water-wash step
  • Comes as a modular system to tailor your optimal kit. Choose from two versions of sbeadex Lightning, Core Kit A and Core Kit B. Complete your core kit with individual components such as lysis buffers or Proteinase K
  • Recommended to start with our comprehensive Starter Kit to evaluate performance and optimise protocol for your specific sample type - before progressing to one of our core kits and ordering required individual components (e.g. lysis buffer)



sbeadex™ Lightning nucleic acid purification chemistry

General information

Our new sbeadex Lightning technology offers all the advantages of the original sbeadex – but revolutionises the rather time-consuming, multi-step workflow of current nucleic acid purification methods. sbeadex Lightning uses superparamagnetic particles and a novel one-step binding mechanism to bind and purify nucleic acids. Combined with a single water washing step, this unique process removes impurities and potential inhibitors of enzymatic reactions very effectively, preparing nucleic acids for use in downstream applications including PCR and RT-PCR, sequencing, NGS and restriction analysis.


The very simple purification workflow involves only 3 steps and typically requires just 5 minutes from lysate to DNA while delivering high yields of pure DNA.

It therefore dramatically increases potential sample throughput per day – either through manual or automated nucleic acid purification – saving time and laboratory costs. Fewer protocol steps also mean fewer buffers, fewer plastic consumables and reduced liquid waste which helps to protect the environment (table 1).


We recommend starting with our comprehensive starter kit to evaluate performance and optimise workflow before progressing to one of our core kits. The sbeadex Lightning Starter Kit is designed as an essential first step, offering the opportunity to test and determine the optimal core kit and lysis conditions. We offer two versions of the sbeadex Lightning core kits (Kit A or Kit B), each optimised under different conditions and for specific sample types. These kits include a sbeadex Lightning binding buffer, sbeadex particle suspension, and elution buffer (AMP).


The reagents of the sbeadex Lightning chemistry are not only reduced in volume but are also less hazardous than common reagents used in classical magnetic bead, spin column or solution-based workflows. Thus, our new sbeadex Lightning is not only faster, simpler and more convenient – but also more environmentally friendly. Compared to the classical magnetic bead or spin-column based technologies, sbeadex Lightning shows comparable results with regard to DNA purity, quality and yields – but is significantly faster, simpler and cost-saving (see tables 1-4).




Figure 1. How to get started with sbeadex Lightning technology.
1. Order a sbeadex Lightning Starter Kit and test this with your samples. Once you have optimised your protocol, (2.) select/order the components to generate your tailor-made sbeadex Lightning solution (3.). * Please find standard protocols and sample-specific lysis buffer recommendations online or contact for assistance. 


Chemistry format

The sbeadex Lightning chemistry comes as a modular system to enable you to compile an optimal kit tailored to your specific needs – see figure 1 below. The technology involves a core kit, either Kit A or Kit B, consisting of binding buffer, sbeadex particle suspension and elution buffer. In addition, there is a range of individual components (e.g. lysis buffers, Proteinase K solution, debris capture beads) that can be purchased separately. To help with optimisation of the lysis conditions, we also provide a sbeadex Lightning Starter Kit that includes both core kits, six different lysis buffers (PN, PVP, UR, BL, H, LI), Protease K solution and debris capture beads.

There are two different sbeadex Lightning core kits:

  • Core Kit A is suitable for most sample types and is recommended for most plant samples (see tables 1 and 2 in technology and application data section).
  • Core Kit B is suitable for specific sample types, especially mammalian tissue samples.

This game-changing innovation requires only a binding buffer, our proprietary sbeadex particles and an elution buffer to purify DNA quickly from a lysed sample. The (optional) wash step is performed with water, preventing organic/alcoholic traces in the eluate that might inhibit enzymatic downstream applications. This reduction in required buffers also saves plastic bottles and packaging material as well as storage space and shipping costs which additionally contributes to the environmental sustainability of our products.

Technology and application data
Original sbeadex nucleic acid purification protocol


Our original sbeadex chemistry utilises a novel two-step binding mechanism to bind and purify nucleic acids, in a 5-step protocol (post-lysis) that requires approximately 45 minutes processing time. The sbeadex beads allow efficient and high-quality purification of both small and large nucleic acid fragments without centrifugation steps. The beads are double-coated, resulting in a unique dual binding protocol that allows elution of ultrapure nucleic acids into water, significantly reducing solvent carryover that might affect downstream applications.


 sbeadex Lightning nucleic acid purification protocol

sbeadex Lightning nucleic acid purification protocol. By utilising a revolutionary novel one-step binding mechanism, sbeadex Lightning reduces the traditional magnetic bead-based nucleic acid purification workflow to a 3-step protocol (post-lysis) that typically requires just 5 minutes processing time.


