Flex-Seq panels are designed using well characterised industry standard content to deliver expedited turnaround times at a lower price. Panels can be easily and affordably adjusted over time, with changes to marker density and addition/removal of markers to flexibly and cost effectively design the ideal panel for your breeding programme.
Experienced scientists are available to discuss and deliver your genotyping needs.
Talk to us today and accelerate your genotyping journey.
Ready to use panels
- Growing list of pre-designed panels
- Designed against well characterised industry standard content
- Can be used as is or customised to your needs
Animal |
Poultry 3K |
Poultry 25K |
Porcine 3K |
Bovine 7K |
Bovine 24K |
Plant | ||
Blueberry 22K | Cranberry 17K | Radiata Pine |
Cannabis 12K | Douglas Fir 2.5K | Scotts Pine 3K |
Coffee 2K | Maize 28K | Strawberry 3K |
Maize 17K | Soy 5.5K | Cotton 3K |
Potato 22K | Sugarcane 17K |
To find out how the Flex-Seq design process enables the discovery of new SNPs and structural variants in flanking sequences of targeted SNPs, increasing the power of genomic selection visit Flex-Seq.
Animal panels
- 3,005 DNA loci evenly spaced throughout the genome
- Selected from known informative porcine SNP data
- Designed for routine breeding objectives including genomic selection, imputation, marker-assisted selection and parentage analysis
Porcine 3K panel performance. Showing uniformity of >98%, loci recovery of >98% and 99% of Sequencing Reads on target.
Porcine 3K panel uniformity. As the plots for all three samples shown are relatively flat, uniformity is high with targets each obtaining similar numbers of reads.
- Targeted genotyping scaled to your specific goal or application
- Library of > 46,000 loci selected by the cattle industry
- Can be streamlined to meet specific requirements
- 24K panel and 7K panels available off the shelf to guide genomic selection or marker-assisted selection within herds
- Library of >16,000 loci designed for selection
- Contains >3,000 loci available for off the shelf use
- Loci selected based on relevance to the poultry industry to ensure data generated is informative to breeders
Poultry 3K panel uniformity. This panel demonstrates high uniformity across multiple individual samples (indicated by different coloured datapoints).
Plant panels
- Maize 17K panel is focused on the most informative variations in the maize genome
- Content selected to generate quality data from industry-proven sites of polymorphic alleles
- Delivers targeted genotyping with a balance of power, efficiency, and ease of customisation
- Includes 3,000 loci
- Matches the content of industry standard SNP arrays1
- Shows 98% agreement with WGS
- Designed for genomic selection and imputation
Cotton 3K panel uniformity. This panel demonstrates high uniformity across multiple individual samples.
- Potato 22K panel is focused on the most informative variations in the potato genome
- Panel includes potato virus Y resistance and maturity
- Delivers targeted genotyping with a balance of power, efficiency, and ease of customisation
Don’t see exactly what you are looking for?
Custom Flex-Seq genotyping panels can be developed using 3 easy steps