Configure custom research-grade oligos for any application, including unlabeled PCR primers, highly modified oligos, or DNA/RNA hybrid sequences, with our extensive selection of nucleic acid derivatives and specialty oligo building blocks.

Key benefits:
- ISO 9001:2015-certified quality management system
- 1000+ oligo modifications
- Proprietary oligo synthesis instrumentation
- Demonstrated ability to deliver high quality complex oligos
Configure and order custom oligos
Order online: Use the Order now tab to configure and order your oligo(s) using our online tool. Select from one of our three distinct synthesis scales (50 nmol, 200 nmol, 1 μmol).
Excel order form: If you are ordering many oligos or require orders of >1 μmol synthesis scale, consider using the Build Your Oligo excel order form with online upload and email submission options.
Save time. Use the appropriate ordering option for the type of oligo you need.
Use the Order now tab on this page for unlabelled PCR primers and oligos that don’t fall into the categories below. Use the following links to order these types of oligos:
Choose from a diverse menu of oligo options
Configure bespoke oligos specific to your application with access to more than 1,000 modifications. Popular functional groups include:
- Amine
- Biotin
- Fluorophore
- Linkage
- Non-standard base
- Phosphate
- Quencher
- Spacer
- Standard base
- Thiol
Modifications Fluorophores and quenchers
We offer several purification strategies ranging from Dual HPLC to salt-free. Following our recommendations, select the appropriate option based on the required purity that is optimal for your application.
Tips for configuring your oligo
RNA bases
Indicate the insertion of an RNA base by typing [rA], [rC], [rG[ or [rU] in the Excel order form or by selecting from the Internal Modification drop down menu in the online configurator. If your oligo sequence is entirely RNA, you can convert to RNA by clicking the Convert to RNA button in the online configurator.
Adding internal modifications
- When using the online oligo configurator, add internal modifications by selecting from the Internal Modifications drop down menu. The internal modification will be inserted at the point of the cursor.
- When using the Excel order form, internal modifications can be copied from the list provided in the Excel order form.
- Adding an internal modification annotated by T(...) indicates that a Thymidine base is attached to the internal modification. Please note that an additional T base will be introduced into the sequence when adding such an internal modification.
Building oligos with wobble/degenerate bases
To ensure the most efficient processing of your oligo, use IUPAC code when entering wobble/degenerate bases in the Sequence Entry field instead of using parentheses, e.g. (A/G), (A/G/C/T), etc.
Synthesis scale vs. amount delivered
Delivered amounts are lower than synthesis scale. The final yield (amount delivered) of the oligo is determined by the combination of the modifications requested, the complexity of the oligo design and the stringency of purification selected.
Standard synthesis scales
50 nmol (small)
200 nmol (medium)
1 μmol (large)
For synthesis scales larger than 1 μmol, please specify the exact yield delivered in the notes field in the Excel order form.