  • DNA purification for many downstream applications such as PCR/qPCR, RT-PCR or NGS
  • Applicable to a wide range of sample types including plant and animal tissues (tables 1 and 2)
Plant tissue
  cucumber leaves      barley leaves   carrot leaves
  brassica leaves   corn leaves   melon leaves 
  tomato leaves   potato leaves   cannabis leaves 
  pepper leaves   pea leaves   oat leaves
  wheat leaves   parsley       
  corn seed   canola seed   soy seed
  sunflower seed    
  blackberry   blueberry   potato


Table 1: Plant sample types successfully tested using the sbeadex Lightning chemistry for DNA purification.


Animal tissue
  bovine ear punch      mouse ears
  bovine meat   mouse tail
  bovine hairs   Chicken (wing)
  pig ear punches   Salmon (fin)
  Trout (muscle biopsy)    Beef (muscle tissue biopsy)  
Biological fluids
  chicken blood (in storage buffer)


Table 2:Animal sample types successfully tested using the sbeadex Lightning chemistry for DNA purification.


sbeadex Lightning has been successfully tested against popular plant DNA purification kits from market-leading competitors, showing comparable or even better DNA purities and yields (table 3) as well as a clear reduction of protocol steps and time – in addition to significant savings regarding consumption of plastic consumables and amount of liquid waste (table 4). Moreover, DNA isolated using sbeadex Lightning also showed a very good integrity compared to DNA isolated using those competitor kits (figure 4).


Please find a complete list of already tested plant and animal samples with a recommendation of the appropriate Core Kit and Lysis buffers/conditions here.


Purification chemistry

Yield via fluorescence

[µg DNA/ mg sample]

Yield via UV-Vis

[µg DNA /mg sample]

A260/280 A260/230
sbeadex Lightning (upscaled) 0.5 0.9 1.8 1.5
sbeadex maxi plant (upscaled) 0.3 0.6 1.9 1.4
Competitor A 0.03 0.3 1.9 0.1
Competitor B 0.2 1.1 1.8 2.0
Competitor C 0.02 0.1 1.6 0.4
Competitor D 0.3 0.5 1.9 1.8
Competitor E 0.4 0.6 1.7 0.7
Competitor F 0.1 0.1 1.8 2.3


Table 3: A summary of DNA quantity and purity values for sbeadex Lightning, original sbeadex, and market-leading competitors. Values are based on processing of 15 mg maize leaf tissue samples. Both the sbeadex Lightning protocol and the sbeadex maxi plant protocol were upscaled to 400 µL lysate input to account for the different lysate input amounts used by competitors.


Purification chemistry Protocol steps* Mean protocol time per sample** Mean plastic waste per sample Liquid waste per sample
sbeadex Lightning (upscaled) 3 5 min 2 g 1.8 mL
Competitor A 5 20 min 6 g 1.8 mL
Competitor B 6 45 min 9 g 3.4 mL
Competitor C 7 24 min 7 g 2.6 mL
Competitor D 5 26 min 8 g 3.4 mL
Competitor E 8 34 min 9 g 3.4 mL
Competitor F 8 29 min 19 g 2.1 mL


Table 4: A summary of the key savings for sbeadex Lightning compared to original sbeadex protocols and market-leading competitors. This table summarises the savings in protocol time, protocol steps, plastic consumables, and liquid waste. Values are based on processing of 15 mg maize leaf tissue samples. The sbeadex Lightning protocol was upscaled to 400 µL lysate input to account for the different lysate input amounts used by competitors. *excluding lysis step ** manual protocol


Figure 4: Gel electrophoresis image of DNA purified from maize leaf with sbeadex Lightning and competitor kits (compare figure 2 and table 2). The 0.8 % agarose gel was run at 80 V for 45 minutes and subsequently stained with ethidium bromide.  Per sample, 6 µL purified DNA was added to each lane. 1: sbeadex Lightning (upscaled), 2: Competitor D, λ: 100 ng lambda DNA, 3: Competitor C, 4: Competitor B, 5: Competitor E, 6: Competitor F, 7: Competitor A.


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Chemistry format

The sbeadex Lightning chemistry comes as a modular system to enable you to compile an optimal kit tailored to your specific needs. We provide two versions of sbeadex Lightning core kits (Kit A or Kit B) that contains a sbeadex Lightning binding buffer (LP in Kit A and LU in Kit B), sbeadex particles suspension and elution buffer AMP. These core kits can be complemented with a range of individual components (e.g. lysis buffers, Protease K solution, debris capture beads) that can be purchased separately.


To help with optimisation of the lysis conditions, we also provide a sbeadex Lightning Starter Kit that includes the binding buffers of both core kits, six different lysis buffers (PN, PVP, UR, BL, H, LI), Protease K solution and debris capture beads. Our Quick guide for the sbeadex Lightning Starter Kit will help you to test and determine your optimal lysis and purification conditions.


How to get started with sbeadex Lightning technology

Order a sbeadex Lightning Starter Kit and test this with your samples. Once you have optimised your protocol, (2.) select/order the components to generate your tailor-made sbeadex Lightning solution (3.). *Please find sample-specific standard protocols online or contact for assistance.


Note: Our first sbeadex Lightning protocols have been developed for purification of DNA from plant and animal samples but we are already developing protocols for other sample types. We have observed that sbeadex Lightning is also suitable for RNA isolation and are currently also validating this application.


If you are working with samples other than plant or animal, the sbeadex Lightning Nucleic Acid Purification Starter Kit can still be used to evaluate whether sbeadex Lightning is appropriate for your specific sample types.




Figure 1. How to get started with sbeadex Lightning technology.
1. Order a sbeadex Lightning Starter Kit and test this with your samples. Once you have optimised your protocol, (2.) select/order the components to generate your tailor-made sbeadex Lightning solution (3.). * Please find standard protocols and sample-specific lysis buffer recommendations online or contact for assistance. 




We offer our Starter Kit, which includes 20 preparations, to help evaluate and optimise DNA purification workflow. Order a starter kit now!


Experience the evolution of nucleic acid purification

  • High purity: Elevate your research with nucleic acids of exceptional purity, meticulously isolated using our advanced sbeadex magnetic bead technology.
  • Streamlined protocols: Experience efficiency in every step. Our kits offer fast, convenient, and reproducible protocols that seamlessly integrate into high-throughput automation, saving you time and effort.
  • Versatile applications: From basic and biopharmaceutical research to molecular diagnostics, our sbeadex technology is applicable across a diverse range of sample types, ensuring adaptability to your specific research needs.
  • Inhibitor-free: Bid farewell to potential PCR inhibitors. Our water-based wash buffers are meticulously designed to eliminate any hindrance to your downstream applications, providing nucleic acids ready for various assays.
  • Stability and compatibility: Trust in the high stability of our ready-to-use kits, compatible with popular robotic platforms such as KingFisher, Hamilton, Tecan, Beckman-Coulter or our high-throughput oKtopure instrument. Your research deserves reliable tools, and we deliver.

Harness the power of sbeadex technology

Quality is in our DNA. Our mission is to deliver the highest quality products and services and consistently exceed customer expectations. We continue to make investments to ensure that our design, manufacturing and shipping processes comply with industry standards.

In contrast to traditional methods, our technology streamlines the process by eliminating the need for a drying step before elution, ensuring exceptional DNA quality. Prioritising sustainability, our kits feature an ethanol-free second wash buffer which helps to remove impurities that might inhibit enzymatic downstream reactions.



Versatility is at the core of our technology, making it suitable for diverse applications, from basic biopharmaceutical research to molecular diagnostics, and agricultural screening. The adaptable and reproducible protocols, along with compatibility with popular robotic platforms, position sbeadex kits as a reliable solution for high-throughput automation.


Efficient DNA/RNA preparation with sbeadex magnetic beads: streamlined protocol for high-quality nucleic acids

Discover a rapid and efficient DNA/RNA preparation protocol using sbeadex magnetic beads. Achieve high-quality purification of small and large DNA and RNA fragments within just 45 minutes, eliminating the need for centrifugation steps. Our double-coated beads employ a unique dual binding protocol, enabling the elution of ultrapure nucleic acids directly into water. Experience reduced solvent carryover, ensuring the integrity of your samples for optimal downstream applications




Nucleic acid purification simplified: Discover the versatility of sbeadex™ magnetic bead technology with our range of specialised kits


sbeadex Mini and Maxi Plant DNA Purification Kits

Providing a comprehensive solution, the sbeadex Mini and Maxi Plant DNA Purification Kits include all the necessary components for both small and large-scale DNA purification from plant tissue. They have been optimised for genomic DNA isolation from both fresh and lyophilised plant tissue material including leaves, seeds, fruits, pulp, bark and roots. 


We offer five plant kits, starting with the mini plant trial kit that has been designed to evaluate and optimise performance workflow. Our standard mini plant kit, as well as the mini plant kit without dangerous goods to ensure safety and regulatory compliance, are tailored for small-scale purification of high-quality plant DNA.


Additionally, we offer the standard maxi plant kit and the maxi plant kit without dangerous goods, both designed for large-scale plant DNA purification.

Technology and application data

sbeadex plant kits have been successfully used with:

Plant species Leaves Seed
Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) X  
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) X X
Beet, sugar (Beta vulgaris) X  
Canola/oilseed (Brassica napus) X X
Chicory (Cichorium intybus) X  
Corn (Zea mays) X X
Cotton (Gossypium) X X
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) X X
Flax (Linum usitatissimum) X  
Grape (Vitis vinifera) X X
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) X  
Muskmelon (Cucumis melo) X X
Onion (Allium cepa) X X
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) X X
Peach (Prunus persica) X  
Pepper (Capsicum annuum) X X
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) X  
Rice, Asian (Oryza sativa) X X
Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) X X
Soybean (Aphis glycines) X X
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) X X
Tobacco leaves (Nicotiana tabacum) X X
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) X X
Wheat (Triticum L.) X X

Typical quantities of starting material are:

  • 5-10 mg lyophilised tissue or 10-30 mg fresh tissue for the sbeadex Mini Plant DNA Purification Kit
  • 10-30 mg lyophilised tissue or 40-120 mg fresh tissue for the sbeadex Maxi Plant DNA Purification Kit

sbeadex Pathogen Nucleic Acid Purification Kits

Offering a cutting-edge solution, the sbeadex Pathogen Nucleic Acid Purification Kits ensure fast and reliable isolation of highly purified DNA and RNA from various pathogenic bacteria, viruses and yeasts. We provide four specialised kits to cater to your research needs.


Options include our kit with Proteinase K to boost extraction efficiency by aiding in cell disruption and nucleic acid release, a version without Proteinase K, one without dangerous goods, and another without both Proteinase K and dangerous goods.


All of our sbeadex Pathogen Nucleic Acid Purification kits are user-friendly kits designed to streamline the purification process of pathogenic DNA and RNA, making them an excellent choice for downstream molecular diagnostic applications. The purification procedure can be fully automated and is compatible with many robotic platforms.

Technology and application data

The sbeadex Pathogen testing kits have been used successfully with:

  sbeadex Pathogen Nucleic Acid Purification Kit Competitor A
  N Average Cq StDev Average Cq StDev
Clean up sample 12 30.35 0.14 33.80 0.15
Direct spike-in sample 3 31.00 0.44 33.80 0.12

Figure 1:  Demonstration of no loss of RNA during the sbeadex Pathogen Nucleic Acid Purification Kit protocol.  500 copies of a 2019-COVID artificial RNA reference material were added to a sample (nasopharyngeal swab) and the sample processed with the sbeadex Pathogen Nucleic Acid Purification Kit. SARS-CoV-2 was detected in this preparation and a directly spiked positive control sample via a RT-qPCR at two separate Biosearch Technologies sites. The concordant Cq values from both samples demonstrate no loss of sample due to the extraction step.

Pathogen External Control (Artificial Matrix)
Viral Targets  
Influenza A H3N2 Swab2
Influenza B Swab2
Novel Influenza A H1N1 Swab2
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (subtype A) Swab2
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (subtype B) Swab2
Adenovirus 4 Swab2
Zika Virus Plasma3
Cytomegalovirus Plasma4
Human Papillomavirus-16 Methanol-preserved cultured human cells containing full-length HPV episomal DNA5
Bacterial Targets  
Bordetella pertussis Swab6
Chlamydophila pneumoniae Swab6
Chlamydophila psittaci Swab6
Coxiella burnetii Swab6
Legionella pneumophila Swab6
Mycoplasma pneumoniae Swab6
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Sputum7
Campylobacter jejuni Stool8
Salmonella enteritidis Stool8
Yersinia enterocolitica Stool8
Clostridium difficile Stool8
Chlamydia trachomatis Urine9
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Urine9
Staphylococcus aureus External Run Control10
Other Targets
Candida albicans Positive Extraction Control11
Compatible Matrices Tested Swabs (UTM®/VTM)
Cerebrospinal Fluid

Table 1: Pathogens that have already been tested using the sbeadex Pathogen Nucleic Acid Purification Kit.


Standards used for testing


1. AccuPlex™ SARS-CoV-2 Verification Panel - Full Genome, 0505-0168 (LGC SeraCare)




5. AccuTrak™ HPV Genotype Qualification Panel, QSH701 (2400-0161), (LGC SeraCare)





10. NATtrol™ S. aureus (MRSA) External Run Control, NATSAU(MRSA)-ERCM (Zeptometrix Corporation)

11. NATtrol Candida/TV Positive Control, NATCTVPOS-BD (Zeptometrix Corporation)

Note: Other sample matrices may also be used with this kit. Further testing on other pathogens and matrices is in progress and this table will be updated accordingly.


sbeadex Livestock DNA Purification Kits

Our universal solution for DNA purification, this kit serves as a comprehensive livestock DNA purification solution that requires only one kit for different livestock samples.


With its universal approach designed to streamline workflows, it provides DNA purification suitable for a wide range of downstream applications. The sbeadex Livestock DNA Purification Kit contains all of the components necessary to perform high-quality DNA purification. We offer our standard livestock DNA purification kit as well as a kit version that does not contain dangerous goods.


Types of applications include nucleic acid isolation from a variety of samples such as tissue, blood, hair, semen or saliva from different livestock (e.g. bovine, chicken, fish, dog, horse and sheep) - for genetic screening and livestock DNA testing in animal breeding as well as detection of genetic diseases in animals.

Technology and application data

The sbeadex livestock DNA testing kits have been used successfully with:

Sample type Animal species
  • Blood
  • Hair
  • Saliva
  • Semen
  • Tissue
  • Bovine
  • Chicken
  • Dog
  • Fish
  • Goat
  • Horse
  • Sheep

sbeadex Forensic DNA Purification Kits

Purify DNA from a range of forensic material such as buccal swabs, hair roots, fingernails, whole blood and blood stains, saliva, tissue and semen. The sbeadex Forensic DNA Purification Kit stands out as a highly efficient magnetic bead-based solution. Easily modify batch size, lysis steps, and elution steps according to your requirements


We offer two kits tailored to meet your research requirements, a standard kit and a version without dangerous goods to ensure safety and regulatory compliance. Both kits are compatible with a variety of commonly used forensic sample types, ensuring the purity of the forensic DNA sample for subsequent processing.


sbeadex Blood DNA Purification Kits

Streamline your blood DNA purification workflow with the sbeadex Blood DNA Purification Kit. Using advanced magnetic bead technology, this kit excels in handling human blood samples.


Overcome the intricacies of blood samples with this standardised and robust nucleic acid purification solution. Resulting in ready-to-use samples, this kit is tailored for downstream applications, from genotyping to next generation sequencing (NGS). We offer our standard blood DNA purification kit as well as a kit version that does not contain dangerous goods to ensure safety and regulatory compliance.


sbeadex Plasmid DNA Purification Kit

Streamline your plasmid DNA extraction with our sbeadex Plasmid DNA Purification Kit. This kit efficiently purifies high-quality plasmid DNA, specifically optimised for E. coli strains commonly used in labs.


Our kit serves as a versatile tool for various applications, including cloning, restriction analysis, in vitro transcription, cell transformation/transfection, nucleic acid labelling, PCR, and DNA sequencing. Developed and optimised to obtain good yields of highly pure plasmids from smaller volumes of bacterial culture (1 mL), this kit provides a reliable foundation for advanced molecular biology.


sbeadex Tissue DNA Purification Kit

Unlock the potential of your research with the sbeadex Tissue DNA Purification Kit, designed to extract high-quality DNA from a diverse range of human and animal tissue materials.


Experience efficient DNA purification in just one hour, preparing high-quality DNA for seamless downstream processing. Compatible with a diverse range of sample types from skin and lung to muscle, spleen, mouse tails, and ear punches, this kit leverages magnetic bead-based technology, ensuring a streamlined and efficient DNA purification process for reliable and consistent results.

Technology and application data

sbeadex Tissue DNA Purification Kits have been successfully used with:

  • Mouse tails
  • Mouse lung
  • Ear punches
  • Skin
  • Spleen
  • Muscle

sbeadex PCR Clean-Up Kit

Efficiently remove nucleic acid contaminants during a standard PCR with our PCR Clean Up Kit. Components of the polymerase chain reaction such that primers, unincorporated nucleotides, enzymes and other contaminations are efficiently removed during the purification process due to the chemical specificity and physical size of our sbeadex particles. 


Ensure the purity of your PCR products in sensitive downstream applications with our PCR Clean Up Kit. Highly purified PCR products within 1 hour with minimal set-up time and ready-to-use buffers. Driven by magnetic bead technology, this kit efficiently eliminates post PCR contaminants, resulting in PCR products with superior quality.


sbeadex PCR clean-up kit resources

Title Type
sbeadex PCR clean-up Kit Manual
sbeadex forensic PCR clean-up Application note
sbeadex forensic PCR clean-up safety data sheets  SDS

Explore our diverse selection of sbeadex kits


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